A new period is upon us and even though it’s tempting to look back, let’s look forward.
Originally planned as a physical event, the Derivatives Forum Frankfurt 2021 was held as virtual edition on 23-24 March 2021 with thought leadership insights, industry debates, keynote speeches and virtual networking opportunities. The Derivatives Forum is the leading European event focused on trading and clearing for derivatives and securities financing across asset classes.
We are proud to present the following core themes:
Day 1: Tuesday 23 March
13:00 - 13:05 Welcome & Housekeeping Notes |
13:05 - 13:10 Welcome |
13:10 - 13:30 Keynote: Current financial market policy priorities |
13:30 - 14:10
Panel Discussion: 100 days of Brexit. Political and macro-economic developments within the EU and beyond – what are the implications for the financial markets. Some 100 days post Brexit, this panel will discuss the Brexit deal and its implications on the European derivatives Industry and beyond. The Brexit trade deal was widely considered a UK success but has, to date, failed to provide a comprehensive deal on financial services and market access to the EU 27. At the same time, after almost seven years of negotiations, the European Union and China recently agreed on an investment deal. The Comprehensive Agreement on Investments (CAI), removing barriers to foreign investments in China for certain EU industries, including financial services and a new U.S. President, looks set to bring a change of attitudes to international co-operation between the U.S. and the EU.
Moderator: Annette Weisbach, Correspondent Germany, CNBC Panelists:
14:15 - 14:55
Panel Discussion: Risk Management in times of COVID 19 One year since the pandemic hit Europe, this panel with the chief risk officers of leading exchanges across the globe, discusses the implications COVID 19 had on the financial industry and derivatives markets from a risk perspective.
Moderator: Annette Weisbach, Correspondent Germany, CNBC Panelists:
Panel Discussion: The evolution of the role of market making Over the past five years, algorithmic trading firms have emerged from the shadows to become major providers of liquidity directly to institutional investors. As many banks have stepped away from market making activity, electronic liquidity providers have filled the void, bringing new processes and competition to the market.
Moderator: Will Mitting, Founder & CEO, Acuiti Panelists:
15:00 - 15:15
Market Insights: 1 on 1 A changing world, UK-EU & UK-US, EU-US evolving relations and China's expanding range of investment options available to foreigners. After QFII relaxation, changes to the market access scheme could allow new hedging methods. What does this mean for international trading firms and exchanges in 2021? Moderator: Annette Weisbach, Correspondent Germany, CNBC Speaker: Natasha Xie, Partner, JunHe Market Insights: 1 on 1 Mini and micro contracts in the U.S. were a major success story of 2020 as retail investors flocked to futures markets. Retail trading in Europe has long lagged behind that of the U.S. but could smaller contracts encourage participation and bring new liquidity to European markets? Will there be a shift towards mini contracts across the board? Moderator: Will Mitting, Founder & CEO, Acuiti Speaker: Stefan Fröhlich, Head of Trading Academy, WH Selfinvest |
15:15 - 15:25 Interview Thomas Book, Member of the Executive Board, Trading & Clearing, Deutsche Börse Annette Weisbach, Correspondent Germany, CNBC |
15:30 - 15:50 Keynote: CCPs: evolving risks and supervisory responses Klaus Löber, Chair of the CCP Supervisory Committee, European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) |
15:55 - 16:35
Panel Discussion: Volatility investing in 2021 Given the current equity market, what can investors expect in terms of volatility and what strategies should they deploy for 2021. Looking at potential market catalysts, this panel will focus on efficient portfolio construction and hedges under the current volatility regime.
Moderator: Will Mitting, Founder & CEO, Acuiti Panelists:
Panel Discussion: Digital Securities and Tokenization– the future of capital markets? Digital securities represent the next stage of evolution in blockchain-enabled capital market innovation. Traditional securities are making their way into and onto the DLT infrastructure, offering the potential to streamline an ecosystem grown for decades and offer new solutions, efficiency gains and cost savings. A number of next exchanges are launching to offer trading in tokenized assets, while at the same time, banks and other financial institutions are exploring opportunities around digitizing securities, smart contracts and tokenization.
