13. Juli 2018

Eurex Clearing

EurexOTC Clear Release 9.0: Announcement and service enhancements to be introduced

With this circular, Eurex Clearing announces the introduction of service enhancements with EurexOTC Clear Release 9.0 on 3 December 2018. The timeline for the new release and the introduction of services is as follows:

Start of simulation: 17 October 2018
Introduction date: 3 December 2018

All functional changes will be reflected in the upcoming release documents, which will be published according to the attached “EurexOTC Clear – Communication Calendar”. The Communication Calendar is also available on the Eurex Clearing website in the Member Section under the following path:

Technology > EurexOTC Clear > System Documentation

Please note that the functions and services introduced might have an impact on Clearing Members’ internal processes. Therefore, it might be necessary for Clearing Members to update their internal processes and interfaces. In case of cooperation with back office vendors, Clearing Members should contact their third-party providers as soon as possible to ensure that the necessary adjustments can be made.

This circular contains a high level description of the changes and enhancements which will be introduced. For a detailed description of the changes, please refer to the technical documentation.

• EurexOTC Clear – Communication Calendar



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