Clearing Activity

Collateral Management Support

Eurex Clearing offers various Client Asset Protection (CAP) models where it is possible to segregate a Clearing Member’s own collateral assets from its clients’ assets or separate clients’ assets from other clients’ assets. For more information on the different segregation models please refer to: Segregation Models.

CAP is achieved through the concept of collateral pools in the collateral application. 
A collateral pool holds securities and/or cash collateral used to cover the margin requirements associated to that pool as demonstrated in the image below:

Collateral Mngt

  • Security collateral is held in dedicated securities accounts at the respective (I)CSD and it is pledged or title transferred to Eurex Clearing. Alternatively, it can be provided via the triparty collateral management systems CmaX (CBL).
  • Cash collateral is provided to Eurex Clearing by way of full title transfer. Because all cash transactions are transferred into a single account at Eurex Clearing, segregation is achieved on the clearing house level using the record-keeping of Eurex Clearing. 

For more information, please refer to: Collateral

The collateral management functions are performed via the C7 Clearing GUI, CMS Menu Switch. 


Cash Collateral

Eurex Clearing accepts cash in four currencies as cash collateral to satisfy intraday margin calls: EUR, CHF, USD, and GBP.

JPY can be provided as an additional cash collateral currency with T-2 pre-advice; no intraday margin calls will be issued in JPY.

Different processes will be triggered depending on the Auto Repay and Permanent Cash Balance Set-Up for each collateral pool. 


Further information please visit: Cash Collateral.

Securities Collateral

Eurex Clearing accepts a wide range of ISINs as security collateral. To get an overview of the eligible ISINs please visit our Risk parameters and initial margins section and open the file “Admissible securities”.


Further information please visit: Securities Collateral.

Triparty Collateral (Claims)  

Members using Clearstream Banking’s triparty collateral management system CmaX (CBL) can deliver securities collateral to Eurex Clearing by entering claim amounts in CmaX. CmaX automatically allocates securities collateral according to pre-defined eligibility criteria. 

  • Claim increases must be made directly in CmaX. The claim increases will then be processed automatically via communication between the CmaX and Eurex Clearing. After a claim increase has been received at Eurex Clearing, collateral balances will be updated accordingly. 
  • Claim decreases must be made directly in CmaX. For claim decreases, the approval of the clearing house is always required as the member’s collateral must be sufficient to cover margin requirements at all times. Upon a member's decrease request via Cmax, Eurex Clearing checks that the decrease would not result in a shortfall. If this is the case, Eurex Clearing will approve the requested claim decrease and update collateral balances accordingly. 

For more information on collateral management topics please refer to the “C7 - Collateral Management Functional Reference Guide” on our website under: Support > Initiatives > C7 Releases > System documentation.

Further information please visit: Tri-party Collateral Services.


Eurex Frankfurt AG
Customer Technical Support / Technical Helpdesk

Service times from Monday 01:00 – Friday 22:00 CET
(no service on Saturday and Sunday)

Please contact your Technical Account Manager via your personal VIP number which can be found in the Member Section.

T +49-69-211-VIP / +49-69-211-1 08 88 (all)

Eurex Clearing AG | worldwide
Helpdesk Securities Clearing

Service times from 07:00 – 19:00 CET
(no service on Saturday and Sunday)

T +49-69-211-1 19 40
F +49-69-211-1 43 34

Eurex Clearing AG
Helpdesk Derivatives Clearing

Service times from 01:00 – 22:30 CET
(no service on Saturday and Sunday)

T +49-69-211-1 12 50
F +49-69-211-1 43 34

Eurex Clearing AG
CCP Risk Management / Risk Exposure Management

Service times from 01:00 – 22:30 CET
(no service on Saturday and Sunday)

T +49-69-211-1 24 52
F +49-69-211-1 84 40