Moderator: Rudolf Siebel, Managing Director, BVI Panelists:
16:40 - 17:00
Keynote: Implications of EU Green Deal for the financial markets. A European approach to ESG: Regulation, investments and data Speaker:
17:05 - 17:45
Panel Discussion: Next generation EU Bonds and beyond Markets expect Brussel's bond issuance volume to explode within the upcoming three years, creating a new pricing benchmark across the region while bolstering the euro's role as a reserve currency.
Moderator: Annette Weisbach, Correspondent Germany, CNBC Panelists:
Panel Discussion: Product Innovation – What's next? Several financial market dislocations, associated with heightened equity market volatility, impacted trading last year. What product innovations and hidden gems emerged from this? Has futurization progressed further? This panel will discuss the following products and use cases:
Moderator: Will Mitting, Founder & CEO, Acuiti Panelists:
17:50 - 18:05
Keynote: The economics of central clearing Central clearing counterparties (CCPs) have a variety of economic rationales. The Great Recession of 2007-2009 led regulators to mandate CCPs for most interest-rate and credit derivatives, markets in which large amounts of risks are transferred across agents. This change led to a large increase in CCP studies. This keynote will survey these studies for you and walk you through the main findings. Albert J. Menkveld, Professor of Finance, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Market Insights: 1 on 1 2020 was an unprecedented year for derivatives markets. From the initial spread of COVID in the spring to the rapid repositioning in the wake of the Biden election victory in the fall, many lessons have been learned about managing risk and liquidity. Moderator: Will Mitting, Founder & CEO, Acuiti Speaker:
18:10 Agenda Outlook Day 2 |
Day 2: Wednesday 24 March
09:00 - 09:15 Survey Results |
09:20 - 09:40 Keynote: Digitalisation and the future of derivatives |
09:45 - 10:35
Panel Discussion: Bringing cleared repo to the buy-side Evaluating the current state of funding markets: How can the buy side benefit from electronic execution and cleared repo?
Moderator: Duncan Wood, Global Editorial Director, Risk.net Panelists:
Panel Discussion: The Role of CO2 price for a sustainable economy With the recent change in power at the helm of the U.S. and the re-joining of the Paris Climate agreement in time for the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow on 1 – 12 November 2021, carbon emission trading emerges further into the limelight. In this context and given further regulatory changes, the panel will discuss the role of CO2 pricing for financing a sustainable economy, the role of CO2 pricing for sustainable indices, and the reduction of CO2 emissions.
Moderator: Stella Farrington, Head of Content, Energy Risk, Risk.net Panelists:
10:40 - 11:20
Panel Discussion: ESG in Fixed Income ESG funds are set to outnumber conventional funds by 2025. As more firms have the mandate to make their entire portfolios ESG compliant, the application of ESG principles to fixed income has become mainstream among asset managers. How can derivatives help the growth of ESG funds, as well as fixed income strategies?
Moderation: Will Mitting, CEO and Founder, Acuiti Panelists:
11:25 - 11:45 Keynote: Asset allocation and risks at the zero lower bound |
11:55 - 12:40
Panel Discussion: The Future of ESG Derivatives: Overcoming Key Challenges What issues need to be addressed to facilitate the development of an ESG derivatives market? This panel will discuss the need for standardized terms and products, the role of market education and the importance of regulatory clarity and consistency. Moderator: Liam Kennedy, Editor, IPE Panelists:
12:45 - 13:25
Panel Discussion: How has the (trading/clearing) infrastructure evolved on the sell side? The market infrastructure to access vital trading, clearing and collateral management solutions evolves as new technology emerges. In the FX markets, as in many other markets, regulation has led to change in the bilateral market and the usage of clearing solutions. This panel discusses the changes that have marked the banks and how these will be a driving force to remain competitive.
