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Why should all eyes be on Europe in 2025?

Discover how global elections and macro events could shape European volatility. Download our event calendar to stay ahead of key potential influences in 2025.

German elections and DAX derivatives

Global exposure and anticipated volatility during the German elections



Product Diff. to prev. day last Last price Contracts Time
FGBL +0.77% 132.60 1,229,491 22:03:22
FGBM +0.41% 117.52 737,807 21:59:57
FGBS +0.16% 106.855 559,147 21:59:59
FBTP +0.37% 119.77 315,738 18:59:55
FOAT +0.44% 123.68 283,391 21:59:47
FGBX +1.86% 129.20 128,744 21:59:58


Product Diff. to prev. day last Last price Contracts Time
FESX -0.35% 5,452.00 643,311 22:03:54
FDAX -0.53% 22,258.00 42,153 22:03:54
FDXM -0.61% 22,248.00 39,290 22:03:54
FSMI +0.66% 12,866.00 24,517 21:59:58
FXXP +0.05% 551.90 95,260 21:59:59
FESB -0.09% 175.25 220,035 21:59:58
FVS +1.68% 18.20 25,680 21:59:58


Product Diff. to prev. day last Last price Contracts Time
FMWO -1.55% 12,201.00 7,011 21:59:52
FMWN -0.79% 596.85 2,428 21:49:12
FMEU +0.12% 367.55 5,411 20:15:29
FMEP +0.46% 185.80 0 18:43:26
FMEM +0.56% 615.90 589 18:43:25
FMEA +0.83% 729.60 3,058 18:43:25

Join our ESG Index Derivatives Lunch Seminar in Frankfurt

Facts, Funds and Food event series in cooperation with BVI Frankfurt on 4 March

Navigate market volatility with Micro and Mini-DAX Futures

Enrique Marti from iBroker and Vincenzo Zinna from Eurex explain how the Micro and Mini-DAX Futures broaden trading possibilities for global investors.

A Powerful Combination: Home Market Settlement & Option Vola Strategies

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