We’ve got options. You’ve got choice.

ETF & ETC Derivatives

The ETF market has grown substantially over the last years. Therefore, Eurex established the broadest choice in ETF derivatives to give investors pinpoint hedging opportunities on the most successful ETFs of providers iShares, Xtrackers and WisdomTree.

The Equity offering consists on underlying European indexes like ETFs on EURO STOXX 50®, DAX®, STOXX® Europe 600 or MSCI Europe but also on iShares ETFs on S&P 500 as well as on FTSE 100.

The fixed income offering encompasses iShares ETFs on USD investment grade and high yield credit indexes alongside an iShares ETF on an emerging market debt index.

The commodities (ETC) offering covers underlyings such as precious metals and energy.

Key Benefits

Equity Index ETF Derivatives

  • On-screen liquidity and physical delivery
    Tradable volume of 3m notional on-screen for major benchmark ETFs. More volume is always available with a Request for Quote to the designated market makers. ETF options are settled physically.
  • Option strategies
    ETF options' physical settlement allows for an exact strategy implementation combined with the underlying without the additional spread costs of a possible cash-leg transaction.
  • Central Counterparty and margin efficiency
    Eurex Clearing guarantees a secure settlement as Central Counterparty and clients benefit from cross margin efficiencies.

Fixed Income ETF Derivatives

  • Volatility trading
    Fixed income ETF options allow for trading volatility on fixed income ETFs, depending on market conditions and market performance.
  • Managing exposure
    Allows investors to gain leveraged ETF exposure, hedge exposure to the index, and synthetically short the ETF.
  • Optimized portfolio management
    Enables flexible management of interest rate beta as a portfolio overlay.
  • European access
    Opens access to fixed income ETF options for investors looking for UCITS compliant products.

ETC Derivatives

  • Growing market
    The market for ETCs is growing fast, both in terms of volume invested and products available. Our commodity offering with futures and options on exchange traded commodities launched by ETF Securities comprises products on the ETCs Physical Gold and Crude Oil.
  • World's largest product
    The ETC Physical Gold is one of the world’s largest products with an AUM of more than 4 billion euros. It offers investors a simple, cost-efficient and secure way to access the gold market by providing a return equivalent to movements in the gold spot price.
  • ETC Crude Oil
    The ETC Crude Oil is designed to enable investors to get exposure to a total return investment in crude oil futures by tracking the Crude Oil Sub-IndexSM plus a collateral return.

All ETF & ETC product information in one file

Real-time feeds (when used with Bloomberg) | All product parameters | Underlying ticker | Links to ETF & ETF factsheets

Options on iShares Physical Gold

Good as gold: BlackRock and Eurex respond to growing customer demands with options that provide investors with harmonized contracts across the whole ETC product suite.

ETF TV video series


Eurex ETF Options

Spotlight on fixed income ETF options


Matthew Riley
Equity & Index Sales EMEA

T +44-20-78 62-72 13


Vassily Pascalis
Fixed Income Sales Europe

T +44-20-78 62-72 11


Valerie Gorkovenko

T +49-69-211-1 43 06


Nicolae Raulet
Equity & Index Product Design

T +44-20-78 62-72 74


Leon von Essen
FIC ETD Product Design

T +49-69-211-1 49 64
