Product Overview
Daily Options
Three-Month Euro STR Futures
Credit Index Futures
EURO STOXX 50® Index Futures
Fixed Income Futures
Fixed Income Options
STIR Futures & Options
Credit Index Futures
Financing of Futures CTDs
Product Overview
Daily Options
Three-Month Euro STR Futures
Credit Index Futures
EURO STOXX 50® Index Futures
Product Overview
Daily Options
Three-Month Euro STR Futures
Credit Index Futures
EURO STOXX 50® Index Futures
Micro Product Suite
Daily Options
Index Total Return Futures
ESG Index Derivatives
Country Indexes
Product Overview
Daily Options
Three-Month Euro STR Futures
Credit Index Futures
EURO STOXX 50® Index Futures
Product Overview
Daily Options
Three-Month Euro STR Futures
Credit Index Futures
EURO STOXX 50® Index Futures
Product Overview
Daily Options
Three-Month Euro STR Futures
Credit Index Futures
EURO STOXX 50® Index Futures
Product Overview
Daily Options
Three-Month Euro STR Futures
Credit Index Futures
EURO STOXX 50® Index Futures
Product Overview
Daily Options
Three-Month Euro STR Futures
Credit Index Futures
EURO STOXX 50® Index Futures
Product Overview
Daily Options
Three-Month Euro STR Futures
Credit Index Futures
EURO STOXX 50® Index Futures
Product Overview
Daily Options
Three-Month Euro STR Futures
Credit Index Futures
EURO STOXX 50® Index Futures
Exchange Participants
Market Maker Futures
Market Maker Options
ISV & service provider
3rd Party Information Provider
Market data vendors
Multilateral and Brokerage Functionality
Block Trades
Delta TAM
T7 Entry Service via e-mail
Vola Trades
Additional contract versions
Exchange for Physicals
Trade at Index Close
Exchange for Swaps
Non-disclosure facility
Market statistics (online)
Trading statistics
Monthly statistics
Eurex Repo statistics
Snapshot summary report
Product parameter files
T7 Entry Service parameters
EFS Trades
EFP-Fin Trades
EFP-Index Trades
MiFID2 Commodity Derivatives Instruments
Total Return Futures conversion parameters
Product and Price Report
Variance Futures conversion parameters
Suspension Reports
Position Limits
RDF Files
Prices Rolling Spot Future
Notified Bonds | Deliverable Bonds and Conversion Factors
Risk parameters and initial margins
Securities margin groups and classes
Haircut and adjusted exchange rate
Readiness for projects
T7 Release 13.1
T7 Release 13.0
T7 Release 12.1
T7 Release 12.0
Member Section Releases
Simulation calendar
Independent Software Vendors
Implementation News
Simulation Calender
F7 General FAQ
Direct market access from the U.S.
Eligible options under SEC class No-Action Relief
Eligible foreign security futures products under 2009 SEC Order and Commodity Exchange Act
U.S. Introducing Broker direct Eurex access
Newsletter Subscription
Circulars & Newsflashes Subscription
Corporate Action Information Subscription
Circulars & Newsflashes
Derivatives Forum
In light of Oracle’s announced Java SE Support Roadmap, Deutsche Börse has worked on an alternative to continue to provide a seamless update mechanism of the T7 GUIs for its trading participants. The Java SE Support Roadmap has some impact on the T7 GUI launch mechanism (JavaWebstart) and the usage of Oracle’s Java runtime environments required to run the T7 GUIs.
For further detailed information on Oracle’s Java SE Support Roadmap, please also visit the Oracle´s website:
Deutsche Börse's Alternative
Deutsche Börse has been working on a customised solution so that trading participants are still able to run and seamlessly update the T7 GUIs without any additional Java license charges being required. The new “T7 GUI Launcher” replaces the Java Web Start mechanism. Additionally, Deutsche Börse has achieved a licence agreement, which allows the deployment of a bundled Java SE 8 Runtime Environment without additional Java licence charges for the T7 trading community.
The “T7 GUI Launcher” is a small software utility, which all T7 GUI users have to install. Once it is installed, the user’s workplace will provide seamless and automatic updating of the T7 GUIs and of a Java SE 8 JRE. As a result, T7 GUIs
Trading Participants who continue to have their own installation of Java SE 8 JRE will still be able get the T7 GUIs via Java Web Start until further notice. Please be advised, that the “T7 GUI Launcher” will only support Windows, i.e. it will not be available for Linux and Mac OS.
The previously used mechanism will still be offered in parallel to the new T7 GUI launcher for a transition period. Further details about the decommissioning timeline will be announced with sufficient lead time.
If you require any further information or have any questions or concerns, please contact us at