26 Apr 2024

Eurex Clearing

Eurex Clearing Readiness Newsflash | Reporting by Eurex Clearing according to Art 9 EMIR - Split and naming of EMIR REFIT Mirror Files

Eurex Clearing Readiness Newsflash | Reporting by Eurex Clearing according to Art 9 EMIR - Split and naming of EMIR REFIT Mirror Files

Dear customer,

With this newsflash, Eurex Clearing would like to inform you about a required split of big mirror files for ETD Transactions and Positions and a change in the file naming pattern of the XML Files.

As of 29 April 2024, Eurex Clearing will provide mirror files per Clearing Member via Common Report Engine (CRE) in standard ISO 20022 XML format. They will include all reported records and all values from Eurex Clearing’s perspective, e.g., Counterparty 1 (Reporting counterparty) = Eurex Clearing, Counterparty 2 = Clearing Member.

Testing showed that for big ETD transaction files Eurex Clearing needs to split the files into multiple files. Initially, this change will only be implemented for ETD Transactions and ETD Position reports.
File naming patterns will be as follows:

ZIP files:
The zip file naming convention is: (Environment)(FileType)(ClearingMemberCode)(COBdate)

Example: '00RPTETDTRABCFR20240429.XML.ZIP'

XML files:
The xml file naming convention is: (Environment)(FileType)(ClearingMemberCode)(COBdate)(SequenceSuffix).xml

Example for a file split into two files:


Instead of having one ZIP file containing one XML file, customers with significant amount of transaction records exceeding 50.000 records, will receive still one ZIP file with the same naming convention but it could contain more XML files with a sequence suffix for every file (001, 002, 003…).

To summarize, in production the following six types of mirror reports will be submitted daily:

  • ECAG EMIR ETD transactions:

00RPTETDTRClearingMemberCodeCoBdateSequenceSuffix.XML in the zip folder 00RPTETDTRClearingMemberCodeCoBdate.XML.ZIP with the SequenceSuffix having three characters, e.g., 001, 002, etc.

Example: 00RPTETDTRABCFR20240429001.XML in the zip folder 00RPTETDTRABCFR20240429.XML.ZIP

  • ECAG EMIR ETD positions:

00RPTETDPOClearingMemberCodeCoBdateSequenceSuffix.XML in the zip folder 00RPTETDPOClearingMemberCodeCoBdate.XML.ZIP with the SequenceSuffix having three characters, e.g., 001, 002, etc.

  • ECAG EMIR OTC trades:

00RPTOTCTRClearingMemberCodeCoBdate.XML in the zip folder 00RPTOTCTRClearingMemberCodeCoBdate.XML.ZIP

Example: 00RPTOTCTRABCFR20240429.XML in the zip folder


  • Valuation ETD:

00RPTETDVAClearingMemberCodeCoBdate.XML in the zip folder 00RPTETDVAClearingMemberCodeCoBdate.XML.ZIP

  • Valuation OTC:

00RPTOTCVAClearingMemberCodeCoBdate.XML in the zip folder 00RPTOTCVAClearingMemberCodeCoBdate.XML.ZIP

  • Collateral:

00RPTCOLLAClearingMemberCodeCoBdate.XML in the zip folder 00RPTCOLLAClearingMemberCodeCoBdate.XML.ZIP

The first mirror files for production start will have the business date 26 April 2024, and Eurex Clearing will make them available to its Clearing Members on CRE in the morning of 29 April 2024.

Kind regards,

Your Client Services Team

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All Clearing Members, ISA Direct Clearing Members, Disclosed Direct Clients of Eurex Clearing AG and vendors

Target groups:

Middle + Back Office

Related circular:

Eurex Clearing Circular 028/24


Web: > Support > Regulation