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Webcast (replay): Focus Day Optimizing your euro-derivatives strategy in light of EMIR 3.0:

STIRs and margin efficiencies across the euro yield curve
Virtual Focus Day – Register to watch on demand

27 Jun 2024 08:00 AM
2 hours


Part 1: Active Accounts, EMIR 3.0 and Regulatory considerations


Opening & Welcome Luke Jeffs, Managing Editor, FOW


Derivatives: Smart solutions for a complex environment Fireside Chat Luke Jeffs, Managing Editor, FOW Matthias Graulich, Executive Board Member, Eurex Clearing

EMIR 3.0 and the quest for European Clearing
Viktoria Hackenberg, Vice President, Regulatory Analytics, Deutsche Börse

How is the practical implementation process on EMIR 3.0 working?
Panel Discussion
Moderator: Luke Jeffs, Managing Editor, FOW


  • Viktoria Hackenberg, Vice President, Regulatory Analytics, Deutsche Börse
  • Jamie Gavin, Managing Director, Head of Prime Brokerage Clearing - EMEA, Société Générale
  • Roland Scheinert, Partner, PwC

Part 2: STIRs – enabling margin efficiencies throughout the euro yield curve

15:10 -15:50
Dynamics of STIRs
Panel Discussion
There are many forces at play in the euro-denominated derivatives market. The last six months have seen market share and volumes shift, what are the implications and where are things likely to move in the coming year?

  • Will €STR replace the current Euribor lending standard?
  • How are the competitive dynamics, and the choice between €STR, Euribor and OTC alternatives playing out?
  • STIR partnership – how have incentives and efficiencies shifted adoption?
  • Has that been helped by the deeper liquidity pools that Eurex has – like government bond futures?
  • What do market participants see as the most important factors for future adoption?

Moderator: Radi Khasawneh, Derivatives Editor, FOW


  • Lee Bartholomew, Global Head of FIC ETD Product Design, Eurex
  • Pascal Souchon, Head of Rates Trading, LBBW
  • Carlo Maria Sironi, Deputy Head of Flow Rates Derivatives, UniCredit

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