Product Overview
Daily Options
Three-Month Euro STR Futures
Credit Index Futures
EURO STOXX 50® Index Futures
Fixed Income Futures
Fixed Income Options
STIR Futures & Options
Credit Index Futures
Financing of Futures CTDs
Product Overview
Daily Options
Three-Month Euro STR Futures
Credit Index Futures
EURO STOXX 50® Index Futures
Product Overview
Daily Options
Three-Month Euro STR Futures
Credit Index Futures
EURO STOXX 50® Index Futures
Micro Product Suite
Daily Options
Index Total Return Futures
ESG Index Derivatives
Country Indexes
Product Overview
Daily Options
Three-Month Euro STR Futures
Credit Index Futures
EURO STOXX 50® Index Futures
Product Overview
Daily Options
Three-Month Euro STR Futures
Credit Index Futures
EURO STOXX 50® Index Futures
Product Overview
Daily Options
Three-Month Euro STR Futures
Credit Index Futures
EURO STOXX 50® Index Futures
Product Overview
Daily Options
Three-Month Euro STR Futures
Credit Index Futures
EURO STOXX 50® Index Futures
Product Overview
Daily Options
Three-Month Euro STR Futures
Credit Index Futures
EURO STOXX 50® Index Futures
Product Overview
Daily Options
Three-Month Euro STR Futures
Credit Index Futures
EURO STOXX 50® Index Futures
Product Overview
Daily Options
Three-Month Euro STR Futures
Credit Index Futures
EURO STOXX 50® Index Futures
Exchange Participants
Market Maker Futures
Market Maker Options
ISV & service provider
3rd Party Information Provider
Market data vendors
Multilateral and Brokerage Functionality
Block Trades
Delta TAM
T7 Entry Service via e-mail
Vola Trades
Additional contract versions
Exchange for Physicals
Trade at Index Close
Exchange for Swaps
Non-disclosure facility
Market statistics (online)
Trading statistics
Monthly statistics
Eurex Repo statistics
Snapshot summary report
Product parameter files
T7 Entry Service parameters
EFS Trades
EFP-Fin Trades
EFP-Index Trades
MiFID2 Commodity Derivatives Instruments
Total Return Futures conversion parameters
Product and Price Report
Variance Futures conversion parameters
Suspension Reports
Position Limits
RDF Files
Prices Rolling Spot Future
Notified Bonds | Deliverable Bonds and Conversion Factors
Risk parameters and initial margins
Securities margin groups and classes
Haircut and adjusted exchange rate
Readiness for projects
T7 Release 13.1
T7 Release 13.0
T7 Release 12.1
T7 Release 12.0
Member Section Releases
Simulation calendar
Independent Software Vendors
Implementation News
Simulation Calender
F7 General FAQ
Direct market access from the U.S.
Eligible options under SEC class No-Action Relief
Eligible foreign security futures products under 2009 SEC Order and Commodity Exchange Act
U.S. Introducing Broker direct Eurex access
Newsletter Subscription
Circulars & Newsflashes Subscription
Corporate Action Information Subscription
Circulars & Newsflashes
Derivatives Forum
Eurex Asia
德国股指 DAX 是德意志交易所的德国蓝筹股指 – 也是在欧洲最有效率的股市之一。2019 年12月,德国股指期货的未平仓名义价值约为278亿欧元 – 远高于全球其他同类型的股指期货产品。欧洲期货交易所连同原先的德国股指期货 DAX,于 2015 年 10 月推出小型德国股指 Mini-DAX 期货: 该合约规格仅为原先德国股指期货合约规格的五分之一,价格波动单位则为一个指数点,不同于原本的半个指数点。
2016年7月23日: 英国脱欧公投 (股指上涨0.4%)
2016年11月8日: 美国大选(股指上涨0.36%)
2017年9月24日: 德国联邦选举(股指上涨0.53%)
2018年7月6日: 中美贸易战的开始(股指上涨0.20%)
2018年12月至2019年3月: 美国和中国开始为期90天的休战并进行谈判以缓和贸易紧张局势(股指上涨0.58%)
2019年8月1日: 特朗普征收更多的关税,实际上在对所有中国对美国的进口(股指上涨0.39%)
2019年10月10日: 英国脱欧谈话,标志着“可能实现的英国脱欧协议道路”(股指上涨0.82%)
2020年1月23日: 新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)的爆发(股指下跌2.7%并快速反弹)
中文名称 | 英文名称 | 股指权重 |
思爱普公司 | SAP SE | 10.11% |
林德化工 | Linde PLC | 9.47% |
安联集团 | Allianz SE | 8.58% |
西门子电器 | Siemens AG | 8.28% |
拜耳 | Bayer AG | 6.93% |
巴斯夫 | BASF SE | 5.66% |
阿迪达斯 | adidas AG | 5.20% |
德国电信 | Deutsche Telekom AG | 4.45% |
戴姆勒 | Daimler AG | 3.88% |
慕尼黑再保险 | Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft | 3.55% |
大众汽车 | Volkswagen AG | 3.18% |
德国邮政 | Deutsche Post AG | 3.13% |
英飞凌 | Infineon Technologies AG | 2.50% |
德国证券交易所 | Deutsche Börse AG | 2.47% |
维诺维亚 | Vonovia SE | 2.32% |
宝马汽车 | Bayerische Motoren Werke AG | 2.24% |
意昂集团 | E.ON SE | 2.00% |
费森尤斯 | Fresenius SE & Co KGaA | 1.93% |
莱茵集团 | RWE AG | 1.58% |
汉高 | Henkel AG & Co KGaA | 1.53% |
德意志银行 | Deutsche Bank AG | 1.49% |
默克集团 | Merck KGaA | 1.38% |
MTU航空发动机 | MTU Aero Engines Holding AG | 1.31% |
费森尤斯医疗 | Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co KGaA | 1.27% |
大陆集团 | Continental AG | 1.20% |
德国银行软件公司 | Wirecard AG | 1.19% |
拜尔斯道夫 | Beiersdorf AG | 0.99% |
海德堡水泥 | HeidelbergCement AG | 0.89% |
德国汉莎航空 | Deutsche Lufthansa AG | 0.71% |
科思创 | Covestro AG | 0.60% |
——Sunny Huang,元大期货
Market Status ⓘ
The market status window is an indication regarding the current technical availability of the trading system. It indicates whether news board messages regarding current technical issues of the trading system have been published or will be published shortly.
Please find further information about incident handling in the Emergency Playbook published on the Eurex webpage under Support --> Emergencies and safeguards. Detailed information about incident communication, market re-opening procedures and best practices for order and trade reconciliation can be found in the chapters 4.2, 4.3 and 4.5, respectively. Concrete information for the respective incident will be published during the incident via newsboard message.
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