Initiatives & Releases

C7 CAS Releases

Release 2.272

With the introduction of the C7 CAS  Release 2.272, Eurex Clearing further improves the user experience for Clearing Members by introducing new functionality in the Client Administration Service . 

Simulation start: 28 June 2022
Production start: 21 July 2022

Release Items/Participants Requirements



Action Item

Flexible selection of Position Accounts

With this release, OTC IRS and ETD clients will be able to request only the position accounts that are needed, e.g. clients can request a subset of A2-A9 account.

No action required.

LSOC Model view harmonization

To reduce complexity, the LSOC Model view has been harmonized with the views of the other clearing models. Eurex Clearing will also introduce a search field for Position Accounts in a Segregation Change Request. It will be possible to search for the LEI, Member ID, Account Name and Pool Name.

No action required.

Collateral Pledge Account changes

With this release, the changes resulting from the decommissioning of  Xemac will be introduced: the Collateral Pledge Account information will be available in the "Securities Accounts" tab in the Segregation Change Request.

No action required.

Whats next?

Have a look at the Cross-Project-Calendar and know what’s next.



Eurex Frankfurt AG
Key Account Management

Service times from 09:00 - 18:00 CET

T +49-69-211-10 333