Time spreads combine two different maturities for futures on the same underlying. At any time, three time spreads are supported for products subject to price/time matching:
- first month/second month (for example March/June)
- second month/third month (for example June/September)
- first month/third month (for example March/September)
The purchase of a combination means you buy the first (nearer to expiration) leg and sell the later leg, with the price limit reflecting the net price of the purchase and sale. For example, "Buy 5 MAR/JUN FDAX spreads at -25" represents an order to buy 5 March contracts and simultaneously sell 5 June contracts of the DAX® Futures. The prices of the purchase and the sale are individually unspecified, but the net of the price on the buy trade must be no greater than the price of the sell trade minus 25 points. The trader is not concerned with the price level of the contracts, but with the relationship between the two prices. If the order is filled, the trader is long the combination, i.e. he is long the nearby contract, but short the later contract.
Futures time spread combinations are fully integrated with the order books for the individual legs. Orders will automatically be matched against either the outright order books for the individual legs (sometimes called an 'implied-in' price) or the separate combination order book, depending on which book will yield the better price. For time spreads, it is possible to enter prices with an increment smaller than the tick size for single leg orders in the same product.
If the order is not immediately executed or cancelled, it enters the combination order book. Due to the integration of the combination book and the books for the individual legs, the open combination order will generate a synthetic price in the later leg.
The counterparties for the two legs may not be the same. Individual legs are treated as separate trades for position and transaction management purposes, although they are related to each other through their single order number.
If the conditions of the order book change, the synthetic prices will change accordingly.