Rules & Regs

2. FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

01 Jul 2024

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

FCM Default Rules


02 May 2024

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

FCM Regulations Chapter I


20 Nov 2023

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

FCM Regulations Chapter II


03 Feb 2020

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Appendix 1 to the FCM Regulations


20 Sep 2021

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Appendix 2 to the FCM Regulations


17 Sep 2018

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Appendix 3 to the FCM Regulations


Amendment history

01 Jul 2024

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the Clearing Conditions and the FCM Default Rules of Eurex Clearing AG – Consultation

FCM Default Rules


02 May 2024

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM Regulations Chapter I


02 Apr 2024

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the Clearing Conditions and FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG – End of Consultation

FCM Regulations Chapter I


01 Mar 2024

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the Clearing Conditions and the FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG – Consultation

FCM Regulations Chapter I


20 Nov 2023

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

EurexOTC Clear Release 16.0: Amendments to the Clearing Conditions and the FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM Regulations Chapter II


03 Jul 2023

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the Clearing Conditions, the Price List, the FCM Default Rules and the FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG – Consultation

FCM Default Rules


03 Jul 2023

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

EurexOTC Clear Release 15.0: Amendments to the Clearing Conditions and FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG

Chapter II


08 May 2023

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

EurexOTC Clear – New products launch: A. Introduction of Czech Koruna (CZK) and Hungarian Forint (HUF) Interest Rate Derivatives; B. Editorial changes to the Clearing Conditions and FCM Regulations for the new products

FCM Default Rules Chapter II


01 May 2023

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

009/2023 Amendments to the Clearing Conditions, the Price List, the FCM Default Rules and the FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG – Consultation

FCM Default Rules


24 Apr 2023

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

EurexOTC Clear: Amendments to the Clearing Conditions and FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG related to USD LIBOR Trade Conversion

FCM Regulations Chapter II


03 Apr 2023

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

ESG transformation transparency: Introduction of Eurex ESG Clearing Compass

FCM Regulations Chapter I


03 Apr 2023

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the Clearing Conditions, the Price List, the FCM Default Rules and the FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG – Consultation

FCM Regulations Chapter II


12 Feb 2023

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the Clearing Conditions of Eurex Clearing - Consultation - Implementation of Article 9 (14) of Regulation (EU) 2021/23 (“Second Skin in the Game”)

FCM Default Rules


23 Jan 2023

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

MSCI derivatives: Extension of fee reduction; Amendments to the OTC legal framework of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM Regulations Chapter II


21 Nov 2022

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

EurexOTC Clear Release 14.0: Amendments to the Clearing Conditions and FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM Regulations Chapter II


26 Sep 2022

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

EurexOTC Clear: Introduction of Additional Validations for Bunched Order Workflow and adoption of Advanced Risk Netting Units under EMIR as well as LSOC Clearing Models: Amendments to the Clearing Conditions and FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM Regulations Chapter I


12 Aug 2022

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Implementation of Regulatory Requirements stipulated by the CCP Recovery and Resolution Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2021/23) into the Legal Framework of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM Default Rules


01 Aug 2022

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the Legal Framework of Eurex Clearing on Hedging Auction - End of Consultation

FCM Default Rules


15 Jul 2022

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the legal framework of Eurex Clearing AG with respect to the introduction of the ISA Direct Indemnified Model (legal term: “ISA Direct Indemnified Provisions”) – End of Consultation

FCM Regulations Chapter I


15 Jul 2022

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the legal framework of Eurex Clearing AG with respect to the introduction of the ISA Direct Indemnified Model (legal term: “ISA Direct Indemnified Provisions”) – End of Consultation

FCM Regulations Chapter II


15 Jul 2022

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the legal framework of Eurex Clearing AG with respect to the introduction of the ISA Direct Indemnified Model (legal term: “ISA Direct Indemnified Provisions”) – End of Consultation

FCM Default Rules


27 Jun 2022

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the Clearing Conditions and FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM-Regulations Chapter II


28 Mar 2022

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

EurexOTC Clear Release 12.1 and adoption of 2021 ISDA Interest Derivatives Definitions version 3 and version 4: Amendments to the Clearing Conditions and FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM-Regulations Chapter II


01 Mar 2022

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the legal framework of Eurex Clearing AG, Consultation regarding amendments to the Default Management Committee Rules

FCM Regulations Chapter I


12 Feb 2022

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Implementation of Article 9 of Regulation (EU) 2021/23 into the Legal Framework of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM Regulations Chapter II


22 Nov 2021

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

EurexOTC Clear Release 12.0 and C7 Release 8.0: Amendments to the Clearing Conditions and FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM-Regulations Chapter II


04 Oct 2021

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Eurex OTC Clear Release 11.3 and 12.0: Amendments to the Clearing Conditions and FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM Regulations Chapter II


04 Oct 2021

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Eurex OTC Clear Release 11.3 and 12.0: Amendments to the Clearing Conditions and FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM Regulations Chapter I


01 Aug 2021

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the Clearing Conditions, FCM Regulations and the Price List of Eurex Clearing AG; Introduction of a simplified Security Collateral Fee Scheme 2021-2022

FCM Regulations Chapter I


28 Jun 2021

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

EurexOTC Clear Release 11.2: Amendments to the Clearing Conditions and FCM Regulations

FCM Regulations Chapter I


28 Jun 2021

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

EurexOTC Clear Release 11.2: Amendments to the Clearing Conditions and FCM Regulations

FCM Regulations Chapter II


03 May 2021

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

FCM Regulations Chapter II

FCM Default Rules


01 Mar 2021

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the Clearing Conditions, the Default Management Committee Rules, the FCM Regulations and the Price List of Eurex Clearing AG - Consultation

FCM Default Rules


25 Jan 2021

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to Eurex Clearing’s Clearing Conditions and FCM Regulations with respect to the new ISDA IBOR Fallbacks Supplement

FCM Regulations Chapter II


30 Dec 2020

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the Clearing Conditions of Eurex Clearing AG - End of Consultation

FCM Regulations Chapter I


30 Dec 2020

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the Clearing Conditions of Eurex Clearing AG - End of Consultation

FCM Default Rules


01 Dec 2020

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendment to the Clearing Conditions and the FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM Regulations Chapter I


17 Oct 2020

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the Clearing Conditions and FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM Regulations Chapter II


17 Oct 2020

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the Clearing Conditions and FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM Regulations Chapter I


01 Sep 2020

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the Clearing Conditions of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM Regulations Chapter I


01 Sep 2020

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the Clearing Conditions of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM Regulations Chapter I


24 Jul 2020

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the Clearing Conditions and FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM Regulations Chapter II


07 Jul 2020

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the Clearing Conditions and FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM Regulations Appendix 2


01 Jun 2020

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the Clearing Conditions, to the Clearing Agreement and to the FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM Regulations Chapter I


04 May 2020

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Introduction of Advanced Risk Netting Units and other amendments to the Clearing Conditions and FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM Regulations Chapter II


04 May 2020

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Introduction of Advanced Risk Netting Units and other amendments to the Clearing Conditions and FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM Regulations Chapter I


02 Mar 2020

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the Clearing Conditions, to the Clearing Agreement and to the FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM Regulations Chapter I


10 Feb 2020

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

OTC Derivatives: Amendments to the Clearing Conditions and to the FCM Regulations

FCM Regulations Chapter II


03 Feb 2020

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM Regulations Chapter I


03 Feb 2020

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM Regulations Chapter II


03 Feb 2020

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM Regulations Appendix I


18 Nov 2019

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Eurex OTC Clear Release 10.0: Amendments to the Clearing Conditions and FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM Regulations Chapter II


01 Oct 2019

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the Clearing Conditions and FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM Regulations Chapter II


19 Sep 2019

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Eurex OTC Clear: Introduction of Capitalab as an additional Compression Provider - Amendments to the Clearing Conditions and the FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM Regulations Chapter II


19 Aug 2019

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Extension of the LSOC service offering of Eurex Clearing AG and amendments to the FCM Regulations

FCM Regulations Chapter I


01 Aug 2019

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM Regulations Chapter I


01 Aug 2019

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the FCM Regulations of Eurex Clearing AG

Appendix 1 to the FCM Regulations 


19 Jun 2019

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the Clearing Conditions, the FCM Regulations and the Price List of Eurex Clearing AG

FCM Regulations Chapter II


02 May 2019

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the FCM Regulations: introduction of bunched order clearing and further minor changes

FCM Regulations Chapter II


02 May 2019

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the FCM Regulations: introduction of bunched order clearing and further minor changes

FCM Regulations Chapter I 


02 May 2019

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the FCM Regulations: introduction of bunched order clearing and further minor changes

Appendix 2 to the FCM Regulations 


02 May 2019

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the FCM Regulations: introduction of bunched order clearing and further minor changes

FCM Regulations Chapter I


01 Apr 2019

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the Clearing Conditions, FCM Regulations and other documents of Eurex Clearing AG – Consultation

Appendix 1 to the FCM Regulations


01 Apr 2019

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the Clearing Conditions, FCM Regulations and other documents of Eurex Clearing AG – Consultation

FCM Regulations Chapter I


11 Mar 2019

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the Clearing Conditions and FCM Regulations: Introduction of possible actions in case of a market disorder, impossibility and force majeure

FCM Regulations Chapter I


03 Dec 2018

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the Clearing Conditions of Eurex Clearing AG including FCM Rules, introduction and extension of fee waiver

FCM Regulations Chapter II


12 Nov 2018

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

FCM Regulations Chapter II

Amendments to the FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules of Eurex Clearing AG


12 Nov 2018

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

FCM Regulations Chapter I

Amendments to the FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules of Eurex Clearing AG


12 Nov 2018

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

FCM Default Rules

Amendments to the FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules of Eurex Clearing AG


17 Sep 2018

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

FCM Regulations Chapter I (new document)

Renewal of FCM Regulations; Amendments to the Clearing Conditions and the Price List of Eurex Clearing AG; Consultation on amendments to Special Provisions


17 Sep 2018

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

FCM Regulations Chapter II (new document)

Renewal of FCM Regulations; Amendments to the Clearing Conditions and the Price List of Eurex Clearing AG; Consultation on amendments to Special Provisions


17 Sep 2018

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Appendix 1 to the FCM Regulations (new document)

Renewal of FCM Regulations; Amendments to the Clearing Conditions and the Price List of Eurex Clearing AG; Consultation on amendments to Special Provisions


17 Sep 2018

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Appendix 2 to the FCM Regulations (new document)

Renewal of FCM Regulations; Amendments to the Clearing Conditions and the Price List of Eurex Clearing AG; Consultation on amendments to Special Provisions


17 Sep 2018

Rules and Regulations | FCM Regulations and FCM Default Rules

Appendix 3 to the FCM Regulations (new document)

Renewal of FCM Regulations; Amendments to the Clearing Conditions and the Price List of Eurex Clearing AG; Consultation on amendments to Special Provisions
