16 Nov 2017

Eurex Clearing

CCP Release 14.0: Features for production launch on 20 November 2017

As already announced in Eurex Clearing circular 072/17, the launch of CCP Release 14.0 is scheduled to take place on 20 November 2017.

The following features will be introduced in production on 20 November 2017:

  1. Improvement of Clearstream Banking Frankfurt’s (CBF’s) Cash Forecast
  2. New Timing of Report “CE250 - Partial Delivery Deviating Cash Amount”

Further, the technical introduction of the following functionality will take place on the same date in production:

  1. Introduction of Exposure Netting Functionality for Non-cash Collateralized Loan Transactions for Eurex Clearing’s Lending CCP service

The functional introduction is scheduled for 11 December 2017.