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Why should all eyes be on Europe in 2025?

Discover how global elections and macro events could shape European volatility. Download our event calendar to stay ahead of key potential influences in 2025.

New liquidity framework for OESX

The new liquidity provider scheme for EURO STOXX 50 Options (OESX) will foster a more competitive order book environment across market phases, effective 1 July 2025.


Product Diff. to prev. day last Last price Contracts Time
FGBL -0.34% 127.39 1,093,578 15:38:30
FGBM -0.16% 116.86 650,877 15:38:21
FGBS -0.01% 106.665 588,941 15:38:27
FBTP -0.15% 116.32 299,719 15:38:30
FOAT -0.24% 121.48 188,313 15:38:29
FGBX -0.64% 117.90 108,161 15:38:29
Product Diff. to prev. day last Last price Contracts Time
FESX -1.63% 5,299.00 560,437 15:38:31
FDAX -1.44% 22,297.00 27,934 15:38:31
FDXM -1.38% 22,300.00 29,869 15:38:31
FSMI -1.71% 12,697.00 20,083 15:38:31
FXXP -1.54% 536.60 95,055 15:38:31
FESB -2.28% 182.50 180,761 15:38:31
FVS +1.07% 23.70 30,964 15:38:27
Product Diff. to prev. day last Last price Contracts Time
FMWO -1.04% 11,462.00 5,182 15:38:13
FMWN -1.62% 537.75 9,341 15:38:23
FMEU -1.12% 357.65 1,916 15:30:06
FMEP -1.35% 182.95 125 18:49:57
FMEM +0.56% 591.50 74 15:33:30
FMEA +0.66% 698.60 9,895 15:34:06

You'll need a bigger basket

We expand our Equity TRF segment in Swiss names listed in CHF starting 31 March

Navigate market volatility with Micro and Mini-DAX Futures

Enrique Marti from iBroker and Vincenzo Zinna from Eurex explain how the Micro and Mini-DAX Futures broaden trading possibilities for global investors.

Focus Day (replay)
EMIR 3.0 active account requirement

Missed our virtual event? Watch now on demand.

A Powerful Combination: Home Market Settlement & Option Vola Strategies

Market Status


11 March 2025

2:53:49 PM

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