
Our clients are interested in an alternative solution to clear OTC interest rate swaps within Europe. Eurex Clearing's ISA Direct offers significant benefits in the domain of counterpart exposure and balance sheet management. We are pleased to extend our clearing services on Eurex and welcome the partnership proposal as a positive development for the market.

             Alexander Jacobs,
             Head of OTC Derivatives at ABN AMRO Clearing


We are very pleased to be involved in this initiative in order to support our customers in their business.

 Julio Sobremazas,
Global Head of Interest Rates at BBVA


We welcome the broad market support as a design partner for the Eurex Clearing partnership program. This market-led initiative will bring greater choice, transparency and competition to the market place and benefit our global client base.

Jerome Kemp,
                                Global Head of Futures, Clearing and Collateral at Citigroup


We welcome this initiative which is a positive step towards greater client choice, flexibility and portfolio diversification when looking to navigate the current regulatory landscape.

Nikolaus Giesbert,
Divisional Board Member Fixed Income & Currencies at Commerzbank


Deutsche Bank has engaged early as a design partner in the program. Our global clients value choice and transparency and the program is designed to deliver this.

Dr. Stefan Hoops,
Global Co-Head of Institutional Client Group at Deutsche Bank


This program is a constructive contribution to help the market place navigate the political and regulatory challenges facing our industry.

Sam Wisnia,
Global Head of Rates and FX at Deutsche Bank


DZ BANK is highly appreciating the new market solution to support the development of an alternative liquidity pool in the EU. To be part of the EU based liquidity pool gives our customers and us the needed flexibility to deal with the prolonged uncertainty.

Michael Engbers,
                                 Head of Interest Rates Trading at DZ BANK


HSBC is pleased to be part of this initiative offering more transparency and choice to our clients and market participants. We see it as an important step for European derivative markets.

Christophe Rivoire,
Global Head of Rates at HSBC


This initiative will bring greater choice and transparency to the market as well providing the opportunity for greater risk diversification and resiliency. We view these as important developments to benefit all market participants.

Charles Bristow,
                                Co-Head of Global Rates Trading, J.P. Morgan


Liquidity is key to successfully build an alternative liquidity pool for OTC interest rate swaps. The partnership program sets the right focus points and incentives for further improving the price transparency and price quality for Eurex cleared swaps.

Dr. Thilo Roßberg,
                                Head of Fixed Income Currency & Commodity Markets at LBBW