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Varta AG : Delisting

On 21 July 2024, the company Varta AG has announced to notify the district court of Stuttgart that it would initiate a restructuring in accordance with the German Corporate Stabilization and Restructuring Act (StaRUG). Any restructuring plan would include a reduction of the company`s share capital to zero. Furthermore, trading in shares of Varta AG would be terminated promptly and permanently (delisting).

Further information on the restructuring plan can be found on the website of Varta AG.

Once the aforementioned restructuring steps, including the delisting of the Varta AG shares, become effective, trading in options and futures contracts on Varta AG shares would be terminated. According to the Eurex contract specifications, open positions will be cash settled at intrinsic value. Reference price would be the closing price of Varta AG shares on the last trading day. The cash settlement value will be determined as the difference of the closing price and the exercise price (call options) and vice versa (put options). With immediate effect no new contract maturities will be introduced.

We will keep you informed about the further procedure whenever changes or new information in the course of the transaction render this necessary.




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