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T7 Release 9.0

Eurex Exchange introduced T7 Release 9.0 in November 2020. An overview of the release content relevant for Trading Participants is available on this website. 

Simulation start: 14 September 2020
Production start: 23 November 2020

T7 9.0


System Documentation

Eurex Enhanced Trading Interface

FIX Gateway

  • T7 FIX Gateway Manual (FIX 4.2 and FIX 4.4)_v9.0.1
    Publication date: 13 Nov 2020
    The document provides information on the T7 FIX Gateway for both the Cash and Derivatives Markets and contains a detailed description of the concepts and messages used by the interface. This document describes the FIX 4.2 and 4.4 versions of the interface.
  • T7 FIX Gateway - FPL Repository v.9.0.1
    Publication date: 13 Nov 2020
    The FPL (FIX Protocol Language) repository contains the XML representation of the T7 FIX Gateway version 4.2 and 4.4 for both the Cash and Derivatives markets.
  • T7 FIX Gateway - Fiximate v.9.0.1
    Publication date: 13 Nov 2020
    The package provides a browser-based representation of the repository for the T7 FIX Gateway versions FIX 4.2 + FIX 4.4 for both the Cash and Derivatives markets with navigation capabilities.

FIX LF Interface

The versions of the documents provided are applicable to the software version which will be available in the simulation environment from 4 March and in production from 8 March.

The versions of the documents provided are applicable to the software version which will be available in the simulation environment from 4 March and in production from 8 March.

The package contains the QuickFix Engine dictionaries (FIXLF44_Derivatives.xml, FIXLF44_Cash.xml) and message reference files including message and field descriptions (FIXLF_DerivativesExt.xml, FIXLF_CashExt.xml) for the T7 FIX LF interface per market place type.

  • T7 Disaster Recovery Concept 2021 - Interface Configuration Details_v.1.0
    Publication date: 18 Feb 2021
    This document provides an overview of Deutsche Börse’s disaster recovery concept for the T7 trading system. It contains the required technical background information as well as functional features and limitations to enable participants to continue trading in a DR situation.
  • N7 Network Access Guide_v2.0.58
    Publication date: 05 Feb 2021
    This document provides details on the network access options for T7 and Eurex Clearing's interfaces. It includes detailed technical background information, such as router equipment information and port numbers for the configuration of firewalls.

Eurex Trader and Admin GUI

  • T7 Release 9.0 - Incident Handling Guide_v.4.8
    Publication date: 24 Mar 2021
    This document provides a detailed description of the reaction of Deutsche Börse's T7 trading system to technical incidents and provides best practices for handling them. In addition the document provides references to the respective focus days in the T7 simulation environment which are intended to simulate such incidents. 


Readiness Videos

Screencast: Validation of Trading Capacity

Release Items/ Participants Requirement


Participant requirement

Action Item

Standardized TED spreads

The standardized TED spreads based on the fixed-income Schatz future (FGBS) and the two-year bundle of the Euribor future (FEU3) consisting of eight consecutive maturities covering a time frame of two years. 


Basis Trading for Eurex EnLight

This functionality which will allow a negotiation workflow for outright futures trading, will reduce the underlying delta risk of the responder as the negotiation is only around the basis between the underlying and the future. 


Electronic processing of off-book reversals

The Eurex Trade Entry Service (TES) workflow will include also reversal processing. The TES workflow will cover electronic reversal requests of TES trades allowing Initiator to trigger trade reversal. This reversal will be available for almost all TES types (except basket TES trades, EBBs and Compression TES trades)

Check new process as described in the T7 Release 9.0 Release Notes

Customer Handling Instruction field (FIX tag 1031)

Eurex will offer its Trading Participants the possibility to tag orders or TES trades submitted with Trading Capacity A according to the valid values defined by FIA using the FIX tag 1031. In case tag 1031 is left blank, an exchange default value will be applied.

Check the valid values as specified in in the T7 Release 9.0 system documentation

Functional validation of trading capacity

Eurex will introduce a new validation for the usage of trading capacity Agency: The validation will verify whether the usage of this trading capacity is compliant with the Client Service Authorization of the trading participant.
Furthermore, the new functional validation of the trading capacity will be in line with a new consistency check between trading capacity and clearing account (ETI field Account, tag 1) performed by C7 for trades created in T7 and transferred to C7 for clearing

Customer need to check their set-up, as check the new rules as specified in the T7 Release 9.0 system documentation


New T7 FIX LF Gateway

Eurex will start to integrate the FIX gateway closer to the T7 architecture. This new customer interface, using the FIX 4.4 Protocol, will be offered in parallel to the existing FIX interface. A replacement will only take place after a transition period. Eurex will first introduce the new T7 FIX LF Gateways for back-office sessions in Q1 2021.

More information and action items to follow via Eurex Circular 012/21.

In case of any questions or your require further information, please contact us at

Are you looking for information on a previous initiative? We have stored information about our previous initiatives in our Archive for you!

Market Status


The market status window is an indication regarding the current technical availability of the trading system. It indicates whether news board messages regarding current technical issues of the trading system have been published or will be published shortly.

Please find further information about incident handling in the Emergency Playbook published on the Eurex webpage under Support --> Emergencies and safeguards. Detailed information about incident communication, market re-opening procedures and best practices for order and trade reconciliation can be found in the chapters 4.2, 4.3 and 4.5, respectively. Concrete information for the respective incident will be published during the incident via newsboard message. 

We strongly recommend not to take any decisions based on the indications in the market status window but to always check the production news board for comprehensive information on an incident.

An instant update of the Market Status requires an enabled up-to date Java™ version within the browser.