This year was, and is, a volatile period for the Italian/European yield curve. BTP derivatives, however, remained reliable and liquid. What impact did COVID-19 and central banks' stimulus have, and what is coming next? Learn from market participants' views and experiences.
In this webcast, Dr. Luca Cazzulani (Co-Head of Strategy Research, UniCredit Bank Milan) presents his study "Rates markets: how have they fared through the Pandemic."
Catherine Alexander (Eurex Fixed Income Sales) wraps up how liquidity and reliability of BTP Futures and Options developed and helped to navigate through the challenging year.
Afterward, our industry experts
- Andrea Stramentinoli (Head of Interest Rates Derivatives, Banca Akros S.p.A.)
- Ashley Ball (Senior Fixed Income Trader, Mako Global)
- Michelangelo Gigante (Head of Execution Desk, Eurizon Capital SGR)
- Jutta Frey-Hartenberger (Fixed Income ETD Product Design, Eurex)
have a panel discussion on the topic “Dealing with volatility: what should investors keep on the radar, challenges, tools and future scenarios” moderated by Francesca Dell’Era (Eurex Fixed Income Sales).