Supporting the Euro market transition to a new risk-free rate
On 23 January 2023, Eurex has expanded its interest rate segment by launching the Three-Month Euro STR Futures (ESTR) referencing €STR. This launch marked an important milestone in establishing the €STR as the new benchmark risk-free rate and expands Eurex's EUR-denominated interest rates product offering.
With the launch of the Three-Month Euro STR Futures, Eurex offers a listed, centrally cleared, and cash-settled solution to trading or hedging the new risk-free rate. The contracts are based on the compounded €STR over a three-month period. They will complement Eurex Clearing's €STR Overnight Index Swap offering.
Eurex is committed to staying the home of the Euro yield curve with a highly efficient, fully fungible product portfolio that encompasses the short- and long-end across the listed and OTC business. Customers will ultimately benefit from Eurex’s portfolio based Prisma margining methodology which is designed to optimize margin offsets across OTC interest rate swaps and listed fixed income products.