Initiatives & Releases

C7 CAS Releases

Release 2.270

With the introduction of the C7 CAS Release 2.270, Eurex Clearing wants to improve the user experience for its clients by introducing new functionality and a new design for the Client Administration Service.

Simulation start: 07 January 2022
Production start: 17 January 2022

Release Items/Participants Requirements



Action Item

New UI Design

A new UI has been introduced to match the Eurex look and feel.

No action required.

Multiple Segregation Change Requests per Clearing Model

It is now possible to create multiple segregation change requests for the same Clearing Member and clearing model at a time. This means it is possible to enter a change request individually for each DC (or a selection of clients).

For further details, please refer to our user guide: Multiple Segregation Change Requests.

No action required.

Introduction of the new tab “Changes” in Segregation Change Requests

Changes within the segregation change request are now listed in detail in the new tab (Changes).

No action required.

Clone Functionality

It is now possible to clone a rejected/cancelled segregation change request without any manual effort. This means you can reopen that specific change request and continue working.

Such a re-opened segregation change request includes all changes, that were previously entered in the rejected/cancelled request.

No action required.

Model Harmonization

Under “Models” clients can view their current setup for the specific clearing model. All models have a harmonized form of presentation.

No action required.

Whats next?

Have a look at the Cross-Project-Calendar and know what’s next.



Eurex Frankfurt AG
Key Account Management

Service times from 09:00 - 18:00 CET

T +49-69-211-10 333