11 Jun 2024

Eurex Clearing

EurexOTC Clear: Production launch announcement of EurexOTC Clear Release 17.0

Eurex Clearing Circular 041/24: EurexOTC Clear: Production launch announcement of EurexOTC Clear Release 17.0

1. Introduction

With this circular, Eurex Clearing would like to announce the production launch of EurexOTC Clear Release 17.0 on Monday, 17 June 2024. All EurexOTC Clear Members are affected by the introduction of EurexOTC Clear Release 17.0.

Production start: 17 June 2024

Learn now more about the EurexOTC Clear Release 17.0 on our dedicated initiative page on the Eurex Clearing website under the following link:

Support > Initiatives & Releases > EurexOTC Clear Releases > EurexOTC Clear Release 17.0.

Circulars, timeline and additional information are available there for you.

2. Required action

The functions and services introduced with this release might have an impact on the report and FpML processing of EurexOTC Clear Members.

After the batch processing on Friday, 14 June 2024, reports are created based on EurexOTC Clear Release 16.0 format. Intraday and End-of-Day reports, that are created on Monday, 17 June 2024, start of business, will be created based on EurexOTC Clear Release 17.0 format.

3. Details of the initiative

A. Documentation for EurexOTC Clear Release 17.0

As announced with Eurex Clearing Circular 006/24 and documented in the “Functional Release Notes”, there are enhancements and changes relevant for OTC IRS Swap and FXNDF Participants.

Further details on enhancements and changes can be found in the functional and technical documentation which is updated with EurexOTC Clear Release 17.0. The “OTC Procedures Manual”, the final version of all documents, samples, and XSD files are available in the Member Section of Deutsche Börse Group under the following directory:

Resources > Eurex Clearing > Documentation & Files > EurexOTC Clear > System documentation

B. Changes to be introduced with EurexOTC Clear Release 17.0

  • Introduction of Inflation Linked Asset Swaps
  • A new field “ReportTrackingNumber” for OTC trade notification messages
  • Processing of Clearing Broker Take-up requests outside of Eurex Clearing service hours
  • Report changes
  • GUI changes
  • API Changes

Detailed information about each release item has been published on the respective Support page under the following link: Support > Initiatives & Releases > EurexOTC Clear Releases > EurexOTC Clear Release 17.0 and has been documented in the Functional Release Notes.

In connection with the introduction, please also consider the “EurexOTC Clear Release Known Limitations” list, which has already been updated and published in the Member Section of Deutsche Börse Group under the following path:

Resources > Eurex Clearing > Documentation & Files > EurexOTC Clear > General question log & Known limitations

Unless the context requires otherwise, terms used and not otherwise defined in this circular shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the Clearing Conditions or FCM Clearing Conditions of Eurex Clearing AG, as applicable.

Further information


All Clearing Members, ISA Direct Clearing Members, Disclosed Direct Clients, FCM Clearing Members of Eurex Clearing AG and vendors  

Target groups:

Front Office/Trading, Middle + Backoffice, IT/System Administration, Auditing/Security Coordination  

Related Circular:

Eurex Clearing Circular 006/24

Related Eurex Clearing Readiness Newsflashes:

EurexOTC Clear Release 17.0: Additional documentation available from 24 April 2024;
EurexOTC Clear Release 17.0: Readiness Statement submission from 21 May 2024



Support > Initiatives & Releases > EurexOTC Clear Releases > EurexOTC Clear Release 17.0

Authorized by:

Dmitrij Senko