News Center
31 Jan 2025

Eurex | Eurex Clearing

Changes to the Executive Board of Eurex Frankfurt AG

  • Quinten Koekenbier has been appointed as member of the Executive Board of Eurex Frankfurt AG. 
  • Wolfgang Eholzer retired in December 2024 after almost 27 years with Deutsche Börse Group. 

Eurex Frankfurt AG announces changes to its Executive Board. As of 1 February 2025, Quinten Koekenbier will join the Executive Board of Eurex Frankfurt AG. He will replace Wolfgang Eholzer as Chief Technology Officer who retired at the end of 2024. Koekenbier will assume this position as part of his new role as Head of Derivatives & Cash Trading IT at Deutsche Börse which he will also start on 1 February. 

Koekenbier joins Deutsche Börse after 15 years at Flow Traders where he has gained a proven track record in liquidity provisioning as well as in trading infrastructure and software engineering. Most recently, he has been Global Head of Technology, Global Head of Trading Performance and member of the Executive Committee since October 2022.  

Wolfgang Eholzer has been Head of Derivatives & Cash Trading IT since December 2015 and member of the Executive Board of Eurex Frankfurt AG since January 2019. He has accompanied the development of Eurex into a globally leading derivatives exchange since he joined first in 1998 and has played a significant role in the development of Eurex’s cutting-edge and resilient T7 trading architecture.  

Robbert Booij, CEO of Eurex Frankfurt AG: “Eurex’s powerful technology has always been central to our client relationships. Wolfgang's expertise and commitment have been crucial to our journey from pioneering electronic trading to our current leadership in trading technology. We thank him and wish him all the best. I look forward to welcoming Quinten as our new CTO. His experience in IT and trading makes him the ideal candidate for this role.”  

Quinten Koekenbier, designated member of the Executive Board of Eurex Frankfurt AG: "I am honored to join Eurex and excited to contribute to its continued success. With my experience in algorithmic trading technologies, software engineering, low-latency infrastructure and trading, I look forward to driving innovation and maintaining Eurex's leadership in the global derivatives markets." 

About Eurex 
Eurex is the leading European derivatives exchange and – with Eurex Clearing – one of the leading central counterparties globally. As architects of trusted markets characterized by market liquidity, efficiency, and integrity, we provide our customers with innovative solutions to seamlessly manage risk. For more information, visit


Please find here the photos of Quinten Koekenbier and Wolfgang Eholzer
Media contacts: 
Irmgard Thiessen 
+49 (69) 211 15911

Fabian Vichtl  
+49 69 211-1 65 95

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