Initiatives & Releases

C7 Releases

C7 Release 7.1

With this release, Eurex Clearing migrated settlement prices from the legacy infrastructure into C7. Series generation included in this release is a necessary step in order to achieve this. Please note that the FIXML broker migration to Java has been postponed to the next release in November 2021.

New features, changes and improvements: 

  • Series Generation
  • Corporate Action Processing

Simulation start: 10 May 2021
Production start:  5 July 2021

C7 7.1 timeline (1)


Release Items/Participants Requirements



 Action Items

Series generation

Clearing Business Date @BizDt(715): are be added to contract add/change/delete messages.

Maturity Date @MatDt(541): are added to regular contracts in the contract add/change/delete messages and in broadcast messages for transaction and position management.

Sender Comp Id @SID(49): the value “CCP” is replaced by “ECAG” or “ECC”.

Clearing Members and ISVs need to check if their AMQP back office library is compatible with the C7 changes and make the necessary adjustments if required.

Decommission of "end-of-stream" messages

Members are advised to use the "end-of-assignment for all products" message.

Clearing Members and ISVs need to check if their AMQP back office library is compatible with the C7 changes and make the necessary adjustments if required.

Corporate Action Processing

New logic is applied to the physical delivery of options or futures subject to a corporate action:

  • The integer part of the trading unit will always be share-settled
  • The decimal part of the trading unit will always be cash-settled

Clearing Members and ISVs need to check if their AMQP back office library is compatible with the C7 changes and make the necessary adjustments if required.

Report changes

  • RPTTA111 “All Active/Inactive Series” are decommissioned and replaced by RPTTA711
  • RPTTA110 “Contract Maintenance” are decommissioned
  • RPTCA051 “Capital Adjustment Series” are decommissioned and replaced by RPTRC100

Legacy reports are generated for the last time after EOD on Friday 2 July 2021. Also new reports are generated in production after EOD on Friday 2 July 2021. On that date, clients are advised to store the legacy report but consume the new report.


Eurex's reporting solution! It allows a greater flexibility and meets the needs of today’s high frequency and algorithmic trading.

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Eurex Frankfurt AG
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Eurex Frankfurt AG
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Service times from 09:00 - 18:00 CET