FX contract | Product ID |
AUD/USD Futures | FCAU |
AUD/JPY Futures | FCAY |
EUR/USD Futures | FCEU |
EUR/CHF Futures | FCEF |
EUR/GBP Futures | FCEP |
EUR/NOK Futures | FCNK |
EUR/SEK Futures | FCSK |
EUR/DKK Futures | FCDK |
EUR/AUD Futures | FCEA |
EUR/JPY Futures | FCEY |
GBP/USD Futures | FCPU |
GBP/CHF Futures | FCPF |
USD/CHF Futures | FCUF |
USD/NOK Futures | FCUN |
USD/SEK Futures | FCUS |
USD/DKK Futures | FCUD |
USD/JPY Futures | FCUY |
NOK/SEK Futures | FCNS |
NZD/USD Futures | FCNU |
MXN/USD Futures | FCMU |
MXN/EUR Futures | FCME |
ZAR/USD Futures | FCZU |
ZAR/EUR Futures | FCZE |
BRL/USD Futures | FCBU |
Contract sizes
The currency stated first in each currency pair is the base currency of such pair; the currency stated second is the quote currency. A FX Futures is traded in its respective quote currency.
Underlying | Nominal value |
AUD/USD, AUD/JPY Futures | AUD 100,000 |
GBP/USD, GBP/CHF Futures | GBP 100,000 |
NOK/SEK Futures | NOK 1,000,000 |
NZD/USD Futures | NZD 100,000 |
MXN/USD, MXN/EUR Futures | MXN 1,000,000 |
ZAR/USD, ZAR/EUR Futures | ZAR 1,000,000 |
BRL/USD Futures | BRL 100,000 |
Standard: Physical delivery of underlying currencies (T+2) via the CLS system.
MXN/USD, MXN/EUR, ZAR/USD, ZAR/EUR, BRL/USD: Cash settlement in the quote currency on the exchange day after the final settlement day.
Price quotation and minimum price change
The price quotation is determined as a decimal number with five decimal places. The minimum price change is 0.00001, equivalent to a value of one unit (NOK/SEK, MXN/USD, MXN/EUR, ZAR/USD, ZAR/EUR 10 units) of the quote currency.
For FX Futures with Japanese Yen as quotation currency the price quotation is determined as a decimal number with three decimal places. The minimum price change is 0.001, equivalent to a value of 100 units of the quote currency.
Contract months
Standard - up to 36 months: The fifteen nearest successive calendar months, the three following quarterly months of the March, June, September and December cycle thereafter, and the two following semi-annual months of the June and December cycle thereafter.
MXN/USD, MXN/EUR, ZAR/USD, ZAR/EUR - up to 9 months: The three nearest quarterly months of the March, June, September and December cycle.
BRL/USD - up to 12 months: The twelve nearest successive calendar months.
Last trading day and final settlement day
Last trading day and final settlement day is the second exchange day preceding the third Wednesday of each maturity month. Close of trading in the maturing FX Futures on the last trading day is at 15:00 CET.
For BRL/USD Futures the last trading day is on the last exchange day of the calendar month preceding the expiration month on which day the Central Bank of Brazil is scheduled to publish its final end-of-month PTAX reference exchange rate for Brazilian reals per U.S. Dollar. Final settlement day is on the second exchange day after the last trading day or if this day is not an exchange day, the exchange day following that day.
Daily settlement price
Daily settlement price is the volume weighted average price (VWAP) of the futures transactions calculated over a 60 second interval ending at 15:00 CET. If less than five transactions occur, the VWAP of the last five transactions conducted in the last 15 minutes before 15:00 CET or the mid-point of bid/ask prices in the order book before 15:00 CET is used.
Further details are available in the clearing conditions.
Final settlement price
Final settlement price is the VWAP of all transactions executed during the final trading minute ending at 15:00 CET. If no adequate prices are available, Eurex Exchange will use the average mid-price of the last displayed bid ask spot prices over a 60 second interval ending at 15:00 CET that are published by the data provider designated by Eurex Clearing.
For MXN/USD, MXN/EUR, ZAR/USD, ZAR/EUR Futures the final settlement price is determined by the WM/Refinitiv Spot Fixing Rate at 17:00 CET (4pm LDN).
For BRL/USD Futures the final settlement price is determined by the PTAX rate at the final settlement day.
Admitted to the Eurex Block Trade Service with a Minimum Block Trade Size of 1 contract.