15 Nov 2023


Eurex Exchange Readiness Newsflash | Activation of TES auto approval rules for EFP-Fin Trade types in SIMULATION for Fixed Income Government Bond Futures

Eurex Exchange Readiness Newsflash | Activation of TES auto approval rules for EFP-Fin Trade types in SIMULATION for Fixed Income Government Bond Futures

Dear Eurex Participant,

We would like to draw your attention to some updates on TES auto approval rules for Eurex Fixed Income Government Bond futures.

With effect of 16 November 2023, Eurex will activate in the SIMULATION environment the TES auto approval rules functionality for Exchange-for-Physical trade types (EFP-Fin) for the following Fixed Income Futures:

Contract Name

Product ID

Euro-Buxl® Futures


Euro-Bund Futures


Euro-Bobl Futures


Euro-Schatz Futures


Euro-BTP Futures


Mid term Euro-BTP-Futures


Short Term Euro-BTP-Futures




Mid-Term Euro-OAT-Futures


Euro-Bono Futures


The change above will allow Trading Participants to be able to test in SIMULATION the TES auto-approval rules functionality for exchange-for-physical financial trades (EFP-Fin) in Fixed Income Futures.

Ultimately, this change will enable Trading Participants to perform more straight through processing of their client off-book business.

If you have any further questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact your Key Account Manager or send an email to

Your Client Services Team

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All Trading Participants of Eurex Deutschland and Vendors

Target group: 

Eurex Central Coordinators, Front Office/Trading, IT/System Administration



Market Status


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We strongly recommend not to take any decisions based on the indications in the market status window but to always check the production news board for comprehensive information on an incident.

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