Initiatives & Releases

C7 SCS Releases

C7 SCS Release 3.5

With the introduction of C7 SCS Release 3.5, Eurex Repo Trading Members will have the possibility to provide a CBF (Clearstream Banking AG, Frankfurt) account for settlement of Special Repo and GC Repo transactions in French, Italian and Spanish bonds that are T2S eligible. 

Additionally, the new report Monthly Fine Statement (CB227) as new instance of currently provided Monthly Fee Statement (CB350) will be introduced, providing fine related content.

Simulation start: 22 April 2024
Production start: 10 June 2024

C7 SCS Release 3.5

System Documentation


Release Items/Participants Requirements



Action Item

Additional place of settlement for Special Repo and GC Repo transactions 

Possibility to use CBF account for settlement of Special Repo and GC Repo transactions in French, Italian and Spanish bonds that are T2S eligible.

Additional CBF settlement account can be provided for Special Repo and GC Repo business.

Introduction of new Monthly Fine Statement (CB227)

The report provides two types of information - fine components that are only charged on a monthly basis and aggregated information of fine components that are charged on a daily basis.

This optional report can be ordered via form “SCS report selection for Clearing Member / Settlement Institution consolidated”, the internal report processing have to be changed accordingly.

Content change for Monthly Fee Statement (CB350)

The fine related content of CB350 will not be available in the report, as it is moved to the new report CB227.

Clients are asked to check verify internal processing of CB350.

Eurex Nordic Equity Options

Customer are able to use the physical settlement resulting from trading in equity options denominated in the currencies

  • Swedish krona (SEK) capacity group: "Physical SEK – CBF/T2S"
  • Danish krone (DKK)
    capacity group: "Physical DKK" and
  • Norwegian krone (NOK)
    capacity group: "Physical NOK" 

Customers willing to use the products that will be introduced as part of the Eurex Nordic Equity Options initiative need to adapt their setup.

Eurex Repo

Eurex Repo offered by Eurex Repo GmbH is the leading European marketplace for international secured funding and financing. It offers an integrated market for electronic trading, clearing, collateral management and settlement of repo transactions. Its GC Pooling is the European benchmark for standardized secured funding with central clearing.


Eurex Group’s central reporting solution. It allows a greater flexibility and meets the needs of today’s high frequency and algorithmic trading.

Are you looking for information on a previous initiative? We have stored information about our previous initiatives in our Archive for you! 


Eurex Frankfurt AG
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Eurex Frankfurt AG
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