Rules & Regs

03. Contract Specifications

30 Sep 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Contract Specifications for Futures Contracts and Options Contracts at Eurex Deutschland


30 Sep 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Annexes to the Contract Specifications for Futures Contracts and Options Contracts at Eurex Deutschland


Amendment history

21 Oct 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Fixed Income Derivatives: Extension of Trading and Clearing hours for selected Credit Index Futures contracts


30 Sep 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Index Derivatives: Introduction of Total Return Futures on STOXX® Europe 600 Index and cancellation of admission to trading of iSTOXX® Collateral Index Total Return Futures


30 Sep 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Index Derivatives: Introduction of Total Return Futures on STOXX® Europe 600 Index and cancellation of admission to trading of iSTOXX® Collateral Index Total Return Futures


23 Sep 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Fixed Income Derivatives: Introduction of Bloomberg US Corporate Index Futures and Bloomberg US High Yield Very Liquid Index Futures


23 Sep 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Fixed Income Derivatives: Introduction of Bloomberg US Corporate Index Futures and Bloomberg US High Yield Very Liquid Index Futures


16 Sep 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: Cancellation of admission to trading for Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures, equity options and one Total Return Future


09 Sep 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Index Derivatives: Introduction of Futures on STOXX® US indices


09 Sep 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Index Derivatives: Introduction of Futures on STOXX® US indices


01 Sep 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Euro-Fixed-Income Futures: Adjustment of the obligations for performance for the delivery of Euro-Fixed-Income futures contracts on debt securities of the Republic of Italy


12 Aug 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Derivatives on Cryptocurrencies: Introduction of Futures and Options on FTSE Ethereum Index in USD and EUR


12 Aug 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Derivatives on Cryptocurrencies: Introduction of Futures and Options on FTSE Ethereum Index in USD and EUR


05 Aug 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Index Derivatives: I. Extension of US trading hours on MSCI Total Return Index Futures and selected MSCI Index Futures; II. Provision for Index Total Return Futures Trade-at-Market (TAM) Transactions on next exchange day (t+1)


05 Aug 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Index Derivatives: I. Extension of US trading hours on MSCI Total Return Index Futures and selected MSCI Index Futures; II. Provision for Index Total Return Futures Trade-at-Market (TAM) Transactions on next exchange day (t+1)


29 Jul 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

ETF and Single Stock Derivatives: Adjustment of maturities for selected ETF Options and Single Stock Options


29 Jul 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

ETF and Single Stock Derivatives: Adjustment of maturities for selected ETF Options and Single Stock Options


15 Jul 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity and Basket Total Return Futures: Extension of EUR-denominated products and amendments to contract specifications


08 Jul 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: Introduction of additional Nordic Single Stock Options; Cancellation of admission to trading for various Equity Derivatives


08 Jul 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: Introduction of additional Nordic Single Stock Options; Cancellation of admission to trading for various Equity Derivatives


01 Jul 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity and Equity Index Derivatives: I. Index Total Return Futures on MSCI indices: Extension to Asian and European morning Trading sessions; II. EURO STOXX 50® Index Dividend Futures and Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of additional expirations


01 Jul 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity and Equity Index Derivatives: I. Index Total Return Futures on MSCI indices: Extension to Asian and European morning Trading sessions; II. EURO STOXX 50® Index Dividend Futures and Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of additional expirations


01 Jul 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: A. Introduction of Single Stock Futures and Single Stock Dividend Futures; B. Cancellation of admission to trading for Single Stock Futures, one Single Stock Dividend Future, equity options and one Total Return Future; C. Name change of several Single Stock Futures and Single Stock Dividend Futures


24 Jun 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: Introduction of Equity Options, Single Stock Futures and Single Stock Dividend Futures


24 Jun 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Euro STOXX® 50 Index Futures: Change of the price gradation for Off-Book Trading in Standardised Futures Strategies


24 Jun 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

STOXX® Europe 600 Index Options: Introduction of additional terms


03 Jun 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MiFID II/MiFIR: Changes in TES/Eurex EnLight Minimum Block Trade Sizes and Non-Disclosure Limits for Eurex products


03 Jun 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MiFID II/MiFIR: Changes in TES/Eurex EnLight Minimum Block Trade Sizes and Non-Disclosure Limits for Eurex products


03 Jun 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Index Derivatives: Introduction of Futures Contracts on FTSE® All-World Index


03 Jun 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Index Derivatives: Introduction of Futures Contracts on FTSE® All-World Index


28 May 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Index Total Return Futures: Calculation parameter adjustment to T+1 from T+2 for MSCI World Index Total Return Futures


06 May 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Money Market Derivatives: Changes to Inter-Product Spread Strategies and adjustment of Liquidity Provider schemes for Euribor and Euro STR Futures in PSS “Fixed Income 17”


06 May 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Money Market Derivatives: Changes to Inter-Product Spread Strategies and adjustment of Liquidity Provider schemes for Euribor and Euro STR Futures in PSS “Fixed Income 17”


22 Apr 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Index Total Return Futures: Introduction of Delta Neutral TAM trades in T7 Entry Services


15 Apr 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Passive Liquidity Protection: Deferral Time for Options on Fixed Income Futures and Options on Money Market Index Futures 


25 Mar 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Eurex Market-on-Close Futures (FES1): Change of Minimum Block Trade Size and extension of trading hours in FTSE EPRA Futures


25 Mar 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Eurex Market-on-Close Futures (FES1): Change of Minimum Block Trade Size and extension of trading hours in FTSE EPRA Futures


25 Mar 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: Introduction of Equity Options and Single Stock Dividend Futures; Cancellation of admission to trading for Equity Derivatives


25 Mar 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: Introduction of Equity Options and Single Stock Dividend Futures; Cancellation of admission to trading for Equity Derivatives


18 Mar 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Index Derivatives: Introduction of Futures on FTSE® EPRA Indices and the STOXX® Semiconductor 30 Index


18 Mar 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Index Derivatives: Introduction of Futures on FTSE® EPRA Indices and the STOXX® Semiconductor 30 Index


11 Mar 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI Emerging Markets Index Total Return Futures: Amendment to the Contract Specifications; Addition to Eurex Circular 019/24


11 Mar 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Index Total Return Futures: Introduction of Index Total Return Futures on MSCI World, EAFE and EM indices denominated in USD


11 Mar 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: Admission to trIndex Total Return Futures: Introduction of Index Total Return Futures on MSCI World, EAFE and EM indices denominated in USDding of Futures on STOXX SRI and MSCI SRI Indices


01 Mar 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Index Derivatives: Amendment to the EFP-I functionality for FTSE Index Futures


21 Feb 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Fixed Income Derivatives: Correction of the Contract Specifications for Bond Index Futures


19 Feb 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: A. Introduction of Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures and Equity Options; B. Name change of underlyings of selected Single Stock Futures and Equity Options


05 Feb 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Futures on Cryptocurrencies: Extension of Off-book Trading Period


05 Feb 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Money Market Derivatives: Amendment to the trading hours and adjustment of the Liquidity Provider schemes for EURIBOR and Euro STR Futures


05 Feb 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Fixed Income Derivatives: Introduction of Bloomberg Emerging Market USD Sovereign & Sovereign Owned Index Futures and Sterling Liquid Corporate Bond Index Futures


05 Feb 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Fixed Income Derivatives: Introduction of Bloomberg Emerging Market USD Sovereign & Sovereign Owned Index Futures and Sterling Liquid Corporate Bond Index Futures


05 Feb 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Dividend Derivatives: Introduction of Mid Curve Options on EURO STOXX 50® Index Dividend Futures


05 Feb 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Dividend Derivatives: Introduction of Mid Curve Options on EURO STOXX 50® Index Dividend Futures


22 Jan 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: Admission to trading of Futures on STOXX SRI and MSCI SRI Indices


22 Jan 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: Admission to trading of Futures on STOXX SRI and MSCI SRI Indices


15 Jan 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives: A. Cancellation of admission to trading for Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures, equity options and Total Return Futures; B. Name change with regard to the underlyings of several Single Stock Futures and equity options


15 Jan 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Volatility Derivatives: Change in Final Settlement Price calculation in VSTOXX® Futures and delisting of Futures on Euro Stoxx 50® Realized Dispersion Index


15 Jan 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Volatility Derivatives: Change in Final Settlement Price calculation in VSTOXX® Futures and delisting of Futures on Euro Stoxx 50® Realized Dispersion Index


02 Jan 2024

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

T7 Entry Services: Clarification of entry of reference trades


11 Dec 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Money Market Derivatives: Introduction of Inter-Product Spread Strategies and introduction of a temporary transaction fee waiver for certain products


11 Dec 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Money Market Derivatives: Introduction of Inter-Product Spread Strategies and introduction of a temporary transaction fee waiver for certain products


11 Dec 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives: A. Cancellation of admission to trading for Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures, equity options and Total Return Futures; B. Name change with regard to the underlyings of several Single Stock Futures and equity options


01 Dec 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Order-to-Trade Ratio (OTR): Introduction of a volatility factor to the OTR limits


27 Nov 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Changes to the Exchange Rules of Eurex Deutschland, the Conditions for Trading and the Contract Specifications for Futures and Options Contracts at Eurex Deutschland


13 Nov 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Index Derivatives: Introduction of DAX® Index EoD Options


13 Nov 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Index Derivatives: Introduction of DAX® Index EoD Options


06 Nov 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity and Basket Total Return Futures: Introduction of UK ETRF products denominated in GBX (Great British pence) and amendments to contract specifications


06 Nov 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity and Basket Total Return Futures: Introduction of UK ETRF products denominated in GBX (Great British pence) and amendments to contract specifications


30 Oct 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Money Market Index Derivatives: amendments of the contract specifications for Options Contracts on Money Market Index Futures Contracts


30 Oct 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Money Market Index Derivatives: Introduction and adjustment of the Liquidity Provider schemes for Money Market Index Derivatives, amendments of the contract specifications and temporary transaction fee waiver


30 Oct 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Money Market Index Derivatives: amendments of the contract specifications for Options Contracts on Money Market Index Futures Contracts


23 Oct 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: A. Introduction of Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures and Equity Options; B. Name change of underlyings of selected Single Stock Futures and Equity Options


23 Oct 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Derivatives on Cryptocurrencies: Introduction of Options on FTSE Bitcoin Index Futures in USD and EUR


23 Oct 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Derivatives on Cryptocurrencies: Introduction of Options on FTSE Bitcoin Index Futures in USD and EUR


09 Oct 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: Introduction of Equity Options, Single Stock Futures and Single Stock Dividend Futures


05 Oct 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives: A. Introduction of Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures and equity options due to the spin-off of Sandoz Group AG from Novartis AG; B. Name change of underlyings of Single Stock Futures and equity options


02 Oct 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Money Market Derivatives: Re-classification of Money Market Derivatives as Money Market Index Derivatives


02 Oct 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Money Market Derivatives: Re-classification of Money Market Derivatives as Money Market Index Derivatives


25 Sep 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Equity Options: Introduction of Nordic Single Stock Options; B. Change of the start of the pre-trading phase for Eurex Market-on-Close Futures Contracts on Euro STOXX 50® Index Futures


25 Sep 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Equity Options: Introduction of Nordic Single Stock Options; B. Change of the start of the pre-trading phase for Eurex Market-on-Close Futures Contracts on Euro STOXX 50® Index Futures


11 Sep 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Total Return Futures and Dividend Derivatives: Changes of entry intervals and trading hours


11 Sep 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Total Return Futures and Dividend Derivatives: Changes of entry intervals and trading hours


04 Sep 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

ETF derivatives: Introduction of options on mid- and short-duration US Treasury UCITS ETFs


01 Sep 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Euro-Fixed-Income Futures: Adjustment of the obligations for performance for the delivery of Euro-Fixed Income futures contracts on debt securities of the Republic of Italy


28 Aug 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Index Derivatives: Introduction of Euro STOXX 50® Index EoD Options; Amendment of Contract Specifications due to the cancellation of admission to trading of Euro STOXX 50® month-end Options


28 Aug 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Index Derivatives: Introduction of Euro STOXX 50® Index EoD Options; Amendment of Contract Specifications due to the cancellation of admission to trading of Euro STOXX 50® month-end Options


31 Jul 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: Cancellation of admission to trading of Single Stock Futures and Equity Options


31 Jul 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: Discontinuation of portfolio compression services for listed derivatives


31 Jul 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Index Derivatives: Introduction of Eurex Daily Futures on KOSPI 200 Monday Weekly Options


24 Jul 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI and STOXX Index derivatives: Changes of terms, tick sizes and ISINs


24 Jul 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI and STOXX Index derivatives: Changes of terms, tick sizes and ISINs


03 Jul 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives: Introduction of Single Stock Futures and Single Stock Dividend Futures


26 Jun 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Index Derivatives: Cancellation of admission to trading for Futures on iSTOXX® Europe Factor Indices


26 Jun 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Index Derivatives: Cancellation of admission to trading for Futures on iSTOXX® Europe Factor Indices


12 Jun 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI derivatives: Cancellation of admission of three MSCI Futures and launch of another five MSCI Futures


05 Jun 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

UPDATE: MiFID II/MiFIR: Changes in TES/Eurex EnLight Minimum Block Trade Sizes and Non-Disclosure Limits for Eurex products


05 Jun 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

UPDATE: MiFID II/MiFIR: Changes in TES/Eurex EnLight Minimum Block Trade Sizes and Non-Disclosure Limits for Eurex products


05 Jun 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MiFID II/MiFIR: Changes in TES/Eurex EnLight Minimum Block Trade Sizes and Non-Disclosure Limits for Eurex products


05 Jun 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MiFID II/MiFIR: Changes in TES/Eurex EnLight Minimum Block Trade Sizes and Non-Disclosure Limits for Eurex products


05 Jun 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives: A. Introduction of Single Stock Futures and Single Stock Dividend Futures; B. Name change of underlyings of Single Stock Futures and equity options


29 May 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

ETF Derivatives: Introduction of new Equity Index ETF Options


02 May 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Options Contracts on shares of Exchange-Traded Index Funds: Extension of Continuous Trading period for options on shares of GBP and USD denominated Index Funds


02 May 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Futures Contracts on Interest Rate Swaps: Cancellation of admission to trading of all futures contracts on Interest Rate Swaps; Futures on debt securities of the Federal Republic of Germany and Switzerland: Harmonization of price intervals for off-book trades


02 May 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Futures Contracts on Interest Rate Swaps: Cancellation of admission to trading of all futures contracts on Interest Rate Swaps; Futures on debt securities of the Federal Republic of Germany and Switzerland: Harmonization of price intervals for off-book trades


17 Apr 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives: Cancellation of admission to trading for Single Stock Futures and equity options


17 Apr 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Derivatives on Cryptocurrencies: Introduction of Futures on FTSE Bitcoin Index in EUR and USD


17 Apr 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Derivatives on Cryptocurrencies: Introduction of Futures on FTSE Bitcoin Index in EUR and USD


27 Mar 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

NextGen ETD Contracts: Introduction of new product initiatives


27 Mar 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

NextGen ETD Contracts: Introduction of new product initiatives


06 Mar 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

CORRECTION: Equity derivatives: C. Cancellation of admission to trading of Single Stock Futures and equity


01 Mar 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Fixed Income derivatives: Change in TES/EnLight Minimum Block Trade Sizes for selected FI futures and options


13 Feb 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

STOXX® Index Derivatives: Extension of terms for selected options


13 Feb 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

STOXX® Index Derivatives: Extension of terms for selected options


06 Feb 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

UPDATE: Equity derivatives: Introduction of Equity Options and Single Stock Futures; cancellation of admission to trading for Single Stock Futures


06 Feb 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives: Introduction of Equity Options and Single Stock Futures; cancellation of admission to trading for Single Stock Futures


01 Feb 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Recalibration of the Order to Trade Ratio and the Excessive System Usage Fee


30 Jan 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives: A. Introduction of Single Stock Futures and Single Stock Dividend Futures; B. Name change of underlyings of selected Single Stock Futures and equity options; C. Cancellation of admission to trading of Single Stock Futures and equity options


23 Jan 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Money Market Futures: Introduction of Three-Month Euro STR Futures


23 Jan 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Money Market Futures: Introduction of Three-Month Euro STR Futures


16 Jan 2023

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Commodity index derivatives: Reduction in Minimum Block Trade Size and enabling of Exchange-for-Physicals for Index Futures (EFP-I) transactions


19 Dec 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: Introduction of Micro-Options on the DAX® index; Amendment of contract specification due to delisting of MDAX® futures and options


19 Dec 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: Introduction of Micro-Options on the DAX® index; Amendment of contract specification due to delisting of MDAX® futures and options


01 Dec 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Amendments to the Rulebooks of Eurex Deutschland


01 Dec 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Amendments to the Rulebooks of Eurex Deutschland


01 Dec 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Euro-Fixed Income Futures Contracts: Introduction of a minimum day rule on debt securities of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Italy, the Republic of France, and the Kingdom of Spain


28 Nov 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: Delisting of Related Security Spread (“RSS”) Futures


07 Nov 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives: Cancellation of admission to trading for Single Stock Futures and equity options


07 Nov 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI Index derivatives: Introduction of additional products and amendments in the Liquidity Provider Schemes


07 Nov 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI Index derivatives: Introduction of additional products and amendments in the Liquidity Provider Schemes


17 Oct 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Fixed Income Derivatives: A. Introduction of Euro High Yield Index Futures; B. Editorial changes to the Contract Specifications for existing bond index futures


17 Oct 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Fixed Income Derivatives: A. Introduction of Euro High Yield Index Futures; B. Editorial changes to the Contract Specifications for existing bond index futures


10 Oct 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

FX Derivatives: Introduction of new cash-settled FX Futures on Emerging Markets currency pairs


10 Oct 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

FX Derivatives: Introduction of new cash-settled FX Futures on Emerging Markets currency pairs


10 Oct 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Passive Liquidity Protection: Deferral Time for OESX


07 Oct 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives: A. Introduction of Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures and Equity Options; B. Name change of selected Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures and Equity Options due to name change of underlying


04 Oct 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: Introduction of Equity Options, Single Stock Futures and Single Stock Dividend Futures


30 Sep 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives on Porsche AG: Introduction of Equity Options, Single Stock Futures and Single Stock Dividend Futures


05 Sep 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Options: Changes in Minimum Block Trade Sizes for maturities longer than 2 years


05 Sep 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Index Derivatives: Amendments to the Contract Specifications for FTSE 100 Declared Dividend Index Futures and for Index Total Return Futures


29 Aug 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: A. Introduction of Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures and one equity option; B. Name change with regard to the underlyings of Single Stock Futures and equity options


01 Aug 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Euro-Fixed-Income Futures: Adjustment of the obligations for performance for the delivery of Euro-Fixed-Income futures contracts on debt securities of the Republic of Italy


25 Jul 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives: A. Cancellation of admission to trading for Single Stock Futures and equity options; B. Name change with regard to the underlyings of Single Stock Futures and equity options


04 Jul 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: Introduction of Equity Options, Single Stock Futures and Stock Tracking Futures


27 Jun 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Volatility Derivatives: EURO STOXX 50® Variance Futures – change in contract specifications


13 Jun 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: Introduction of Single Stock Futures and Single Stock Dividend Futures


13 Jun 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Dividend Derivatives: Introduction of EURO STOXX® Banks Index Dividend Options


13 Jun 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Dividend Derivatives: Introduction of EURO STOXX® Banks Index Dividend Options


30 May 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MiFID II/MiFIR: Changes in TES/Eurex EnLight Minimum Block Trade Sizes and Non-Disclosure Limits for Eurex products


30 May 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MiFID II/MiFIR: Changes in TES/Eurex EnLight Minimum Block Trade Sizes and Non-Disclosure Limits for Eurex products


30 May 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Fixed Income and Equity Index derivatives: A. Change of trading hours on the last trading day for Fixed Income ESG index futures; B. Adjustment of Eurex Contract Specifications for Exchange-for-Physicals for Index Futures (EFP-I) transactions


30 May 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Fixed Income and Equity Index derivatives: A. Change of trading hours on the last trading day for Fixed Income ESG index futures; B. Adjustment of Eurex Contract Specifications for Exchange-for-Physicals for Index Futures (EFP-I) transactions


23 May 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: Introduction of Single Stock Futures, Equity Options and Single Stock Dividend Futures


23 May 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Selected Index Futures and Options: Introduction of additional expirations


16 May 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: Introduction of Futures on STOXX® Global Thematic Indices


16 May 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Dividend Derivatives: Introduction of further expirations for EURO STOXX® Banks Index Dividend Futures


16 May 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: Introduction of Futures on STOXX® Global Thematic Indices


11 May 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: Introduction of Single Stock Futures, Equity Options and Single Stock Dividend Futures


09 May 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Money Market Futures: Cancellation of the contracts already admitted to trading EUR Secured Funding Futures (FLIC)


09 May 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Money Market Futures: Cancellation of the contracts already admitted to trading EUR Secured Funding Futures (FLIC)


06 May 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: Name change regarding underlyings of several Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures and equity options


25 Apr 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: A. Cancellation of admission to trading for Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures and equity options; B. Name change with regard to the underlyings of Single Stock Futures and equity options


19 Apr 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

ETF derivatives: Introduction of new ESG ETF options


19 Apr 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

ETF derivatives: Introduction of new ESG ETF options


11 Apr 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

UPDATE: Equity and Equity Index Derivatives: Delisting of Russian derivatives


11 Apr 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

UPDATE: Equity and Equity Index Derivatives: Delisting of Russian derivatives


28 Mar 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: Introduction of Eurex Daily Futures on KOSPI 200 Weekly Options


21 Mar 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: Introduction of Equity Options, Single Stock Futures and Single Stock Dividend Futures


21 Mar 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: Introduction of Equity Options, Single Stock Futures and Single Stock Dividend Futures


21 Mar 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

EURO STOXX® 50 Index Futures: Change of minimum price gradation (tick) for outright futures contracts


28 Feb 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Total Return Futures: Changes to expiration cycles for Equity and Basket Total Return Futures, amendments to the contract specifications for Index Total Return Futures


21 Feb 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI Index derivatives: Introduction of additional products, extension of terms and a new incentive component


21 Feb 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI Index derivatives: Introduction of additional products, extension of terms and a new incentive component


14 Feb 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

005/2022 Equity Derivatives: A. Introduction of equity options, Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures; B. Cancellation of admission to trading for equity options, Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures; C. Name change for one Single Stock Future and one equity option


14 Feb 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

005/2022 Equity Derivatives: A. Introduction of equity options, Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures; B. Cancellation of admission to trading for equity options, Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures; C. Name change for one Single Stock Future and one equity option


31 Jan 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity and Basket Total Return Futures: Expansion of EUR-denominated products and amendments to contract specifications


31 Jan 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity and Basket Total Return Futures: Expansion of EUR-denominated products and amendments to contract specifications


24 Jan 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: Introduction of Equity Options, Single Stock Futures and Single Stock Dividend Futures, cancellation of admission to trading for Single Stock Futures and Equity Options


24 Jan 2022

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

EURO STOXX® 50 Index Options and DAX® and Mini DAX® Index Futures: Introduction of additional expirations


20 Dec 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives: A. Introduction of Single Stock Futures, Equity Options and Single Stock Dividend Futures; B. Cancellation of admission to trading for Single Stock Futures and Equity Options


20 Dec 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Money Market Futures: Delisting of EONIA-Futures (FEO1) and Three-Month SARON® Futures (FSO3)


20 Dec 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Money Market Futures: Delisting of EONIA-Futures (FEO1) and Three-Month SARON® Futures (FSO3)


10 Dec 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives: Name change of Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures and Equity Options


06 Dec 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

EURO STOXX® 50 Index Weekly Options: Introduction of additional expirations


29 Nov 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: Introduction of Equity Options and Single Stock Dividend Futures


08 Nov 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Aktienindex-Derivate: Handelbarkeit weiterer MSCI-Futures für Teilnehmer in den USA/Einstellung des Handels in 14 MSCI-Futures


01 Nov 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

UPDATE: Equity Derivatives: Amendments in relation to corporate action procedures and Benchmarks Regulations


01 Nov 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: Amendments in relation to corporate action procedures and Benchmarks Regulations


01 Nov 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

FX derivatives: Amendments of contract specifications


18 Oct 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

EURO STOXX 50® Index Total Return Futures (TESX): Transition of the reference Funding Rate from €STR plus 0.085 percent to €STR (flat)


18 Oct 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: Introduction of options on the EURO STOXX 50® ESG Index with weekly expiries and month-end-expiries


11 Oct 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

EURO STOXX® Banks Index Options: Introduction of additional expirations and adjustment of strike price intervals


04 Oct 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: Introduction of Single Stock Futures, Equity Options and Single Stock Dividend Futures


04 Oct 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: Introduction of Single Stock Futures, Equity Options and Single Stock Dividend Futures


27 Sep 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Money Market Futures: Introduction of 3M SARON® Futures with a new naming convention


27 Sep 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Fixed Income derivatives: A. Introduction of Fixed Income ESG Index Futures; B. Withdrawal of admission of EURO STOXX 50® Corporate Bond Index Futures


13 Sep 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Derivatives on Exchange Traded Products: Introduction of Futures on BTCetc - ETC Group Physical Bitcoin


06 Sep 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI Futures: Introduction of four additional products and termination of trading in 15 futures


06 Sep 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Passive Liquidity Protection: Deferral times and launch dates for OINX


06 Sep 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

FX derivatives: Introduction of FX Futures on Scandinavian currency pairs


02 Aug 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Eurex EnLight: Fixed Income ETD product scope extension


26 Jul 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

FX derivatives: Introduction of Eurex Daily USD/KRW Futures Contracts on US Dollar Futures of Korea Exchange (KRX)


26 Jul 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Expansion of Eurex TES Basket Trades Functionality for Equity Bespoke Baskets (EBB)


26 Jul 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives: A. Introduction of Single Stock Futures and Single Stock Dividend Futures; B. Withdrawal of admission of Single Stock Futures and Equity Options, C. Name change


21 Jun 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

EURO STOXX® 50 Index Futures: Change of the smallest price change (tick) for outright futures


21 Jun 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Eurex Trade Entry Services (TES): Entry times for Additional Contract Versions (“flex trades”)


14 Jun 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: Introduction of Single Stock Futures, equity options and other equity derivatives measures


31 May 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

UPDATE: Equity Index Derivatives: Passive Liquidity Protection: Stepwise rollout into index options in 2021 and 2022


31 May 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

UPDATE: MiFID II/MiFIR: Changes in TES/EnLight Minimum Block Trade Sizes and Non-Disclosure Limits for Eurex products and introduction of intra-day Non-Disclosure Limits for Dividend Futures


31 May 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MiFID II/MiFIR: Changes in TES/EnLight Minimum Block Trade Sizes and Non-Disclosure Limits for Eurex products and introduction of intra-day Non-Disclosure Limits for Dividend Futures


31 May 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Eurex EnLight: Extension of FX derivatives


31 May 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI index derivatives: Introduction of additional futures and options


17 May 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

ETF derivatives: Introduction of new ETF options


15 May 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

FX derivatives: Migration of FX derivatives to the standard T7 trading system


26 Apr 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: Introduction of 20 Single Stock Dividend Futures


26 Apr 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Index Derivatives: Introduction of Futures on STOXX® Europe 600 and USA 500 Factor Indices


19 Apr 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Index Derivatives: Introduction of Micro Futures on the DAX®, EURO STOXX 50® and SMI® indices


12 Apr 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: Introduction of Single Stock Futures and Equity Options, withdrawal of admission of Single Stock Futures and adjustment of Equity 01 and 02 Liquidity Provider schemes


29 Mar 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Index Derivatives: Introduction of a compression service for listed derivatives


29 Mar 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Index Derivatives: Introduction of Total Return Futures on FTSE 100 Index (update)


29 Mar 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Index Derivatives: Introduction of FTSE 100 Index Total Return Futures, FTSE 100 Declared Dividend Index Futures, FTSE 100 Index Futures and Options

Chapter II


29 Mar 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Index Total Return Futures: Introduction of Index Total Return Futures on EURO STOXX Banks and EURO STOXX Select Dividend 30

Chapter II


22 Mar 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: Introduction of Related Security Spread (“RSS”) Futures (Phase 2)


22 Mar 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Eurex EnLight product scope extension


22 Mar 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: Introduction of Eurex Daily Futures on KOSPI 200 Futures


22 Feb 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI Saudi Arabia Futures: Change of Minimum Block Trade Size


25 Jan 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of equity options on US shares admitted to Xetra trading


18 Jan 2021

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives: A. Introduction of Single Stock Futures; B. Withdrawal of admission of Single Stock Futures and Equity Options


21 Dec 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

DAX®, Mini-DAX® and (EURO) STOXX® Banks Sector Index Futures: Change of the smallest price change (tick) for futures outright and calendar spreads

Part 1: 1.2.5
Annex E


14 Dec 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Foreign Exchange (FX) derivatives: Delisting of FX Options and introduction of options on FX Futures


07 Dec 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Extension of trading hours for additional selected benchmark futures


16 Nov 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives: A. Withdrawal of admission of Single Stock Futures and Equity Options due to corporate actions, B. Name change of Single Stock Futures and Equity options


09 Nov 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: Introduction of futures and options on the EURO STOXX® 50 ESG and DAX® 50 ESG indexes


02 Nov 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of 21 Single Stock Dividend Futures


02 Nov 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: Equity options on S&T AG and Lonza Group AG - Update to Eurex Circular 079/20


26 Oct 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: Equity options on S&T AG and Lonza Group AG - Update to Eurex Circular 079/20


20 Oct 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Euro-Fixed-Income Futures: Adjustment of the obligations for performance for the delivery of Short-Term Euro-BTP futures contracts on debt securities of the Republic of Italy


19 Oct 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives: Introduction of new expirations for Single Stock Dividend Futures and EURO STOXX 50® Index Dividend Futures


12 Oct 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Money market derivatives: Introduction of new expiration dates for EONIA Futures (FEO1) and EUR Secured Funding Futures (FLIC)


05 Oct 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Withdrawal of admission of Single Stock Futures, options and Total Return Futures due to corporate actions

Annex A
Annex B
Annex G


01 Oct 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives: Introduction of two Single Stock Futures, six Equity Options and one Single Stock Dividend Future

Annex A
Annex D


28 Sep 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Fixed income derivatives: Introduction of options on Euro-Buxl-Futures

Part 2: 2.3.1, 2.3.7, 2.3.10
Part 3: 3.2.1, 3.2.5
Annex C


21 Sep 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Futures and options on EURO STOXX® and STOXX® Europe 600 Sector Indexes: Introduction of further derivatives following the introduction of new ICB supersectors

Part 1: 1.3.1
Part 2: 2.4.1, 2.4.4
Part 3:
Annex C 


11 Sep 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Euro-Fixed-Income Futures: Adjustment of the obligations for performance for the delivery of Euro-Fixed Income futures contracts on debt securities of the Republic of Italy

Part 1: 1.2.2


10 Sep 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Announcement of the Management Board of Eurex Deutschland: MiFID II / MiFIR: Changes in TES / EnLight Minimum Block Trade Sizes and Non-Disclosure Limits for Eurex products


07 Sep 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Changes in TES / EnLight Minimum Block Trade Sizes and Non-Disclosure Limits for Eurex products

Part 3: 3.2.1
Annex A
Annex B
Annex D
Annex G
Annex H


04 Sep 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Announcement of the Management Board of Eurex Deutschland: MiFID II / MiFIR: Changes in TES / EnLight Minimum Block Trade Sizes and Non-Disclosure Limits for Eurex products


24 Aug 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

EURO STOXX 50 Index Options: Introduction of additional expirations

Part 2: 2.4.4


17 Aug 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A Single Stock Futures: Introduction of five Single Stock Futures; B. Single Stock Futures/Single Stock Dividend Futures/Equity Options: Name change

Annex A
Annex B
Annex D
Annex G
Annex H


03 Aug 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Delisting of Inter-Product Spread Strategies in Fixed Income Futures

Part 1: 1.2.5


03 Aug 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Foreign Exchange (FX) derivatives: Amendment of the terms for FX Futures

Part 1: 1.18.3


01 Jul 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Changes to the Third-Party Information Provider framework

Part 1: 1.6.1, 2.6
Part 3: 3.1.6, 3.2, 3.2.1
Annex A
Annex B
Annex C


01 Jul 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Adjustment of the Contract Specifications for Futures Contracts and Options Contacts at Eurex Deutschland

Part 3:


01 Jul 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Adjustment of the Contract Specifications for Futures Contracts and Options Contacts at Eurex Deutschland

Part 1: 1.1.1
Part 2: 2.2.1


22 Jun 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Withdrawal of admission of equity index futures, equity index options and property index futures and adjustment of the relevant Product Specific Supplements

Part 1: 1.3.1, 1.3.3, 1.3.4, 1.9
Part 2: 2.4.1, 2.4.4, 2.4.5, 2.4.9
Part 3: 3.1.1, 3.2.1, 3.2.3, 3.2.4, 3.2.5,
Annex C
Annex E


22 Jun 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

UPDATE: Equity index derivatives: Introduction of Related Security Spread (“RSS”) Futures

Part 1: 1.28, 1.28.1, 1.28.2, 1.28.3, 1.28.4, 1.28.5, 1.28.6
Part 3: 3.1.1, 3.2.1
Annex C


15 Jun 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives: Introduction of Single Stock Futures and Stock Tracking Futures

Part 2: 2.6.7
Annex A 
Annex B
Annex H


09 Jun 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Fixed income futures: Adjustment of the obligations for performance for the delivery of Euro-Fixed Income futures contracts on debt securities of the Federal Republic of Germany

Part 1: 1.2.2 


01 Jun 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Withdrawal of admission of Single Stock Futures and Single Stock Dividend Futures due to corporate actions

Annex A
Annex D


11 May 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

ETF derivatives: Adjustment of existing ETF options

Part 2: 2.5.7


14 Apr 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Eurex Improve – Joint usage of Eurex Improve by affiliated Exchange Participants

Part 4: 4.2. 


06 Apr 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: Introduction of further MSCI index derivatives

Part 1: 1.3.1, 1.3.5
Part 2: 2.4.1, 2.4.4, 2.4.9
Part 3: 3.2.1
Annex C


06 Apr 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Eurex EnLight: Product scope extension

Part 3: 3.2.1
Annex D


30 Mar 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

ETF derivatives: Reduction of strike price intervals and amendment of spread class

Part 2: 2.5.4, 2.5.7


23 Mar 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

ETF derivatives: Introduction of new ETF options and adjustment of existing ETF options

Part 1:,
Part 2: 2.5.1, 2.5.4, 2.5.7, 2.5.11
Part 3: 3.2.1
Annex B
Annex C


23 Mar 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

EURO STOXX® 50 Index Futures: Reduction of the smallest price change (tick) for futures calendar spreads; Adjustment of minimum block trade size

Part 1:
Part 3: 3.2.1, 3.3.3,
Annex E


02 Mar 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: Introduction of futures on MSCI ESG Screened Indexes (World, USA, EM, EAFE, Japan)

Part 1: 1.3.1,, 
Part 3: 3.2.1


24 Feb 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI Futures: Changes in tick sizes for futures calendar spreads and Non-Disclosure Limits, as well as tradability for U.S. Participants

Part 1:,
Part 2: 2.4.4
Annex E


24 Feb 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Index Total Return Futures on iSTOXX® Europe Collateral Indices

Part 1: 1.22.1, 1.22.3, 1.22.4,,,,,,,,,
Part 3: 3.2.1, 3.2.6
Annex C


10 Feb 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Index Derivatives: Introduction of Futures on the STOXX® USA 500 ESG-X Index

Part 1: 1.3.1, 1.3.4,
Part 3: 3.2.1, 3.2.3, 3.2.4
Annex C


03 Feb 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Eurex Improve: Simulation exercise and amendment of Contract Specifications

Part 4: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3


27 Jan 2020

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives: Introduction of Single Stock Futures and equity options; withdrawal of admission of Single Stock Futures, equity options and Single Stock Dividend Futures

Part 1: 1.27
Part 2: 2.11.1, 2.11.6
Annex A
Annex B
Annex D
Annex G
Annex H


16 Dec 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Volatility Derivatives: Introduction of Futures on the EURO STOXX 50® Realized Dispersion Index

Part 1: 1.5.1, 1.5.3, 1.5.4, 1.5.5
Part 3: 3.2.1
Annex B
Annex C


09 Dec 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

ETF derivatives - Update on introduction and additional information

Part 2: 2.5.4


02 Dec 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures/Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of three SSFs and two SSDFs; B. Single Stock Futures/equity options: Withdrawal of admission; C. Single Stock Futures/equity options: Name change

Part 1: 1.16
Part 2: 2.11.1
Annex A
Annex B
Annex D


04 Nov 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Eurex EnLight: Product Scope Extension and Introduction of Option Volatility Strategies Trading for Single Stock Options

Part 3: 3.2.1
Annex A


30 Oct 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Money market derivatives: Introduction of new expiration dates for EONIA Futures (FEO1) and EUR Secured Funding Futures (FLIC)

Part 1: 1.1.3


21 Oct 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

ETF derivatives: Introduction of options on iShares EUR High Yield Corporate Bond ETF and iShares Core EUR Corporate Bond ETF

Part 2: 2.5.1, 2.5.4, 2.5.7
Part 3: 3.2.1
Annex C


21 Oct 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: Introduction of Single Stock Futures and equity options

Part 3: 3.1.1
Annex A
Annex B
Annex C
Annex D


21 Oct 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: Introduction of derivatives on STOXX® Europe ESG Leaders Select 30 and STOXX® Europe 600 ESG-X indices

Part 2: 2.4.1, 2.4.4, 2.4.5, 2.4.9
Part 3: 3.2.1, 3.2.5
Annex C


21 Oct 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: Introduction of derivatives on STOXX® Europe ESG Leaders Select 30 and STOXX® Europe 600 ESG-X indices

Part 1: 1.3.1, 1.3.4,
Part 3: 3.2.1, 3.2.3, 2.2.4
Annex C


14 Oct 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Index Dividend Futures: Introduction of MSCI Index Dividend Futures

Part 1: 1.8.1, 1.8.3, 1.8.4, 1.8.5
Part 3: 3.2.1
Annex C


07 Oct 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Total Return Futures and Basket Trades of Equity Total Return Futures – Update on introduction and additional information

Part 1: 1.26, 1.26.1, 1.26.2, 1.26.3, 1.26.4, 1.26.5, 1.26.6,,,,,, 1.26.7, 1.26.8,,,,,,, 1.26.9,,, 1.26.10, 1.26.11, 1.26.12 
Part 3: 3.1.3, 3.2.7
Annex C
Annex E
Annex G


07 Oct 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Announcement of the Management Board of Eurex Deutschland


02 Oct 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

EURO STOXX 50® Total Return Futures and EURO STOXX 50® Index Variance Futures: Amendments related to the introduction of the euro short-term rate (€STR)

Part 1: 1.22.4,, 1.22.7,,,,,,


02 Oct 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

EURO STOXX 50® Total Return Futures and EURO STOXX 50® Index Variance Futures: Amendments related to the introduction of the euro short-term rate (€STR)

Part 1:


01 Oct 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

New expiration and final settlement dates for EONIA Futures (FEO1)

Part 1: 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.3, 1.1.4
Part 3: 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.4


30 Sep 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Options on VSTOXX® Futures: Reduction of the smallest price change (tick)

Part 2: 2.13.10


30 Sep 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

De-listing of 29 LDX IRS Constant Maturity Futures (GE02 - GE30)

Part 1:; 1.21
Part 3: 3.1.1.; 3.2.1
Annex C
Annex E


30 Sep 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

EURO STOXX 50® Total Return Futures and EURO STOXX 50® Index Variance Futures: Amendments related to the introduction of the euro short-term rate (€STR)

Annex C


16 Sep 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Launch of Inter-Product Spread Strategies in Fixed Income Futures – Information regarding production launch

Part 1: 1.2.5


19 Aug 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI Futures: Reduction of the smallest price change (tick) for futures calendar spreads; Amendment of the „Product Specific Supplement for Futures on MSCI Indices“ for Liquidity Providers

Part 1:
Annex E


12 Aug 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures/Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of three SSFs and two SSDFs; B. Single Stock Futures/ Single Stock Dividend Futures: Withdrawal of admission; C. Single Stock Futures/equity options: Name change

Annex A
Annex B
Annex D


12 Aug 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: Introduction of single stock futures, equity options and single stock dividend futures

Part 1: 1.6.2
Annex A
Annex B
Annex C
Annex D


29 Jul 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Index Dividend Futures: Introduction of EURO STOXX® and STOXX® Europe 600 Automobiles & Parts Dividend Futures

Part 1: 1.8.1, 1.8.3


29 Jul 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives: Introduction of Stock Tracking Futures

Part 1: 1.27, 1.27.1, 1.27.2, 1.27.3, 1.27.4, 1.27.5, 1.27.6, 1.27.7, 1.27.8, 1.27.9, 1.27.10
Part 3: 3.2.1
Annex C
Annex E
Annex H


29 Jul 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Equity Total Return Futures and Basket Trades of Equity Total Return Futures

Part 1: 1.26, 1.26.1, 1.26.2, 1.26.3, 1.26.4, 1.26.5, 1.26.6,,,,,, 1.26.7, 1.26.8,,,,,,, 1.26.9,,, 1.26.10, 1.26.11, 1.26.12, 
Part 3: 3.1.3, 3.2.7
Annex C
Annex E
Annex G


22 Jul 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

EURO STOXX®/STOXX® Europe 600-Banks Futures: Reduction of the smallest price change (tick) for futures calendar spreads; Adjustment of minimum block trade size

Suppart 1.3:
Subpart 3.2: 3.2.1
Annex E


22 Jul 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

DAX® index options: Adjustment of Contract Specifications

Subpart 2.4: 2.4.9
Annex C


15 Jul 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Contract Specifications at Eurex Deutschland – Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of 43 Single Stock Dividend Futures

Annex D


17 Jun 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures/Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of eight SSFs and one SSDF; B. Single Stock Futures/equity options: Withdrawal of admission; C. Single Stock Futures/equity options: Name change

Annex A
Annex B
Annex D


10 Jun 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity options: Changes in minimum block trade sizes

Annex A
Annex B


20 May 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Options: Adjustment of contract specifications for a range of equitiy options (Fourth wave of pro-rata allocation)

Part 2: 2.6.11
Annex B
Annex E


20 May 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI index derivatives: Introduction of futures on MSCI Saudi Arabia

Part 1: 1.3.1,
Part 3: 3.2.1


13 May 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of seven SSFs; Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of one SSDF

Annex A
Annex D


02 May 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Contract Specifications at Eurex Deutschland – Clarification related to changes on Minimum Block Trade Sizes for Eurex EnLight and T7 Entry Service

Subpart 3.1: 3.1.6
Subpart 3.2, 3.2.1
Annex B
Annex C


02 May 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Amendments to the Conditions for Trading and the Contract Specifications at Eurex Deutschland

Subpart 3.1: 3.1.6
Subpart 3.2, 3.2.1
Annex B
Annex C


29 Apr 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives: Introduction of Single Stock Futures and equity options on Alcon Inc.

Annex A
Annex B


23 Apr 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity options: A. Adjustment of premium thresholds for selected equity options; B. Adjustment of strike price intervals (Group ID XX11)

Part 2: 2.6.7


17 Apr 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives: Introduction of one Single Stock Future, one Single Stock Dividend Future, two equity options and two equity options with weekly expiration on Novartis AG

Annex A
Annex B
Annex D


15 Apr 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives: Introduction of single stock futures

Annex A


15 Apr 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI index derivatives: Introduction of 26 index futures and one index option

Part 2, 2.4.1, 2.4.9
Part 3, 3.2.1, 3.2.5
Annex C


15 Apr 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity options: A. Adjustment of premium thresholds for selected equity options; B. Adjustment of strike price intervals (Group ID XX11)

Part 2: 2.6.7


08 Apr 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI index derivatives: Introduction of 26 index futures and one index option

Part 1, 1.3.1, 1.3.5
Part 3, 3.2.1


08 Apr 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of options on iShares Physical Silver ETC (ISLN)

Part 2.11, 2.11.1, 2.11.6, 2.11.10, 3.2, 3.2.1
Annex C


08 Apr 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives: Introduction of physically settled single stock futures

Part 1: 1.6.2
Annex A 
Annex C


25 Mar 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Withdrawal of admission of ten Single Stock Futures due to corporate actions

Annex A


18 Mar 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

FX Options: Withdrawal of the admission for trading for FX Options on Euro – Japanese Yen (OCEY)

Part 2, 2.12.1
Part 3, 3.2.1
Annex C


11 Mar 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity options: A. Adjustment of premium thresholds for selected equity options; B. Adjustment of strike price intervals (Group ID XX11)

Annex B


11 Mar 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

FX Futures, FX Options, Rolling Spot Futures: Change of Trading hours in alignment with the market close in New York (USA) and Wellington (New Zealand)

Subpart 1.24.5
Annex C


04 Mar 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of two SSFs

Annex A


04 Mar 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Options on VSTOXX® Futures: Change in Minimum Block Trade Size and Strike Price Interval

Subpart 2.13, 2.13.7
Subpart 3.2, 3.2.1


25 Feb 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Shortening of post-trading phase for products traded until 22:00 CET

Annex C


25 Feb 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI index derivatives: Adjustment of minimum block trade sizes and nondisclosure limits

Subpart 3.2.1


25 Feb 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity ETF derivatives: Introduction of eight ETF options

Part 1, 1.4.1
Part 2, 2.5.1, 2.5.5
Part 3, 3.2.1


25 Feb 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives on STOXX® ESG-X, Low Carbon, Climate Impact, Select 50 indices: Updated introduction date

Part 3: 3.2.5


18 Feb 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives on STOXX® ESG-X, Low Carbon, Climate Impact, Select 50 indices: Updated introduction date

Part 1: 1.3.1, 1.3.4,,

Part 3: 3.2.1, 3.2.3, 3.2.4

Annex C


18 Feb 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives on STOXX® ESG-X, Low Carbon, Climate Impact, Select 50 indices: Updated introduction date

Part 1: 1.3.1, 1.3.4,
Part 3: 3.2.1, 3.2.3, 3.2.4
Annex C


18 Feb 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives on STOXX® ESG-X, Low Carbon, Climate Impact, Select 50 indices: Updated introduction date

Part 2: 2.4.1, 2.4.4, 2.4.5, 2.4.9
Part 3: 3.2.1
Annex C


11 Feb 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

UPDATE: Equity options: Adjustment of contract specifications for selected European equity options (Group IDs: XX11, XX12 and XX13)

Subpart 2.6: 2.6.11
Annex B
Annex E


08 Feb 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity options: Adjustment of contract specifications for selected European equity options (Group IDs: XX11, XX12 and XX13)

Subpart 2.6: 2.6.11
Annex B to 2.6
Annex E


04 Feb 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives: Introduction of Single Stock Futures and equity options; withdrawal of admission of Single Stock Futures and equity options

Annex A
Annex B


28 Jan 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Adjustment of Eurex’s Contract Specifications


21 Jan 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity options: Adjustment of contract size for Weekly Options on Swisscom AG

Annex B


18 Jan 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity options: Adjustment of contract specifications for selected European equity options (Group IDs: XX11, XX12 and XX13)

Subpart 2.6: 2.6.11
Annex B to 2.6
Annex E


14 Jan 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

1. Withdrawal of admission of Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures and equity options; 2. Name change of Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures and equity options; 3. Adjustment of contract size for options on UniCredit S.P.A.

Annex A, Annex B, Annex D


07 Jan 2019

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Changes in minimum block trade sizes for Euro STOXX 50® Corporate Bond Index Futures (FCBI)

Subpart 3.2


17 Dec 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Entry times for Additional Contract Versions (“flex trades”) and for Transaction Size Limits

Subpart 3.2: 3.2.1
Annex C


17 Dec 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity options: Adjustment of contract specifications for selected European equity options (Group IDs: XX11, XX12 and XX13)

Subpart 2.6: 2.6.11
Annex B to 2.6
Annex E


10 Dec 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Extension of trading hours for selected benchmark futures and MSCI futures

Annex C


03 Dec 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Extension of trading hours for selected benchmark futures and MSCI futures

Part 3, 3.2.1

Annex C


26 Nov 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Dividend Futures: Extension of contract expiration for 13 Single Stock Dividend Futures

Part 1: 1.13.3

Annex D


19 Nov 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI index futures: A. Adjustment of tick sizes; B. Fee waiver for ex-index futures during all trading hours, as well as for selected products during Asian trading hours

Part 1;


12 Nov 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of six SSFs; Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of three SSDFs

Annex A
Annex D


12 Nov 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Options on Exchange Traded Funds (ETF options): Change of term for contract expiration dates and exercise price intervals for Options on Fixed Income ETFs

Part 2, Subpart 2.5, 2.5.4, 2.5.7


01 Nov 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Extension of trading hours and enhanced risk functionality – further information

Annex C


31 Oct 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Money market derivatives: Amendments to the contract specifications for EONIA Future (FEO1) and EUR Secured Funding Future (FLIC)

Part 1,  1.1.3


29 Oct 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Money Market Derivatives: Introduction of Three-Month SARON® Futures

Part 1, Subpart 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.3, 1.1.4, 1.1.5, Part 3, Subpart 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.4, Annex C


25 Oct 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. ETC options: Adjustment of contract size for Xetra-Gold® and ETFS Physical Gold; B. Change of Pre-Trading Period in Variance-Futures on the EURO STOXX 50® index

Part 2, Subpart 2.9, 2.9.2, 2.9.3, Subpart 2.11., 2.11.2, Annex C


22 Oct 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Equity derivatives: Introduction of one SSF, one SSDF, one equity option and eleven equity options with weekly expiration; B. Amendment of the Product Specific Supplements to the Liquidity Provider Schemes for SSDFs and equity options

Annex A, Annex B, Annex D


01 Oct 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives: Withdrawal of admission of eight Single Stock Futures and one equity option

Annex A, Annex B


01 Oct 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Futures contracts and options contracts on shares; Futures contracts on the dividends of shares: Change of group ID, name and cash market ID of futures contracts and options contracts on Nordea Bank AB

Annex A, Annex B, Annex D


10 Sep 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Introduction of four Single Stock Futures; B. Equity options: Introduction of six equity options; extension of maturities for options on Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. to up to 60 months

Annex A, Annex B


03 Sep 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Index and equity derivatives: Amendment of trading hours for derivatives on Russian and Austrian underlyings

Part 1, 1.3.4,
Part 2, Subpart 2.4, 2.4.5, Annex C


03 Sep 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

EURO STOXX 50® equity index options: A. Introduction of options with month-end expiration (OESX-MEEx); B. Admission withdrawal of the 5th Friday Weekly Option (OES5)

Part 2.4, 2.4.4, 2.4.5, Annex C


20 Aug 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Name change of Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures and equity options

Annex A, Annex B, Annex D


06 Aug 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

FX Futures: Reduction of Minimum Block Trade Sizes

Part 3, Subpart 3.2, 3.2.1


23 Jul 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures, equity options: Change of the contract size for SSFs on EXOR NV; Withdrawal of admission of eleven Single Stock Futures and two equity options; Further editorial changes

Annex A, Annex B, Annex D


09 Jul 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Introduction of three Single Stock Futures; B. Withdrawal of admission of seven Single Stock Futures and two equity options

Annex A, Annex B


09 Jul 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

EURO STOXX 50® equity index options: A. Introduction of options with month-end expiration (OESX-MEEx); B. Admission withdrawal of the 5th Friday Weekly Option (OES5)

Part. 2.4, 2.4.4, 2.4.5, Annex C


02 Jul 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

FX Options: Extension of trading hours

Part 2.12.4, Annex C


13 Jun 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Options contracts on equities: Change of contract size for options contracts on Sika AG

Annex B


11 Jun 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Name change of Single Stock Futures, EXTF options and equity options

Annex A, Subpart 1.4, 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 1.4.6, Subpart 2.5, 2.5.11, Annex B


11 Jun 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of two SSFs; Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of one SSDF

Annex A, Annex D


28 May 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of two SSFs; Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of one SSDF

Annex A, Annex D


22 May 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Exchange Traded Commodities: Introduction of options on iShares Physical Gold ETC (IGLN)

Part 2, 2.11.1, 2.11.6, 2.11.10, Part 3, 3.2.1, Annex C


09 May 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of five SSFs; Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of one SSDF

Annex A, Annex D


16 Apr 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Admission withdrawal of twelve Single Stock Futures and two equity options

Annex A, Annex B


11 Apr 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of four SSFs; B. Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of one SSDF; C. Equity options: Introduction of two equity options

Annex A, Annex B, Annex D


03 Apr 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Index Derivatives: Withdrawal of admission of futures and options on the Sensex index

Part 1, 1.3.1, 1.3.4, 1.3.5, Part 2, 2.4.1,  2.4.4, 2.4.5, 2.4.9, Part 3, 3.2.1, 3.2.3, 3.2.4, 3.2.5,,, Annex C


02 Apr 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Editorial changes in the rulebooks of Eurex Deutschland, effective 2 April 2018

Full text


12 Mar 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Changes in minimum block trade sizes

Annex A


26 Feb 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

ETF/ETC options: Reduction of strike price intervals, clarifications on last trading day and LEPOs

Part 2, 2.5, 2.5.3, 2.5.4, 2.5.5, 2.5.6, 2.5.7, 2.5.8, 2.5.9, 2.5.11, Subpart 2.9, 2.9.3, 2.9.4, 2.9.7, 2.9.8, 2.9.9, Subpart 2.11, 2.11.3, 2.11.4, 2.11.6, 2.11.7, 2.11.8


12 Feb 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Commodity index derivatives: Introduction of four further futures on Bloomberg Commodity indexes (XL contracts)

Part 1, 1.10.1, 1.10.3, 1.10.4, 1.10.5


12 Feb 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI index derivatives: Introduction of two index futures and fee waiver for three index futures

Part 1, 1.3.1, 1.3.4,, Part 3, 3.2.1


05 Feb 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Withdrawal of admission of nine Single Stock Futures and two equity options

Annex A, Annex B


05 Feb 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

VSTOXX® derivatives: Delisting of options on VSTOXX® Index

Part 2, 2.7 (deleted),
Part 3, 3.2, 3.2.1, 3.2.5,
Annex C


22 Jan 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity options: Adjustment of contract specifications for Dutch stock options (Group IDs: NL11, NL12 and NL13)

Part 2.6.11.,, Annex E


22 Jan 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of three SSFs; Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of two SSDFs

Annex A, Annex D


22 Jan 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Withdrawal of admission of 13 Single Stock Futures, five Single Stock Dividend Futures and three equity options due to corporate actions

Annex A, Annex B, Annex D


17 Jan 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of five SSFs; B. Equity options: Introduction of seven equity options

Annex A, Annex B


03 Jan 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MiFID II/MiFIR: Changes in minimum block trade sizes for Eurex products

Part 3.2.1, Annex D


03 Jan 2018

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MiFID II/MiFIR: Changes in minimum block trade sizes for Eurex products

Part 3.2.1, 3.2.2


29 Dec 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Property derivatives: Delisting of IPD® UK Annual All Property, UK Annual All Retail, UK Annual All Office and UK Annual All Industrial Index Futures

Part 1, 1.9.1, 1.9.3, 1.9.4, 


21 Dec 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MiFID II/MiFIR: Changes in minimum block trade sizes for Eurex products

Part 3.2.1, Annex B


19 Dec 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MiFID II/MiFIR: Changes in minimum block trade sizes for Eurex products

Part 3.2.1, Annex A


08 Dec 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Fixed Income Futures: Amendment of original term for debt securities for futures contracts on notional debt securities of the Kingdom of Spain (Euro-Bono-Futures)

Part 1, 1.2.1


27 Nov 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI index derivatives: Adjustments of tick size and maturity

Part 1, 1.3.4,,
Part 2, 2.4.4, 2.4.5


20 Nov 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Options on Exchange Traded Funds (EXTF options): Introduction of options contracts on iShares USD High Yield Corporate Bond ETF, iShares J.P. Morgan USD Emerging Market Bond ETF and iShares USD Corporate Bond ETF

Part 2, 2.5.1, 2.5.7,Part 3, 3.2.1,
Annex C


20 Nov 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

FX Futures contracts and FX Options contracts: Amendment of last trading day and final settlement day

Part 1.18.2, 1.18.3, 1.18.4, 2.12.4, 2.12.5, Annex C


15 Nov 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

TAIEX derivatives: Delisting of Daily Futures on TAIEX derivatives

Part 1.17, 1.19, 1.25, 1.35, 1.38, 1.41, 1.43, 1.47, 3.1.1, 3.1.5, 3.2.1, Annex C, Annex E


30 Oct 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: Introduction of Eurex Market-on-Close Futures (“Eurex MOC Futures”) on EURO STOXX 50® Index Futures

Part 1.25 (new), 3.1.3, 3.1.4, 3.2.1, Annex C, Annex E


25 Oct 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of 25 SSFs

Annex A


16 Oct 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Withdrawal of admission of 13 Single Stock Futures and two equity options

Annex A, Annex B


12 Oct 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of five SSFs; Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of two SSDFs

Annex A, Annex D


06 Oct 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Foreign exchange (FX) derivatives: Introduction of FX Rolling Spot Futures

1.23 (neu, bis 1.23.6), 3.2.1, Annex C


02 Oct 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Options on Euro-BTP-Futures: Introduction of options contracts on futures contracts on notional long-term Italian government bonds

Part 2.3.1, 2.3.7, 2.3.10, 3.2, 3.2.5, Annex C


19 Sep 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Bond index derivatives: Introduction of futures on the EURO STOXX 50® Corporate Bond Index

1.24, 1.24.1, 1.24.2, 1.24.3, 1.24.4, 1.24.5, 1.24.6, 3.2, 3.2.3, 3.3.2,, Annex C


28 Aug 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Fixed Income Futures: Harmonisation of Post-Trading period on regular trading days

Annex C


28 Aug 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Reduction of strike price intervals for the first expiration month of various equity options



21 Aug 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Reduction of strike price intervals for the first expiration month of various equity options



16 Aug 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Futures on the STOXX® Europe 600 Index: Reduction of tick size for standardised futures strategies

Annex E


11 Aug 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Ceconomy Equity Option, Single Stock Futures and Single Stock Dividend Futures: Change of product codes

Annex A, Annex, B, Annex, D


10 Aug 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of three Single Stock Futures; Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of one Single Stock Dividend Future

Annex A, Annex D


01 Aug 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

VSTOXX® derivatives: Extension of trading hours in VSTOXX® futures and reduction of exercise fee in options on VSTOXX® futures

Annex C


20 Jul 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of two SSFs B. Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of one SSDF C. Equity options: Introduction of two equity options

Annex A, Annex B, Annex D


10 Jul 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of three SSFs B. Equity options: Introduction of eleven equity options

Annex A, Annex B


10 Jul 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

EURO STOXX 50® Index Total Return Futures (TESX): Extension of maturities and amendments to Enhanced Designated Market-Making obligations

1.23.2, 1.23.3,


03 Jul 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of four SSFs; Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of one SSDF

Annex A, D


03 Jul 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of five Single Stock Dividend Futures on dividends of Nordic stocks

1.13.2,1.13.3,1.13.8,1.13.9,1.13.10, Annex D


26 Jun 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Withdrawal of admission of 23 Single Stock Futures, seven equity options and one Single Stock Dividend Future

Annex A, B, D


26 Jun 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Options on Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A: Exercises in the June 2017 expiration; Withdrawal of admission of option on Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A

Annex B


14 Jun 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI index derivatives: A. Introduction of index futures and options on MSCI EAFE, B. Amendment of strike price intervals in MSCI EM options

1.3.1, 1.3.5, 2.4.1, 2.4.9, 3.2.1, 3.2.5, Annex C


12 Jun 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Reduction of strike price intervals for the front month contract of German equity options



01 Jun 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity options: Change of the standard contract sizes

Annex B


29 May 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI index derivatives: Introduction of further index futures and options

1.3.1, 1.3.5, 2.4.1, 2.4.9,3.2.1, 3.2.5, Annex C


24 May 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of six SSFs; Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of three SSDFs

Annex A, Annex D


10 May 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Amendments to the Contract Specifications for Futures Contracts and Options Contracts at Eurex Deutschland and Eurex Zürich

Part. 3 (new), Annex C


08 May 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of eight SSFs

Annex A


08 May 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: Extension of maturities of EURO STOXX 50® index options

Part 1.5.1, 1.5.2, 1.9.3, 1.10.3, 1.11.4, 1.15.2, 1.15.7, 1.16.2, 1.16.3, 1.20.1, 1.20.2, 1.20.3, 1.20.4, 2.3.1, 2.3.4, 2.3.5, 2.3.9, 2.3.11, 2.4.4


04 May 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Withdrawal of admission of Single Stock Futures and equity options

Annex A, Annex B


03 May 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI index derivatives: Introduction of further index futures

Part 1.3.1, 1.3.5


03 May 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: Introduction of futures on iSTOXX® Europe Factor Indexes

Part 1.3.1, 1.3.4, 1.3.5, Annex C


02 May 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Reduction of strike price intervals for equity options with weekly expirations

Part 2.6.7


02 May 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity options: Introduction of an equity option on

Annex B


25 Apr 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Options contracts on Exchange Traded Funds (EXTF options): 1. Introduction of seven ETF options 2. Withdrawal of admission of 15 ETF options

Part 2.5.1, 2.5.2, 2.5.3, 2.5.7, 2.5.10, 2.5.11
Annex C


13 Apr 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Withdrawal of admission of 41 Single Stock Futures and three equity options

Annex A, Annex B


03 Apr 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Precious metals derivatives: Discontinuation of trading based on the London gold and silver market fixing

Part 1, 1.9 (deleted), 1.9.1
(deleted), 1.9.2 (deleted), 1.9.3 (deleted), 1.9.4 (deleted), 1.9.5 (deleted), 1.9.6 (deleted), 1.9.7 (deleted), Abschn. 2, 2.7 (deleted), 2.7.1 (deleted), 2.7.2 (deleted), 2.7.3 (deleted), 2.7.4 (deleted), 2.7.5 (deleted), 2.7.6 (deleted), 2.7.7 (deleted), 2.7.8 (deleted), 2.7.9 (deleted), 2.7.10 (deleted), 2.7.11 (deleted), 2.7.12 (deleted), 2.7.13 (deleted), Annex C, Annex E


27 Mar 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Eurex Daily Futures contracts on KOSPI-200 derivatives: Change of contract sizes and suspension of trading on 24 March 2017

Part 1.15.6


23 Mar 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of two SSFs; Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of two SSDFs

Annex A, Annex D


13 Mar 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Options contracts on Euro Fixed Income Futures Contracts: Adjustment of strike price interval and new Market-Making scheme for options on Euro-OAT-Futures

Part 2, 2.3.7


06 Mar 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Withdrawal of admission of 58 Single Stock Futures

Annex A


27 Feb 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

FX Futures: Extension of trading hours – production start and update of legal documentation

Part 1.19.3, 2.13.8, Annex C


27 Feb 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

FX Futures: Amendments to the Contract Specifications for Futures Contracts and Options Contracts at Eurex Deutschland and Eurex Zürich

Annex C


20 Feb 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Exchange Traded Funds derivatives: Introduction of futures on the db x-trackers Harvest CSI300 ETF

Part 1: 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 1.4.6, 2.5.1, 2.5.2, 2.5.3


13 Feb 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of two SSFs; Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of one SSDF

Annex A, Annex D


10 Feb 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

TA-25 index futures: Name change to “futures on the TA-35 index”

Part 1, 1.3.1, 1.3.3, 1.3.4, 1.3.5
Annex C


06 Feb 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: Adjustments for EURO STOXX 50® Index Futures (in EUR and USD) and extension of the Designated Market-Making for EURO STOXX 50® Futures (Quanto-USD)

Part 1, 1.3.3


01 Feb 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Volatility index derivatives: 1. Re-naming of Mini Futures on the VSTOXX® Index; 2. Introduction of an option on VSTOXX® Futures; 3. Phasing-out of the option on the VSTOXX® Index (OVS)

Part 2, 2.14 (new)


26 Jan 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Withdrawal of admission of 60 Single Stock Futures

Annex A


23 Jan 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of four SSFs; B. Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of one SSDF; C. Equity options: Introduction of one equity option due to corporate actions

Annex A, Annex B, Annex D


23 Jan 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Withdrawal of admission of eight Single Stock Futures, nine Single Stock Dividend Futures and six equity options

Annex A, Annex B, Annex D


16 Jan 2017

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI index derivatives: A. Adjustment of expiration and last trading day; B. Adjustment and extension of existing Market-Making schemes; C. Introduction of volume-based revenue sharing scheme

Part 1, 1.3.3, 1.3.4
Part 2, 2.4.5


27 Dec 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

GMEX IRS Constant Maturity Futures: Name change to “LDX IRS Constant Maturity Futures”

Part 1.22, 1.22.1, 1.22.2, 1.22.3, 1.22.4, 1.22.5, 1.22.6, Annex C, Annex E


21 Dec 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Reduction of strike price intervals of equity options with weekly expirations

Part 2, 2.6.7


16 Dec 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of four SSFs; B. Equity options: Introduction of eight equity options

Annex A, Annex B


02 Dec 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Index Total Return Futures: EURO STOXX 50® Index Total Return Futures (TESX)

Part 1, 1.23.2,,, 1.23.10,
Part 2, Annex C


28 Nov 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: Introduction of Eurex Daily Futures on Mini KOSPI-200-Futures

Part 1, 1.15. 1.15.1, 1.15.2, 1.15.3, 1.15.4, 1.15.5, 1.15.6, 1.15.7, Annex C, Annex E


28 Nov 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Options contracts on Fixed Income Futures: Clarification of definition of last trading day

Part 2, 2.3.6


07 Nov 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Options on Euro Fixed Income futures: Extension of Post Trading period on regular trading days

Annex C


07 Nov 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives: Introduction of one Single Stock Future and one equity option on innogy SE

Annex A
Annex B


31 Oct 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Withdrawal of admission of five Single Stock Futures and two equity options

Annex A

Annex B


25 Oct 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Money market derivatives: Amendments to the contract specifications for EONIA Future (FEO1) and EUR Secured Funding Future (FLIC)

Part 1, 1.1.3


13 Oct 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of one SSF; Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of one SSDF

Annex A, Annex D


05 Oct 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Delisting of 15 Single Stock Futures and one equity option

Annex A, Annex B


29 Sep 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Change of settlement cycle for Spanish shares from T+3 to T+2

Part 1, 1.6.6, Part 2, 2.6.2, 2.6.3


28 Sep 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity options: Introduction of 20 equity options

Annex B


26 Sep 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: Introduction of equity index options with weekly expiration (“Weekly Options”) on the SMI®

Part 2.4.4, 2.4.5


22 Sep 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures/Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of one SSF and one SSDF due to corporate actions; B. Equity options: Introduction of two equity options due to corporate actions

Annex A, B, D


12 Sep 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Foreign Exchange (FX) Derivatives: Clearing of additional currency pairs and amendments to product parameters for existing currency pairs

Part 1, 1.18.1, 1.18.5, Part 2, 2.13.1, 2.13.6, 2.13.9, Annex C


07 Sep 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Option contracts on Exchange Traded Funds (EXTF options): Abolishment of exercise limitations

Part 2, 2.5.5, 2.5.6, 2.5.11


05 Sep 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI index derivatives: 1. Introduction of further futures; 2. Adjustment of the price gradation in MSCI Emerging Markets Futures

Part 1, 1.3.1, 1.3.5


01 Sep 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives: Adjustment of the Market Maker Obligations for the equity option on Vonovia SE (ANN)

Annex B


01 Aug 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Delisting of 12 Single Stock Futures and one equity option

Annex A, Annex B


26 Jul 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Delisting of one equity option

Annex B


25 Jul 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of three SSFs; B. Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of one SSDF

Annex A, Annex D


04 Jul 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of seven SSFs; B. Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of two SSDFs

Annex A, Annex D


01 Jul 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Derivatives on the Dow Jones Global Titans and Dow Jones Sector Titans indices: Delisting

Part 1.3.1, 1.3.4, 1.3.5, 2.4.1, 2.4.4, 2.4.5, 2.4.9, Annex C


13 Jun 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Delisting of eleven Single Stock Futures, two equity options and three Single Stock Dividend Futures

Annex A, B, D


30 May 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of seven Single Stock Futures; B. Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of two Single Stock Dividend Futures

Annex A, Annex D


24 May 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Options on three-month EURIBOR Futures: Amendment of Annex C to the Contract Specifications for Futures Contracts and Options Contracts at Eurex Deutschland and Eurex Zürich for options on three-month EURIBOR Futures

Annex C


23 May 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of six Single Stock Futures; B. Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of three Single Stock Dividend Futures

Annex A, Annex D


25 Apr 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Greek Single Stock Futures and index-futures: Delisting

Part 1.3.1, 1.3.5, Annex A, Annex C  


25 Apr 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Treatment of derivatives on shares, Single Stock Dividend Futures, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), Exchange Traded Commodities (ETCs) and Xetra-Gold® in case of a delisting of an underlying

Part 1, 1.4.7 (new), 1.6.9 (new), 1.14.8, 1.14.10 (new), 1.16.7 (new), 1.17.7 (new), Part 2, 2.5.13 (new), 2.6.15 (new), 2.10.13 (new), 2.12.12 (new), Annex A, Annex B, Annex D


18 Apr 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Delisting of 18 Single Stock Futures and two equity options

Annex A
Annex B


29 Mar 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Index Options: Adjustment of exercise price intervals for options on STOXX® Europe 50 and STOXX® Europe 600 indexes and editorial amendments to the contract specifications

Part 2, Subpart 2.4, 2.4.6, Annex C


21 Mar 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: Introduction of USD-denominated futures on the EURO STOXX 50® Index (“Quanto Futures”)

Chapter II, Part 2, 2.4.2


18 Mar 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Money market derivatives: Extension of expirations in Three-Month EURIBOR Futures (FEU3) and adjustment of contract specifications

Part 1, Subpart 1.1, 1.1.3


14 Mar 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of five SSFs; Equity options: Introduction of nine equity options

Annex A, Annex B


24 Feb 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of two SSFs; Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of one SSDF

Annex A, Annex D


22 Feb 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Index options, precious metal options and volatility index options: Change of exercise times on the last trading day

Annex C


01 Feb 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of ten SSFs, Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of three SSDFs; B. Equity options: Introduction of one equity option due to corporate actions

Annex A, Annex B, Annex D


25 Jan 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Fixed income derivatives: Weekly options on Euro-Bund Futures: Adjustment of contract specifications

Part 2.3.5


18 Jan 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Delisting of 62 Single Stock Futures, seven equity options and six Single Stock Dividend Futures

Annex A, Annex B, Annex D


15 Jan 2016

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of three Single Stock Futures B. Equity options: Introduction of three equity options

Annex A, Annex B


14 Dec 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI index derivatives: Introduction of further futures

Part 1.3.1, 1.3.5


14 Dec 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity options: Introduction of options on ABN AMRO Group shares

Annex B


28 Oct 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: Introduction of Mini-DAX® Futures

1.3, 1.3.1, 1.3.4, 1.3.5, Annex C


26 Oct 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Euro-BONO-Futures: Introduction of futures contracts on long-term Spanish government bonds

Part 1, Subpart 1.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.5
Annex C


21 Oct 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of three Single Stock Futures B. Equity options: Introduction of three equity options

Annex A, Annex B


12 Oct 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of twelve SSFs

Annex A


05 Oct 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity options: Introduction of equity options with weekly expirations ("Weekly Options") on 43 underlying instruments

Part 2, Subpart 2.6, 2.6.5
Annex B
Annex C


30 Sep 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of five SSFs due to corporate actions; Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of two SSDFs due to corporate actions

Annex A, Annex D


30 Sep 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of five SSFs due to corporate actions; Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of two SSDFs due to corporate actions

Annex A, Annex D



28 Sep 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of a futures contract on the dividends of Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA due to inclusion in the EURO STOXX 50® index

Annex D


31 Aug 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Options on three-month EURIBOR futures: Introduction of a Friday expiry schedule for EURIBOR options and for one-year to four-year EURIBOR Mid-Curve options

Part 1: 1.1.4
Part 2, Subpart 2.2, 2.2.6


07 Aug 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

GMEX IRS Constant Maturity Futures: Allocation scheme and path priority as of 7 August 2015

Annex E


27 Jul 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MDAX® and TecDAX® options, options on iShares ETFs: Adjustment of exercise price interval

Part 2, 2.4, Subpart 2.5


21 Jul 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Money market derivatives: Amendments to the contract specifications for EONIA Future (FEO1) and EUR Secured Funding Future (FLIC)

Part 1, Subpart 1.1


20 Jul 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Eurex-KOSPI-Daily Futures Contracts (OKS2): Change of the price gradation

Subpart 1.15, 1.15.6


20 Jul 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity options: Introduction of Permanent Market-Making for the epuity option on Hochtief AG (HOT)

Annex B


20 Jul 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: A. Introduction of futures and options on the STOXX® Global Select Dividend 100 Index; B. Extension of contract months for options on the EUREX STOXX® Select Dividend 30 index up to 30 months

Part 1, 1.3,
Part 2, 2.4
Annex C


13 Jul 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of ten Single Stock Futures B. Equity options: Introduction of one equity option

Annex A
Annex B


07 Jul 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of seven SSFs; Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of one SSDF

Annex A
Annex D


06 Jul 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Withdrawal of admission of ten Single Stock Futures, five Single Stock Dividend Futures and two equity options

Annex A
Annex B
Annex D


11 Jun 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Bloomberg commodity index derivatives: Adjustment of contract specifications

Part 1, Subpart 1.11, 1.11.3, 1.11.4
Part 2, Subpart 2.11, 2.11.4, 2.11.5


03 Jun 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of seven SSFs due to corporate actions; B. Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of one SSDF due to corporate actions; C. Equity options: Introduction of one equity option due to corporate actions

Annex A, B and D


12 May 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Termination of trading of agricultural index futures contracts at Eurex Exchange: Adjustment of contract specifications

Part 1, Subpart 1.13
Annex C
Annex E


06 May 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of eleven SSFs due to corporate actions Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of two SSDFs due to corporate actions

Annex A, D


04 May 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Money market derivatives: Renaming of One-Month EONIA Future (FEO1) and amendment of contract spezifications

Part 1, Subpart 1.1., 1.1.1, 1.1.3, 1.1.4, 1.1.5
Annex C


29 Apr 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of 16 Single Stock Futures B. Equity options: Introduction of four equity options

Annex A 1.6
Annex B 2.6


21 Apr 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

B. Equity options: Change of standard contract size of Terna S.p.A.

Annex B


20 Apr 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Fixed income derivatives: Introduction of fixed income options with weekly expirations (“Weekly Options”) on Euro-Bund Futures

Subpart 2.3, 2.3.5, 2.3.6, 2.3.9


01 Apr 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity options with weekly expirations (“Weekly Options”): Change of product codes

Annex B


01 Apr 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity options: Introduction of equity options with weekly expirations "Weekly Options")

Subpart 2.6, 2.6.5, 2.6.10
Annex B
Annex C


30 Mar 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Dividend derivatives: Extension of trading hours for TES Block Trades in Equity Index Dividend Derivatives and Single Stock Dividend Futures

Annex C


18 Mar 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Delisting of two Single Stock Futures

Annex A


09 Mar 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Property derivatives: Introduction of Futures on the calendar year returns of four IPD® UK Quarterly indices (UK Quartely All Property, All Retail, All Office, All Industrial)

Annex C
Part 1, 1.10, 1.10.1, 1.10.4


02 Mar 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

VSTOXX® Mini Futures: Extension of trading hours and change of Designated Market-Making scheme

Annex C


02 Mar 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

C. Index derivatives and equity derivatives: Adjustment of contract specifications

Part 1, 1.3.1, 1.6.8, 2.4.1, 2.6.14


02 Mar 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of 13 SSFs B. Equity options: Introduction of one American style Swiss equity option and four European style German equity options

Annex A 1.6
Annex B 2.6


18 Feb 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Delisting of eight Single Stock Futures

Annex A


16 Feb 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Dividend Futures: Corrected minimum price change for seven British Single Stock Dividend Futures

Annex D


02 Feb 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of Single Stock Dividend Futures on dividends of British and Swiss stocks

Annex D


02 Feb 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity options: Adjustment of Market Maker obligations

Annex B


26 Jan 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Withdrawal of admission of 19 Single Stock Futures

Annex A


26 Jan 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of Single Stock Dividend Futures on dividends of German, French, Dutch and Italian stocks

Annex D


12 Jan 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of SSFs on Christian Dior S.A., LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton S.A., Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC, VINCI S.A. and Wereldhave N.V., B. Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of SSDFs on Inditex S.A. and LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton S.A., C. Equity options: Introduction of an equity option on Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC due to corporate actions

Annex A, B und D


05 Jan 2015

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Delisting of 12 Single Stock Futures, five equity options and one Single Stock Dividend Future

Annex A, B and D


22 Dec 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of SSFs on bpost S.A. Actions Nom. Compartm. A o.N., Flughafen Zürich AG Namens-Aktien SF 50 and Hella KGaA Hueck & Co. Inhaber-Aktien o.N.; B. Equity options: Introduction of equity options on bpost S.A. Actions Nom. Compartm. A o.N., Flughafen Zürich AG Namens-Aktien SF 50 and Hella KGaA Hueck & Co. Inhaber-Aktien o.N.

Annex A, Annex B


08 Dec 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

EURIBOR futures: Introduction of packs, bundles, strips and new standard futures strategies; transaction fee waiver for packs and bundles



17 Nov 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI index derivatives: Clearing services for further index futures

Part 1, Subpart 1.3.1, 1.3.4, 1.3.5


12 Nov 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Money Market Derivatives: Amendment of contract design, renaming & postponement of the introduction of One-Month EUR Secured Funding Futures after change in ECB reserve maintenance period calendar

1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.3, 1.1.4, 1.1.5, Annex C


03 Nov 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Measures for options on iShares ETFs: Adjustment of contract specifications and Market Maker Obligations

Annex E


27 Oct 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Eurex KOSPI Product (OKS2): 1. Adjustment of trading hours, 2. Extension of available expiration months

Annex C


20 Oct 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of 8 SSFs B. Equity options: Introduction of 5 equity options

Annex A, Annex B


07 Oct 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity derivatives: Adjustment of contract specifications

Part 1, Subpart 1.6.7
Part 1, Subpart 1.14.8
Part 2, Subpart 2.6.10


06 Oct 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Migration to contractual settlement period T+2: Change of Contract Specifications

1.4.6, 1.17.6, 2.5.2, 2.5.3, 2.6.2, 2.6.3, 2.12.2, 2.12.3


23 Sep 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of an SSF on Anheuser-Busch INBEV ADR; B. Equity options: Introduction of an equity option on Dt. Annington Immobilien SE

Annex A, Annex B


22 Sep 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Variance Futures on the EURO STOXX 50® Index

1.21 new, Annex C


22 Sep 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Options contracts on EURO STOXX® and STOXX® Europe 600 sector indexes: Extension and adjustment of the Market-Making scheme, reduction of tick size for options contracts on EURO STOXX® Banks Index/STOXX® Europe 600 Banks Index

Subpart 2.4


19 Sep 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: Modification of final settlement day for futures on the TA-25 index

Subpart 1.3


10 Sep 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Money Market Derivatives: Introduction of cash-settled One-Month EUR Secured Funding Futures based on the STOXX® GC Pooling EUR Deferred Funding Rate

1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.3, 1.1.4, 1.1.5, Annex C


01 Sep 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Euro-Swap Futures: Introduction of futures contracts on 2, 5, 10 and 30 years interest rate swaps denominated in euro

1.20 new, Annex C, E


27 Aug 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of SSFs on Aggreko PLC, AO World PLC, Avanti Communications Group PLC, EDP Renovaveis S.A., Monitise PLC and Netflix Inc. Registered Shares

Annex A


13 Aug 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures: 1. Introduction of SSFs on Brenntag AG, Compass Group PLC, Dassault Systems S.A., Fresenius SE, Interparfums S.A., Inditex (cash), Kingfisher PLC, Merck KGaA, Next PLC and Zardoya-Otis S.A., 2. Introduction of an SSDF on Inditex due to a corporate action

Annex A, D


12 Aug 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Withdrawal of admission for Single Stock Futures on Banco Espírito Santo S.A. and Dixon Retail PLC

Annex A


04 Aug 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Renaming Eurex Trade Entry Services

newly introduced Preamble


21 Jul 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Commodity Derivates: Renaming of Dow Jones UBS indexes to Bloomberg indexes

Part 1, 1.4.1, 1.11.1, 1.11.2,
Part 2, 2.5.1, 2.5.2, 2.5.3, 2.11.1, 2.11.6,
Annex C


16 Jul 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of SSFs on Altice S.A., ENEA S.A., NN Group N.V., Royal Dutch Shell Reg.Sh.A, SFS Group AG, SLM Solutions Group AG and Unilever N.V. B. Equity options: Introduction of an equity option on SFS Group AG

Annex A, B


07 Jul 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Foreign exchange (FX) derivatives: Launch of FX futures and FX options

1.19 new, 2.13 new, Annex C


23 Jun 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures: 1. Introduction of Single Stock Futures on Apple Inc., Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A., Italcementi S.p.A., Nokia Corp. Oyj und Time Warner Inc. 2. Introduction of Single Stock Dividend Futures on Nokia Corp. Oyj due to a corporate action

Annex A, D


11 Jun 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Hurricane Futures, Euro-Inflation Futures: Delisting of Hurricane Futures for USA, Florida and the coastal states of the Gulf region and Euro-Inflation Futures (HICP)

Subparts 1.7 and 1.12 deleted, Annex C, E


10 Jun 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures: 1. Introduction of Single Stock Futures on Abertis Infraestructuras S.A., Air Liquide S.A., Deutsche Bank AG, Fuchs Petrolub SE, Azimut Holding S.p.A., Repsol S.A. and Eurazeo S.A., 2. Introduction of Single Stock Dividend Futures on Air Liquide S.A., Deutsche Bank AG and Repsol S.A. due to corporate actions

Annex A, D


09 Jun 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: Clearing of futures on the TA-25 index

1.3.1, 1.3.3, 1.3.4, 1.3.5, Annex C


21 May 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of SSFs on Kühne & Nagel International AG, Lagardère S.C.A., Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment AG and introduction of an SSDF on Swiss Re AG due to corporate actions

Annex A,D


19 May 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index options: Introduction of Weekly Options on the EURO STOXX® Banks Index

2.4.4, 2.4.6


19 May 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of German, Italian, Norwegian, Spanish, Swiss and U.S. underlyings

Annex A


15 May 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Eurex/TAIFEX link: Introduction of Daily Futures on TAIEX derivatives

Part 1, Subpart 1.18 new, Annex C


15 May 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Reduction of the settlement cycle for Finnish, British and Irish equity options and corresponding Low Exercise Price Options (LEPOs), and of futures contracts, options contracts and Low Exercise Price Options on Exchange Traded Commodities (ETCs) from T+4 to T+3; Update on migration to settlement cycle of T+2

1.17.6, 2.6.2, 2.6.3, 2.12.2, 2.12.3


14 May 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of SSFs on Koninklijke Ahold N.V., Banco Popolare Società Cooperativa, Next PLC, RTL Group S.A., Swiss RE AG and Verbundgesellschaft AG due to corporate actions; B. Equity options: Introduction of equity options on Peugeot S.A. and Immofinanz Immobilien AG due to corporate actions

Annex A


10 Apr 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of U.S. Single Stock Dividend Futures

Annex C, D


07 Apr 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of SSFs on Ansaldo STS S.p.A., BUZZI UNICEM S.p.A., Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A. and Tod's S.p.A.; B. Equity options: Introduction of a European equity option on VW preference shares

Annex A, B


24 Mar 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Options on Euro fixed Income derivatives: Reduction of trading hours

Annex C


24 Mar 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of SSFs on Belgian, Dutch, French, German, Irish, Italian and Spanish underlyings; B. Equity options: Introduction of an equity option on UNIQA Insurance Group AG

Annex A, B


17 Mar 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of SSFs on Metso Corp. and Vodafone Group PLC and of an SSDF on Vodafone Group PLC due to corporate actions

Annex A, D


11 Mar 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of an SSF on Moncler S.r.l. Azioni nom. o.N. B. Equity options: Introduction of an equity option on Moncler S.r.l. Azioni nom. o.N.

Annex A, B


10 Mar 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of SSFs on Belgian, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Swiss underlyings; B. Equity options: Introduction of equity options on CompuGroup Medical AG, Flughafen Wien AG Inhaber-Aktien o.N. and Nemetschek AG Inhaber-Aktien o.N.

Annex A, B


03 Mar 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI index derivatives: Clearing of futures and options on further indexes

1.3.1, 1.3.5, 2.4.1, 2.4.4, 2.4.5, 2.4.9, Annex C


03 Mar 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Options on three-month EURIBOR futures: Introduction of one-year to four-year EURIBOR Mid-Curve options on three-month EURIBOR futures

2.2.1, 2.2.5


10 Feb 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: Introduction of futures and options on the indexes ATX®, ATX® five, CECE® EUR and RDX® EUR

1.3.1, 1.3.3, 1.3.4, 1.3.5, 2.4.1, 2.4.4, 2.4.5, 2.4.6, 2.4.9, Annex C


10 Feb 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

RDX® USD index options: Change of trading hours

Annex C


10 Feb 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of SSFs on Next PLC and Raiffeisen Bank International AG following corporate actions

Annex C


27 Jan 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Change of group ID, cash market ID and ISIN of the underlying instrument for Single Stock Futures on VIOHALCO S.A.

Annex A


20 Jan 2014

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity options: Introduction of one equity option on EMS Chemie HLDG

Annex B


19 Dec 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: A. Introduction of five new Single Stock Futures on Nexans, Wolseley PLC, Kone Corp., Ageas SA/NV and Ebro Foods S.A. due to corporate actions; B. Introduction of two new Single Stock Futures on ACEA S.p.A. and Cermaq ASA

Annex A


16 Dec 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Commodity derivatives: Introduction of futures on Dow Jones-UBS ex-indexes

1.11.1, 1.11.4


16 Dec 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Property Derivatives: Change of last trading day and final settlement day and new technical set-up for futures on five IPD® UK Quarterly Segment Indexes (Shopping Centre, Retail Warehouse, City Office, Westend & Midtown Office, South Eastern Industrial)

1.10.3, 1.10.4


09 Dec 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity index derivatives: Extension of contract periods

1.3.3, 2.4.4


09 Dec 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of SSFs on Scania AB-B Shares and Statoil ASA

Annex A


28 Nov 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of new SSFs on Autogrill S.p.A. and Alcatel-Lucent S.A. due to a corporate action, B. Equity options: Introduction of an equity option on RTL Group S.A.

Annex A, B


18 Nov 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of SSFs and an SSDF on Inditex due to a corporate action, introduction of an SSF on Twitter Inc.; B. Equity options: Introduction of an equity option on AMAG Austria Metall AG

Annex A, B, D


15 Nov 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Withdrawal of admission of 19 Single Stock Futures and three equity options

Annex A, B


04 Nov 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Change of group ID and cash market ID for SSFs on Marriott International Inc. (MARF)

Annex A


28 Oct 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI index derivatives: Introduction of futures and options on MSCI Europe Growth and Value indexes

1.3.1, 1.3.5, 2.4.1, 2.4.6, 2.4.9


28 Oct 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity options: Introduction of equity options “European style“ on Roche Holding

Annex B


21 Oct 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of SSFs on Nielsen Holdings N.V. and Swedbank AB Namn-Aktier A o.N.

Annex A


07 Oct 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

FX (foreign exchange) products: Cancellation of introduction of FX futures and FX options

1.18 and 2.13 new, Annex C


07 Oct 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

FX (foreign exchange) products: Introduction of FX futures and FX options

1.18 and 2.13 new, Annex C


25 Sep 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of one new SSF and one new SSDF on Barclays PLC due to a corporate action

Annex A, D


23 Sep 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Options on Euro Fixed Income Futures: Change of last trading day



10 Sep 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Options on Euro-OAT-Futures: Introduction of options contracts on futures contracts on notional long-term French government bonds

2.3.1, 2.3.7, 2.3.10, Annex C


02 Sep 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of SSFs on Valneva SE and Natixis S.A.; B. Equity options: Introduction of equity options on Valneva SE

Annex A, B


12 Aug 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Withdrawal of admission of 21 Single Stock Futures and four equity options

Annex A, B


12 Aug 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of SSFs on Kion Group AG, Società Iniziative Autostradali e Servizi SpA and Meliá Hotels Intl SA; B. Equity options: Introduction of equity options on CA Immobilen Anlagen AG, Lenzing AG, EVN AG, Zumtobel AG, Mayr-Melnhof Karton AG, Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment AG and Kion Group AG

Annex A, B


05 Aug 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of SSFs on Erste Group Bank AG, ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG und Zardoya Otis S.A. following corporate actions

Annex A


24 Jul 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Change of group ID and cash market ID of Single Stock Futures on Oracle Inc.

Annex A


15 Jul 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of an SSF on OSRAM Licht AG and an SSDF on Siemens AG B. Equity options: Introduction of equity options on OSRAM Licht AG

Annex A, B, D


15 Jul 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Cie Financière Richemont (CFR): Extension of contract months of the equity option to 60 months

Annex A


15 Jul 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of a new Single Stock Future on Siemens AG following a corporate action B. Equity options: Resumption of trading in options on Siemens AG following a corporate action

Annex A


15 Jul 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Future and equity option on Conergy AG: Withdrawal of admission

Annex A, B


08 Jul 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of SSFs on Firstgroup PLC, Bourbon S.A., Azimut Holding S.p.A, Invensys PLC, Lagadere S.C.A., Sacyr Vallehermoso S.A., Bureau Veritas S.A. and YIT Oyj following corporate actions

Annex A


01 Jul 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Options on EURO STOXX® Banks Index and STOXX® Europe 600 Banks Index: Adjustment of strike price interval



01 Jul 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI index derivatives: A. Introduction of futures and options on various MSCI Emerging Markets indexes, B. Adjustments in already listed futures and options on MSCI indexes

1.3.1, 1.3.4, 2.4.1, 2.4.5, 2.4.6, 2.4.9


01 Jul 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of a new Single Stock Future on Kering following a corporate action B. Equity options: Resumption of trading in options on Kering following a corporate action

Annex A


10 Jun 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Eurex Exchange’s new trading architecture: Product migration on 10 June 2013

Annex F


06 Jun 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of a new Single Stock Future on Elia System Operator N.V.

Annex A


27 May 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Equity options: Introduction of three equity options on Evonik Industries AG, ams AG Inhaber-Aktien o.N. and conwert Immobilien Invest SE; B. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of three Single Stock Futures on Evonik Industries AG, RTL Group S.A. and Ziggo N.V.

Annex A and B


20 May 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures (SSFs), Single Stock Dividend Futures (SSDFs): Introduction of nine SSFs on American, Austrian, Belgian, British, Dutch and German underlying instruments and one Dutch SSDF, due to corporate actions

Annex A and D


14 May 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures (SSFs), Single Stock Dividend Futures (SSDFs): Introduction of ten new SSFs on American, French, German and Polish underlying instruments; Introduction of eleven new British, German, French and Swiss Single Stock Dividend Futures

Annex A and D


13 May 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Eurex Exchange’s new trading architecture: Product migration in the period 6 to 13 May 2013

Annex F


08 May 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Eurex Exchange’s new trading architecture: Product migration in the period 6 to 13 May 2013

Annex F;


06 May 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Eurex Exchange’s new trading architecture: Product migration in the period 6 to 13 May 2013

Annex F


02 May 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of a new Single Stock Future on Telenet Group Holding N.V.

Annex A


30 Apr 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Derivatives on Gemalto N.V.: Change of cash market reference

Annex A and B


24 Apr 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Withdrawal of admission of Eurex London Potato Index Futures contracts

1.13.1, 1.13.2, 1.13.3, 1.13.4, 1.13.5, Annex C;


23 Apr 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Credit Suisse Group AG: Relevant dividend with regard to futures contracts on Credit Suisse Group AG shares, change of contract specifications

1.14.9 (4)


22 Apr 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of new SSFs on Swiss Re and SGS S.A. and one SSDF on Swiss Re due to corporate actions

Annex A and D


15 Apr 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Eurex Exchange’s new trading architecture: Product migration in the period 8 to 15 April 2013

Annex F


10 Apr 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Eurex Exchange’s new trading architecture: Product migration in the period 8 to 15 April 2013

Annex F


08 Apr 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Eurex Exchange’s new trading architecture: Product migration in the period 8 to 15 April 2013

Annex F


05 Apr 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity options: Introduction of four equity options on CANCOM AG, LPKF Laser & Electronics AG, NORMA Group AG and Sartorius AG VZ.

Annex B


03 Apr 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Property Derivatives: Introduction of futures on five IPD® UK Quarterly Segment Indices (Shopping Centre, Retail Warehouse, City Office, Westend & Midtown Office, South Eastern Industrial)

1.10.1, 1.10.3, 1.10.4, 1.10.5, Annex C


22 Mar 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Eurex Exchange’s new trading architecture: Product migration in the period 13 to 22 March 2013

Annex F


20 Mar 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Eurex Exchange’s new trading architecture: Product migration in the period 13 to 22 March 2013

Annex F


18 Mar 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Eurex Exchange’s new trading architecture: Product migration in the period 13 to 22 March 2013

Annex F


14 Mar 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of a new SSDF on EADS due to inclusion in the EURO STOXX 50® Index

Annex D


11 Mar 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Derivatives on Unibail-Rodamco: Change of cash market reference

Annex A, B, D


11 Mar 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI Index Derivatives: A. Introduction of futures and options on MSCI Europe, World, Asia Pacific ex Japan und Frontier Markets indexes, B. Adjustments in futures and options on MSCI Russia and Japan indexes

Part 1, 1.3, 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.3.3, 1.3.4, 1.3.5; Part 2, 2.4.1, 2.4.2, 2.4.3, 2.4.4, 2.4.5, 2.4.6, 2.4.9; Annex C


11 Mar 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Mid-Term Euro-OAT-Futures: Introduction of futures contracts on mid-term French government bonds

1.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.5, Annex C


04 Mar 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Options: Introduction of equity option on LEG Immobilien AG

Annex B


31 Jan 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Withdrawal of admission of 24 Single Stock Futures, 10 equity options, 17 stock dividend futures and one Hurricane Future

Annex A, B and D


29 Jan 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of new SSFs on Rexam PLC and Sky Deutschland AG due to corporate actions

Annex A


21 Jan 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

EURO STOXX 50® options: Adjustment of strike price intervals

Part 2, 2.4.6


21 Jan 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of 20 new SSFs on German and Austrian underlying instruments B. Stock options: Introduction of stock options on D.E. Master Blenders 1753 N.V. and TAG Immobilien AG

Annex A, B


14 Jan 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of 21 new SSFs on Dutch, French and Spanish underlying instruments

Annex A


07 Jan 2013

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of new SSFs on CNH Global N.V., Grifols S.A. and Jeronimo Martins SGPS due to corporate actions

Annex A


12 Dec 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of new SSFs on Wolseley PLC, Belgacom S.A. and EMS Chemie HLDG B. Equity options: Introduction of an equity option on Telefonica Deutschland O2

Annex A and B


03 Dec 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Eurex Exchange’s new trading architecture: Product migration effective 3 December 2012

new Annex E and F


27 Nov 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of new SSFs on ASML Holding N.V., Banco Popular Espanol S.A., Ryanair Holdings PLC and Lonmin PLC due to corporate actions

Annex A


05 Nov 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A. Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of new SSFs and SSDFs on CGG Veritas S.A., Abengoa S.A., Kone Corp. and Inditex due to corporate actions B. Equity options: Introduction of one equity option on Talanx AG

Annex A, B, D


29 Oct 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of a new SSF on Bureau Veritas S.A.

Annex A


01 Oct 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of a new SSF on Banco Comercial Português SA due to a corporate action

Annex A


28 Sep 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Agricultural Derivatives: Extension of Eurex Product Portfolio by Futures on European Whey Powder

1.13.1, 1.13.3, 1.13.4, 1.13.5, Annex C


13 Sep 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of a new SSF on Logitech International S.A.

Annex A


10 Sep 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of a new SSF on Croda International PLC

Annex A


07 Sep 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of 14 new SSFs on US underlying instruments; Agricultural Derivatives: Extension of Maturities, available Times for Trading and OTC Utilization for Eurex Agricultural Futures

1.13.3, 1.13.4, Annex A, C


03 Sep 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Euro Fixed Income Futures: Exclusion of German Government Bonds with an original term of more than eleven years from the delivery baskets of Euro Bund, Bobl and Schatz Futures Single Stock Futures: Withdrawal of Admission of 23 SSFs

1.2, 1.2.1, Annex A


31 Aug 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of new SSFs on Galenica AG and Mobistar S.A.

Annex A


27 Aug 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of new SSFs on Panalpina Welttransport (Holding) AG and Kemira OYJ Equity Options: Introduction of Equity Options on Neftyanaya Kompaniya Rosneft

Annex A, B


13 Aug 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

EURO STOXX®, STOXX® Europe 600 Sectors: Introduction of additional Expiration Months for selected Options

2.4.1, 2.4.6


06 Aug 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

RDX® USD Index Futures (FRDX): Contract Term Extension Single Stock Futures: Introduction of one new SSF on Remy Cointreau S.A. due to a Corporate Action

1.3, 1.3.3, Annex A


01 Aug 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

1. German Stock Futures and Equity Options: Abolishment of Restrictions for the Day before Dividend cash-out Days; 2. German Equity Options: Option on Porsche SE (POR3) leaves the German AMM Package

2.6.5, 2.6.6, 2.6.12, Annex B


25 Jul 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of a new SSF and a new SSDF on Credit Suisse Group AG due to a Corporate Action

Annex A, D


18 Jul 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of four new SSFs on Amadeus IT Holdings SA, International Consolidated Airline Group, TAG Immobilien AG and VISA Inc

Annex A


13 Jul 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of one SSDF on Koninklijke KPN N.V.

Annex D


09 Jul 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

EURO STOXX 50® ex Financials Index: Introduction of Futures and Options

1.3.1, 1.3.4, 1.3.5, 2.4.1, 2.4.4, 2.4.5, 2.4.6, 2.4.9, Annex A, C


09 Jul 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Eurex/EEX Cooperation: Introduction of Coal Futures

1.3.1, 1.3.4, 1.3.5, 2.4.1, 2.4.4, 2.4.5, 2.4.6, 2.4.9, Annex A, C


02 Jul 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of two new SSFs on Bechtle AG and Icade S.A. due to Corporate Actions

Annex A


25 Jun 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Index Options on Swiss Indexes: Harmonization of Post-Trading Period

Annex C


22 Jun 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of two SSDFs on ASML Holding N.V. and Essilor International S.A.

Annex D


19 Jun 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of SSFs on BIC S.A., Accor S.A., AMAG Austria Metall AG, Havas S.A., Abertis Infraestructuras S.A., Hermes International S.A. and Wendel S.A. due to Corporate Actions

Annex A


14 Jun 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Eurex KOSPI Product: Change of Contract Size



11 Jun 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: 1. Introduction of 24 new SSFs on Canadian Underlying Instruments; 2. Withdrawal of Admission of four Single Stock Futures and three Credit Index Futures

1.7 deleted (renumbering of the following section), Annex A, Annex B


04 Jun 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of one SSF and one SSDF on Air Liquide S.A. and SSFs on ElringKlinger AG, Azimut Holding SpA and Eurazeo due to Corporate Actions

Annex A, D


01 Jun 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of SSFs on Facebook Inc. and Validus Holdings Ltd.

Annex A


28 May 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of a new SSF and SSDF on SAP AG due to a Corporate Action

Annex A, D


21 May 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Index Derivatives: Extension of Terms for Futures on MSCI Japan and MSCI Russia



18 May 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures: 1. Introduction of SSFs on Dieteren S.A., AMAG Austria Metall AG and Icade S.A., 2. Introduction of an SSF and SSDF on Deutsche Börse AG due to a Corporate Action

Annex A, D


14 May 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of six new Contracts on Underlying Instruments with Group IDs AT01, CH01, DE01, FR01, FR21 and GB01 due to Corporate Actions

Annex A, D


07 May 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of six new SSFs on Amadeus FiRe AG, Bechtle AG, Brenntag AG, Duerr AG, Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology AG and RATIONAL AG

Annex A


30 Apr 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of eight new SSFs on Austrian, Belgian and German Underlying Instruments

Annex A


23 Apr 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of a new SSF on Julius Bär Gruppe AG – N. (BAEI)

Annex A


16 Apr 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of four new SSFs on Semperit AG Holding, Recordati SPA, ERG SPA and HERA SPA

Annex A


02 Apr 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of new SSFs on Enerplus Corp., Penn West Petroleum Ltd., TELUS Corp. and Yamana Gold Inc.

Annex A


26 Mar 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of new SSFs on RHI AG and Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Contact: Derivatives

Annex A


22 Mar 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Volatility Options: A. Introduction of Additional Expiration Months for Options on VSTOXX®, B. Adjustment of Market Maker Scheme

Part 2, 2.8.4


19 Mar 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

RDX® USD Index: Introduction of Futures and Options (FRDX, ORDX); Property Futures: Change in Naming of Eurex UK Annual All Property Futures; Single Stock Futures: Introduction of two new SSFs on SGS SA and Peugeot SA due to Corporate Actions

1.3.1, 1.3.3, 1.3.4, 1.3.5, 2.4, 2.4.4, 2.4.5, 2.4.6, 2.4.9,
Annex C;
Subpart 1.1.1, Annex C;
Annex A


02 Mar 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Index Dividend Futures: Introduction of Dividend Futures on EURO STOXX® and STOXX® Europe 600 Sector Indexes / Single Stock Futures: Introduction of six SSFs on Swiss, German and AustrianUnderlying Instruments

1.3.1, 1.9.1, 1.9.3, 1.9.4, 1.9.5, Annex C, Annex A


24 Feb 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Options: Introduction of 17 German Equity Options

Annex B


20 Feb 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of a new SSF and a new SSDF on GlaxoSmithKline PLC due to Corporate Actions

Annex A, D


13 Feb 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures, Single Stock Dividend Futures, Index Dividend Futures: Delisting of 24 SSFs, twelve SSDFs and of the Index Dividend Futures (Front Year) Contract on the EURO STOXX® 50

Annex A, C, D


10 Feb 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Options: Introduction of 17 German Equity Options

Annex B


09 Feb 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Commodity Index Derivatives: Modification of Incentive Scheme, Adjustment of Contract Months and New Technical Set-Up of the Option on the Dow Jones-UBS Index

Section 1, 1.12.3, Section 2, 2.11.4


23 Jan 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of three SSFs on Canadian underlying Instruments / Index Futures on MSCI Russia: Close of Trading on last Trading Day in March

Annex A, C


09 Jan 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Euro-BTP Futures: Reduction of Minimum Size for Block Trades in Short and Mid Term Ero-BTP Futures; Adjustment of Price Entry Interval for OTC Trades; Freeze of Delivery Basket prior to Roll-Over Period



09 Jan 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of a new SSF and a new SSDF on UniCredit S.p.A. due to a Corporate Action

Annex A, D


02 Jan 2012

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of a new SSF on Ebro Foods due to a Corporate Action

Annex A


19 Dec 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

SSDFs: Adjustment of Contracts with Group ID IT21

1.15.8, 1.15.9 (old) deleted, 1.15.9 (formerly 1.15.10) amended


12 Dec 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of new SSFs on RWE AG, RWE AG Vz. And a SSDF on RWE AG due to a Corporate Action

Annex A, Annex D


06 Dec 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of 21 SSFs on Canadian and German Underlying Instruments

Annex A


28 Nov 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of 11 SSFs on Canadian and German Underlying Instruments

Annex A


23 Nov 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Resumption of Trading in Futures and Options on MAN SE Ordinary Shares

Annex A, B


21 Nov 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures/Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of four new SSFs on Vodafone Group PLC, A2A S.p.A., Bouygues and Inditex, Introduction of a new SSDF on Vodafone Group PLC due to Corporate Actions

Annex A, D


28 Oct 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Options: Introduction of 13 Equity Options European Style

2.6.2, 2.6.3, 2.6.4, 2.6.12, Annex B, C


26 Oct 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of a new Single Stock Future on Evraz Group S. A.

Annex A


04 Oct 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Handling of Corporate Actions. Equity Options/Single Stock Futures/Single Stock Dividend Futures: A. De-Listing of four Equity Options, 49 SSFs and one SSDF. B. Introduction of new SSDFs on Inditex and Volkswagen Vz. due to Inclusion in the EURO STOXX 50® Index

1.6.7, 1.15.8,, Annex A, B, D


03 Oct 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of a new SSF on Ebro Foods due to Corporate Actions

Annex A


26 Sep 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of a new SSF on Abengoa SA. Equity Options: Introduction of 18 Equity Options on European Underlying Instruments from the STOXX® Europe 600 Index

Annex A, B


19 Sep 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Mid-Term Euro-BTP Futures: Introduction of Futures Contracts on Mid-Term Italian Government Bonds

1.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.5, Annex C


05 Sep 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

MSCI Russia Index: 1. Introduction of Futures and Options (FMRU, OMRU), 2. Delisting of Futures and Options (FMXR, OMXR)

1.3.1, 1.3.4, 1.3.5, 2.4.1, 2.4.4, 2.4.5, 2.4.9, Annex C


01 Sep 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Euro Fixed Income Options: Change of Last Trading Day



29 Aug 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of a new SSF on Shares of CTNG

Annex A


29 Jul 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Commodities: Introduction of Futures and Options on Exchange Traded Commodities (ETCs) issued by ETF Securities

1.18 new, 2.12 new


18 Jul 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Options: Introduction of six Equity Options on Russian Depository Receipts, 2.6.12, Annex A, B


12 Jul 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures and Single Stock Dividend Futures: 1. Introduction of new SSFs and SSDFs on Carrefour due to Corporate Action; 2. Introduction of new SSF on SMA Solar Technology AG

Annex A, D


04 Jul 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Delition of Listing Millicom International Celluar S.A.; Introduction of SSF of Ebro Foods S.A.; Introduction of 3 new Canadian SSF

Annex A


27 Jun 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Withdrawal of Admission of 53 Single Stock Futures, 5 Single Stock Dividend Futures and 1 Equity Option; Single Stock Futures: Introduction of 19 SSFs on Polish Underlying Instruments; Commodity Index Derivatives: Introduction of Options on the Dow Jones-UBS Commodity IndexSM, Adjustment of Settlement of Futures on Dow Jones-UBS Commodity Indexes

1.12.1, 1.12.4, 2.11. new, Annex A, B, C, D


20 Jun 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of a new SSFon Zardoya Otis SA due to a Corporate Action and of five new SSFs on Partners Grp Holding AG, Basler Kantonalbank, Xilinx Inc., Air Berlin PLC and Jerónimo Martins

Annex A


13 Jun 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of SSF on Kaba Holding AG, Introduction of SSFs on Axel Springer AG und UBI Banca due to Corporate Actions

Annex A


06 Jun 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new SSFs on Atlantia SpA, Portugal Telecom SGPS SA and Klöckner & Co SE due to Corporate Actions

Annex A


01 Jun 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new SSFs on shares of AB Volvo B, TNT Express NV and PostNL NV Introduction of Equity Options and Single Stock Futures on Shares of Glencore International PLC

Annex A, B


30 May 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new SSFs on Azimut Holding, Software AG and Intesa Sanpaolo as well as introduction of a new SSDF on Intesa Sanpaolo due to corporate actions

Annex A, D


26 May 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Options: Introduction of new Equity Options on PostNL NV and TNT Express NV, Change in Market Maker Obligations; Single Stock Futures: Introduction of a new SSF on Commersbank AG due to a Corporate Action

Annex B; Annex A


25 May 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Options on Three-Month EURIBOR Futures: Introduction of One-Year Mid-Curve Options on Three-Month EURIBOR Futures

1.1.3, 2.2.1, 2.2.5, 2.2.7, 2.2.8


23 May 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Euro STOXX 50® Options: Adjustment of Strike Price Intervals



23 May 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Schweizerische Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG: Further Information on the Change of Company Structure

Annex A, B, D


16 May 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of a new SSF on Kühne + Nagel International AG due to a Corporate Action

Annex A


10 May 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of a new SSF on Skanska AB due to Corporate Actions

Annex A


09 May 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of two Austrian SSFs; Introduction of new SSFs on Antofagasta PLC and Citigroup Inc due to Corporate Actions

Annex A


27 Apr 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Options: Introduction of eight German Equity Options

Annex B


26 Apr 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Derivatives: Introduction of eleven Equity Options on Irish Stocks and Introduction of a new Single Stock Future

2.6.2, 2.6.7, Annex B, C


20 Apr 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of a new Single Stock Future

Annex A


18 Apr 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of eleven SSFs on Depositary Receipts of Russian Underlying Instruments

Annex A


04 Apr 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new Single Stock Futures (AZUH, PORK)

Annex A


01 Apr 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of 72 SSFs due to Harmonisation for Contract Sizes (Part 4). Amendment of the Group ID for Options on Shares of Weatherford International PLC

Annex A, B


30 Mar 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of a new Single Stock Futures auf LDK Solar Co. Ltd.

Annex A


28 Mar 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Admission Withdrawal of three Equity Options, 23 Single Stock Futures, 14 Single Stock Dividend Futures and of Broadbased and Size Index Futures and Options

1.3, 1.3.4, 1.3.5, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3, 1.2.4. Annex C


25 Mar 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of 72 SSFs due to Harmonisation for Contract Sizes (Part 3)

Annex A


21 Mar 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Options: Introduction of new Equity Options on Michelin, Lagardère, Aperam and further selected Equities of France and the Netherlands. Single Stock Futures: Introduction of a new SSF on SGS SA due to Corporate Actions

Annex A, B


18 Mar 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of 72 SSFs due to Harmonisation for Contract Sizes (Part 2)

Annex A


11 Mar 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures: Introduction of 72 SSFs due to Harmonisation for Contract Sizes (Part 1)

Annex A


10 Mar 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Options: Change of Contract Sizes in individual Instruments (Part 3)

Annex B


07 Mar 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Stock Futures: Adjustment of Minimum Price Change to 0.0001 per Default and Change of Settlement Price Display to four Decimal Places (Part 3)

Annex A


04 Mar 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing of 4 new SSFs

Annex A


03 Mar 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Options: Change of Contract Sizes in individual Instruments (Part 2)

Annex B


28 Feb 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Stock Futures: Adjustment of Minimum Price Change to 0.0001 per Default and Change of Settlement Price Display to four Decimal Places (Part 2)

Annex A


24 Feb 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Options: Change of Contract Sizes in individual Instruments, Single Stock Dividend Futures: Introduction of British Single Stock Dividend Futures

Annex B, C


21 Feb 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing of 1 SSF with the ID DLGF; Equity Options: Introduction of eleven Equity Options European Style; Stock Futures: Adjustment of Minimum Price Change to 0.0001 per Default and Change of Settlement Price Display to four Decimal Places (Part 1)

2.6.2, 2.6.3, 2.6.5, 2.6.6, 2.6.12, Annex A, B


14 Feb 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Options: Extension of Maturities for German Equity Options consistently to 60 Months and for Russian Equity Options consistently to 24 Months

Annex B


07 Feb 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of 2 new Single Stock Futures

Annex A


31 Jan 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Admission Withdrawal of three Equity Options, 23 Single Stock Futures, 14 Single Stock Dividend Futures and of Broadbased and Size Index Futures and Options

Annex A, B, D


24 Jan 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

ETF Options: Introduction of three more Options on Source ETFs; Equity Options: Introduction of four Weekly Equity Options; Introduction of 1 new Single Stock Futures

2.5, 2.5.1, 2.5.2, 2.5.3; 2.6.2, 2.6.3, 6.4, 2.6.5, 2.6.6, 2.6.12,
Annex B, C; Annex A


17 Jan 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of 2 new Stock Options

Annex B


12 Jan 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of 2 new Single Stock Futures (CRTG, FIAG)

Annex A


03 Jan 2011

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of 1 new Single Stock Futures

Annex A


30 Nov 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Swiss Single Stock Dividend Futures

Annex C, D


29 Nov 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

New Options on SSFs of Kabel Deutschland Holding AG und Weatherford International Ltd.

Annex B


25 Nov 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Canadian SSFs in USD

Annex A, B, C


10 Nov 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

New SSF and SSDF

Annex A, D


03 Nov 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing of futures on shares of Pirelli & C. S. p.A.

Annex A


01 Nov 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing of options on shares of Meyer Burger Technology AG; Minimum price change: Union Pacific Corp.

Annex A


18 Oct 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Futures on Shares of Unibail-Rodamco SIIC (UBLG); Introduction of Short Term Euro-BTP Futures

Annex A; 1.2, 1.2.1., 1.2.2., 1.2.5., Annex C


11 Oct 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Annex A; 1.2, 1.2.1., 1.2.2., 1.2.5., Annex C

1.3, 2.4, Annex C


04 Oct 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Futures and Options on Sensex

1.3, 2.4, Annex C


01 Oct 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Multiple Clearing Relationships for Xetra and Xetra International Market; Adjustments to Product Parameters and Transaction Fees in SSDFs; Listing / Termination of Futures on Shares; Introduction of Additional Expirations for Mini Future on VSTOXX®

1.5.3, Annex B, Annex D


28 Sep 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Futures and Options on Xetra-Gold

1.17 new; 2.10 new, Annex C


27 Sep 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Amendment of minimal price change of Futures on Stocks of FUCHS PETROLUB AG and Amendment of Product-ID of Futures on Stocks of Deutsche Bank AG

Annex A


20 Sep 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Options on Lyxor ETFs / Introduction of a new SSF on Ryanair Holdings PLC

1.4.1, 2.5.1, 2.5.11 / Annex A


13 Sep 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of SSFs on Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc. und Inc.

Annex A


30 Aug 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Daily Futures on KOSPI 200-Options / Amendment of Product ID (Mobistar S.A.)

1.16 (new), Annex C / Annex A


18 Aug 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of a new SSF on Kellogg Co.

Annex A


02 Aug 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Amendments of the OTC Trading times for Options contracts, Minimal Price amendments at L'Oréal S. A., Introduction of one new SSF for Pirelli & C

Annex A, C


28 Jul 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Broadbased Size Index Futures

1.3.1, 1.3.4, 1.3.5, 2.4.1, 2.4.4, 2.4.5, 2.4.6, 2.4.9, Annex C


26 Jul 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Amendment Contract size of options on Pirelli & C.

Annex B


16 Jul 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Delisting von Single Stock Futures

Annex A, B


12 Jul 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of SSFs: ACRH, NHYG, VACH

Annex A


05 Jul 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Extension of trading time

Annex C


28 Jun 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of additional Commodity Index Futures based on DJ UBS Indices

1.12.1, 1.12.5


14 Jun 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of SSFs: RFXG, BGPG, RIMF, UTDG

Annex A


07 Jun 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of SSFs: ABEI AIRI AOPG due to Corporate Actions

Annex A


01 Jun 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of ETF Options (Amendment)

Subpart 2.5


31 May 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Agricultural Derivatives: Extension of Eurex Product Range by Futures on Dairy Products

Section 1.14, Annex C


25 May 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Options on EURO STOXX 50® Index Dividend Futures as well as introduction of new SSF

2.9 (new), Annex C


18 May 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new SSF

Annex A


17 May 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of ETF Options

Subpart 2.5


10 May 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Delisting of Contracts / Minimum Price Adjustment / Listing of Contracts / Minimum Price Adjustment

Annex A, B


20 Apr 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Options-Contracts on Transocean

Annex B


19 Apr 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Future-Contracts on certificates representing shares (ADR) of Brasilian enterprises

Annex A, C


14 Apr 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new SSFs and minimal Price change in Wynn Resorts Ltd

Annex A


31 Mar 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new SSFs due to a Corporate Action in VW-Shares

Annex A


29 Mar 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Amendment of Index name

1.3.1, 1.3.4, 1.3.5, 1.4, 1.9.1, 1.9.2, 1.9.3, 1.9.4, 1.9.5, 1.12.1, 1.12.5, 2.4.1, 2.4.5, 2.4.6, 2.4.9, 2.5.1, Annex C


22 Mar 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

1) Introduction of Volatility Options and a Market Maker Scheme for Volatility Options. 2) RDXxt® USD - RDX Extended Index: Delisting of Futures Contracts. 3) Admiral Group PLC: Introduction of one new SSF due to a Corporate Action

1.3, 2.8 (new), Annex A, C


15 Mar 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Amendments of minimal price change of Futures on Stocks of Axel Springer AG, Listing of two and Delisting of one UK Options on shares as well as amendments of currency unit

Annex A, B


08 Mar 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Admission of SSFs

Annex A


01 Mar 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Futures Contracts on the Dividends of Shares

1.15.9, Annex D


16 Feb 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Amendments for harmonization of the rules and regulations of Eurex

1.1.5, 1.2.6, 1.3.6, 1.4.6, 1.5.6, 1.6.6, 1.7.7, 1.8.6, 1.9.6, 1.10.6, 1.11.6, 1.12.6, 1.13.7, 1.14.6, 1.15.6, 2.4.12, 2.5.12, 2.6.13, 2.7.12,


15 Feb 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Delisting of Futures and Options on shares Listing of Futures and Options on shares Introduction Futures contracts on shares with physical delivery and relevant cash market in Madrid

1.6, Annex A, B, C


08 Feb 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Delisting of Futures and Optionen on shares

Annex A, B


01 Feb 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Weekly Options for Options contracts and minimal price adjustment

2.4.4, 2.4.6, Annex A


25 Jan 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Single Stock Futures on EVN. Introduction of Options on Suez Environment

Annex A, B


18 Jan 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Options contracts on product group GB11

2.6.2, 2.6.3, 2.6.7, 2.6.11, Annex A, B, C


14 Jan 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

French and Belgian Stock options: New Basis price intervals

2.6.7, 2.6.8


12 Jan 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

French and Belgian Stock options: New Basis price intervals

2.6.7, 2.6.8


11 Jan 2010

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Futures of Dividends on Shares

new 1.15, Annex C, new Annex D


22 Dec 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Admission of SSFs

Annex A


17 Dec 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Delisting of SSFs

Annex A


07 Dec 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of two new SSFs

Annex A


30 Nov 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Admission of SSFs

Annex A


23 Nov 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Admission of SSFs

Annex A


20 Nov 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Minimum price change

Annex A


09 Nov 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Admission of SSF

Annex A


02 Nov 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Change of group ID with Options

Annex B


27 Oct 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Price amendment

Annex A


26 Oct 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of MSCI Japan, Price amendment

1.3.1, 1.3.4, 1.3.5, Annex A, C


19 Oct 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of SSF because of corporate actions; Introduction and Delisting of Stock Options and Stock-Futures on european values of the DJ STOXXÒ 600 Index

Annex A, B


12 Oct 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of one SSF

Annex A


05 Oct 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new SSF on Mediobanca SpA

Annex A


01 Oct 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new SSF and Options

Annex A, B


24 Sep 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of one SSF

Annex A


21 Sep 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of two SSF

Annex A


16 Sep 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of one SSF and a new Product ID

Annex A, C


14 Sep 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Euro-BTP Futures: Introduction of Futures Contracts on long-term Italian Government Bonds

1.2. Annex C


12 Sep 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Equity Options: Introduction of an Equity Option on Shares of Burberry Group PLC


04 Sep 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new SSF

Annex A


24 Aug 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Change of Name and Product-ID of Premiere AG

Annex A, B


12 Aug 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Express Scripts Inc./Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corp.: Reduction of Minimum Price Change

Annex A


10 Aug 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

PPR S.A.: Reduction of Minimum Price Change

Annex A


03 Aug 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of one SSF

Annex A


27 Jul 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Infineon AG: Introduction of one new SSF due to a Corporate Action; TecDAX Futures: Reduction of Tick Size

1.3, Annex A


20 Jul 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Argrar Index-Futures: Introduction of New Asset Classe at Eurex: Introduction of two new SSF

1.14 (new), Annex A, Annex C


13 Jul 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction and Delisting of SSFs

Annex A, B


06 Jul 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Friends Provident Group PLC and UBI Banca: Introduction of two new SSFs due to Corporate Actions

Annex A


01 Jul 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Volatility Index Derivatives: Delisting of three Futures on Volatility

1.5, Annex C


29 Jun 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Hurricane-Futures: Introduction of New Asset Classe at Eurex

1.13 (new), Annex C


22 Jun 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction New Index Dividends 5 new Single Stock Futures contracts minimal price change of Futures contracts of EOG Resources Inc.

1.9.1, 1.9.2, 1.9.3, 1.9.4, 1.9.5, Annex C
Annex A, Annex B
Annex A


15 Jun 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction Silver Derivatives

1.9.3, Annex A, Annex C


05 Jun 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction SSF on three Austrian stocks

Annex A


02 Jun 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction new Volatility products

1.5.1, 1.5.4, 1.5.5, Annex C


01 Jun 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Minimal price change of Futures contracts of the Inc. Stocks (product ID: AMZF) and Kühne & Nagel Internat. AG (product ID: KNIG); new Futures contracts of Casino, Guichard-Perrachon S.A. and Perkins PLC; change of name product ID: ODDF; new options contracts on stocks

Annex A, Annex B


25 May 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Change of Expiration Date



18 May 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of two new SSFs (CR5G, ABEH) and one option as a result of corporate actions Stock options: Introduction of options on European underlyings mainly from Dow Jones STOXX® 600 Index - Block III

Annex A, Annex B


11 May 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new options on shares of VW AG (VO3)

Annex B


06 May 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction new SSF on BEIG and GZFG

Annex A


04 May 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Dow Jones EURO STOXX 50® Index Dividend Futures: Additional Maturities and Trading Hours Extension. Equity Options: Introduction of Equity Options on European Underlying. Instruments mainly from the Dow Jones STOXX 600 Index- Block III. Name change of SWX Stock Exchange into SIX Swiss Exchange AG. Change of OTC trading hours with gold options

1.3 to 1.6, 1.9, 2.5, 2.6, Annex A, B, C


30 Apr 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction SSF on three Austrian stocks

Annex A


27 Apr 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction SSF on stocks of Pernod-Ricard S.A. (PERH)

Annex A


20 Apr 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

17 new stock options within project small and midcap options

Annex B


13 Apr 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction DJ Stoxx 600 Index (III)

Annex B


06 Apr 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction DJ Stoxx 600 Index (II) Introduction of a new SSF on Mapfre S.A. / Unipol Gruppo Finanziario S.p.A. (UNFF): Name Extension

Annex A, Annex B


30 Mar 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction Commodity Futures and Introduction 70 new SSF (V.)

1.12, Annex A, Annex C


26 Mar 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of 2 new SSF (HSBG and SGSH)

Annex A


23 Mar 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction 70 new SSF (IV.) as well as Introduction of DJ Stoxx 600 Index

2.6.2, 2.6.3, 2.6.5, 2.6.6, 2.6.7, 2.6.8, 2.6.10, 2.6.12, Annex B, Annex C


16 Mar 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction 70 new SSF (III.) as well as Land Securities Group PLC

Annex A


09 Mar 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction new SSF

Annex A


02 Mar 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction new SSF on US shares and St. Gobain

Annex A


20 Feb 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

SCOH: Adjustment to Decimal Places

Annex A


09 Feb 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction