
Focus Day: Trading European Volatility Markets: Daily Options & VSTOXX 2024

Virtual Focus Day – Part of the Derivatives Forum Frankfurt 2025

24. Okt. 2024 15:00

This Focus Day aims to provide insights into current market trends impacting short-dated options and the listed volatility markets in two parts.

The first part Daily Options will delve into the sources of trading volume in EURO STOXX 50 and DAX Daily Options. We will also identify which groups of investors are most actively participating in this market and analyze the strategies they are employing, as well as explore how Daily Options enhance the European volatility market. The second part of our Focus Day turns to VSTOXX. We look at the recent behavior of the European volatility benchmark in low and high volatility markets along with VSTOXX futures and options trading. Besides a close-up on the underlying index calculation this section focuses on the upcoming US election and the impact on European volatility markets. Our guests will share their views in insightful discussions in fireside chats and panel discussions.



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