Initiatives & Releases

T7 Release 12.0

With T7 Release 12.0 the following enhancements will be introduced: 

  • MiFID II MiFIR enhancements
  • Introduction of a new Crossing Procedure and Pre-Arranged Trade Entry Possibility
  • Introduction of Total Return Futures Delta Neutral Strategies
  • Enhancements of the Transaction Size Limits regime
  • Usage of the Legal Entity Identification for the identification of the Buy-Side Disclosure Clients

Simulation start: 11 September 2023
Production start: 20 November 2023

T7 R12.0-01



We kindly ask all Trading Participants to submit the Readiness Statement for T7 Release 12.0 by Friday, 10 November 2023 latest. 

For your convenience a online submission process has been published. The online Readiness Statement is here available: Readiness Statement. Please enter your dedicated Eurex PIN in the online questionnaire. The PIN for your company has been sent to the Central Coordinator.

Release Items/Participants Requirements



Action Item

MiFID II MiFIR enhancements    

Eurex will introduce a dedicated validation scheme for the fields Execution ID, Investment Decision ID, and Client ID in all trading interfaces. The validation scheme relates to the submission requirements of the short code and algo ID information in the transactions. For easier readability, the term short code shall include the algo ID as well in the following sections.

Trading Members need to adapt to these changes and perform sufficient testing.

Introduction of a new Crossing Procedure and Pre-Arranged Trade Entry Possibility

Eurex will introduce a new crossing procedure and entry possibilities for on-exchange pre-arranged trades based on the Eurex Improve functionality. This will enable Trading Participants to provide all required information at the appropriate time while ensuring the time management and compliance of announcements as required by the Eurex Rules and Regulations for all participating orders.

Trading Members need to adapt to these changes and perform sufficient testing.

Introduction of Total Return Futures Delta Neutral Strategies

Eurex will enable its Trading Participants to trade an Index Total Return Future (TRF) in conjunction with the respective Price Index Future on that same Index simultaneously via the TES Entry Service. This new service will be called Delta Neutral Strategies.

Trading Members need to adapt to these changes and perform sufficient testing.

Enhancements of the Transaction Size Limits regime

Eurex will introduce the possibility to define Exception Transaction Size Limits (ETSLs) on the level of a TSL user group and product combination in addition to the existing ETSL definition for a user and product.

Trading Members intending to use this functionality should perform sufficient testing.

Usage of the Legal Entity (LEI) Identification for the identification of the Buy-Side Disclosure Clients

Eurex will enable Trading Participants and Buy-Side disclosure clients to use the LEI for the Buy-Side disclosure in addition to the 5-characters identification string. Please note that a Buy-Side Disclosure Client Identification can only either be a LEI or a 5-characters identification string.

Trading Members need to adapt to these changes and perform sufficient testing.

Eurex Initiatives Lifecycle

From the announcement till the rollout, all phases of the Eurex initiatives outlined on one page! Get an overview here and find other useful resources.


Eurex Frankfurt AG
Release Competence Center

Service times from Monday 09:00 – Friday 18:00 CET
(no service on Saturday and Sunday)

Are you looking for information on a previous initiative? We have stored information about our previous initiatives in our Archive for you!

Market Status


28 March 2025

10:38:46 PM

Production newsboard

The market status window is an indication regarding the current technical availability of the trading system. It indicates whether news board messages regarding current technical issues of the trading system have been published or will be published shortly.

Please find further information about incident handling in the Emergency Playbook published on the Eurex webpage under Support --> Emergencies and safeguards. Detailed information about incident communication, market re-opening procedures and best practices for order and trade reconciliation can be found in the chapters 4.2, 4.3 and 4.5, respectively. Concrete information for the respective incident will be published during the incident via newsboard message. 

We strongly recommend not to take any decisions based on the indications in the market status window but to always check the production news board for comprehensive information on an incident.

An instant update of the Market Status requires an enabled up-to date Java™ version within the browser.