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Product Diff. to prev. day last Last price Contracts Time
FGBL +0.13% 131.78 928,084 22:04:16
FGBM +0.05% 117.00 631,288 22:04:36
FGBS +0.02% 106.655 480,788 22:04:22
FBTP +0.10% 119.03 295,823 19:03:20
FOAT +0.24% 122.40 213,371 21:59:55
FGBX +0.52% 127.80 107,227 21:59:30


Product Diff. to prev. day last Last price Contracts Time
FESX +0.88% 5,160.00 699,761 22:03:57
FDAX +1.12% 21,002.00 41,573 22:03:57
FDXM +1.20% 21,010.00 24,982 22:03:57
FSMI +0.55% 11,958.00 25,102 21:59:21
FXXP +0.63% 524.60 82,595 21:59:47
FESB +0.61% 156.60 147,813 21:59:57
FVS -0.30% 16.70 18,687 21:59:57


Product Diff. to prev. day last Last price Contracts Time
FMWO +0.82% 12,054.00 3,740 22:00:00
FMWN +0.82% 598.95 2,333 21:59:00
FMEU +0.53% 348.65 1,927 21:05:15
FMEP +0.66% 175.70 0 19:23:19
FMEM +0.78% 578.50 326 19:23:18
FMEA +0.77% 684.60 2,527 19:23:18

Insights on Dividend Derivatives developments

Get insights into trends and market information in the dividend segment.

Why Europe is gaining attractiveness among Asian Investors

Experts at the Derivatives Insights Asia shared their thoughts on opportunities in Europe for the Asian market participants.

A Powerful Combination: Home Market Settlement & Option Vola Strategies

VSTOXX Panel with J.P. Morgan, STOXX and Eurex – Asset TV

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Please find further information about incident handling in the Emergency Playbook published on the Eurex webpage under Support --> Emergencies and safeguards. Detailed information about incident communication, market re-opening procedures and best practices for order and trade reconciliation can be found in the chapters 4.2, 4.3 and 4.5, respectively. Concrete information for the respective incident will be published during the incident via newsboard message. 

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