Moderator: Julia Schieffer, Founder & Editor, DerivSource Panelists:
Panel Discussion: Creating alpha in a beta world. When investment managers say their goal is to “generate alpha,” they basically aim to generate a higher return while assuming a similar amount of risk as compared to the benchmark against which they measure their performance. During volatile markets, active managers tend to outperform more often than when it is not. Quality active managers not only beat passive investment during downturns, but their outperformance grows with larger market losses. Despite this outperformance, passive funds have been steadily growing net inflows in recent years, outpacing active managers.
Moderator: Matthias Knab, CEO, Opalesque Panelists:
13:30 - 14:10
Panel Discussion: The evolving role of Collateral Management (transformation) Efficiency in collateral management has been a central focus for asset managers and their sell-side partners for some time now. However, the COVID-19 crisis exposed collateral movement weaknesses across the market, which has now taken center stage. In addition, asset managers are increasingly applying ESG considerations to collateral management, adding a further consideration to baskets and collateral calculations.
Moderator: Julia Schieffer, Founder & Editor, DerivSource Panelists:
Panel Discussion: The Future of FX - Understanding the impact of new capital and margin requirements In preparation for the Uncleared Margin Rules and as part of the assessment of capital-efficient alternatives to existing workflows and business models, the FX market shows growing demand for exchange-listed alternatives.
Moderator: Lukas Becker, Markets Desk Editor, Risk.net/FX Markets Panelists:
14:15 - 14:55
Panel Discussion: ESG priorities in securities financing transactions Can Securities Finance transactions be Social Responsible Investments? This panel will look into what Responsible vs. Sustainable Securities Finance transactions mean and how best practices are being established. How are these best practices evolving across the U.S. and Europe?
Moderator: Will Mitting, CEO & Founder, Acuiti Panelists:
Panel Discussion: What comes after the CCP discounting switch? Despite the severe disruptions to businesses across 2020, financial market participants have continued to make meaningful progress towards IBOR transition and the use of RFRs. A crucial part of this reform was the CCP discounting switch, but with this now accomplished firms can start to reflect on what the next practical steps should be.
Moderator: Helen Bartholomew, Editor-at-large, Risk.net Panelists:
15:10 - 15:25
Market Insights: 1 on 1 The Changing Shape of Derivatives Markets Disruption is shaping our industry at an unprecedented pace. New market models, the pandemic environment, regulatory requirements and the growing demand for sustainable investments fundamentally reshape the derivatives markets. What trends will remain in 2021? What will be the drivers for growth, and what is needed to emerge successfully out of the current situation? Moderator: Annette Weisbach, Correspondent Germany, CNBC Speaker:
Market Insights: 1 on 1 Focus: EU Taxonomy ClimatePartner is specialized in the environmental impacts that are key to the current goals of the EU Taxonomy. This Market Insight shall provide insights into the taxonomy principles, the results of the analysis and prospects for the next steps in EU regulation. Moderator: Hugh Wheelan, Co-founder and Joint Managing Director, Responsible Investor Speaker: Julia V. Bewerunge, Manager Carbon & Finance, ClimatePartner |
15:30 - 16:10
Panel Discussion: Creating value through algorithms Beyond the Algorithm – The future of trade execution. This panel will discuss the value of algorithms and the application and use-cases of machine learning in trade execution. What are the benefits of using multiple streams of data to identify and navigate uncertain markets? Topics will also include a look at how data visualization comes into play when measuring performance and how to measure the true cost of trading.
Moderator: Will Mitting, Founder & CEO, Acuiti Panelists:
16:15 - 16:35 Keynote: EU finance policy: what is driving the day? |
16:40 - 17:30
Panel Discussion: Financial markets in 2021 and beyond 2020 will go down in history as a pivotal year that brought changes that defined a generation. But what will be the long-term changes in financial markets? Outside COVID, Brexit, ESG, new rules around clearing and the continued acceptance of digital currencies, what are the dominant themes that may provide the basis for innovations for years to come?
Moderator: Annette Weisbach, Correspondent Germany, CNBC Panelists:
17:35 Closing Remarks |