Initiatives & Releases

C7 CAS Releases

Release 2.271

With the introduction of the C7 CAS Release 2.271, Eurex Clearing wants to further improve the user experience for its clients by introducing new functionality in the  Client Administration Service.

Simulation start: 10 March 2022
Production start: 14 March 2022


Release Items/Participants Requirements



Action Item

Removal of ETD market attributes "Auto Close Out" and "Use ZCQ" from edit account view

With this release, the ETD market attributes "Auto Close Out" and "Use ZCQ" will be removed from C7 CAS. These values can be maintained directly in the C7 system.

No action required.

ISA Model

The ISA Model view has been improved to capture fund attributes. The complete data of funds is now available for Clearing Members.

No action required.

Comment field for rejected change requests

The introduction of a comment field for rejected change requests, will allow Eurex Clearing to inform clients why a change request was rejected.

No action required.

Improvement of segregation change request overview

In the section segregation change request overview, the Member IDs of affected clients will be shown. Additionally, a search functionality will be introduced for a better user experience. 

No action required.

Overview of cloned segregation change requests

When cloning a segregation change request, the change request ID of the original/cloned request will be shown in the overview next to the new Change Request. This will help to keep track of cloned change requests.

No action required.

Export functionality for client data

Client have now the possibility to download in the clearing models overview all client data belonging to the respective clearing model.

No action required. 

Whats next?

Have a look at the Cross-Project-Calendar and know what’s next.



Eurex Frankfurt AG
Key Account Management

Service times from 09:00 - 18:00 CET

T +49-69-211-10 333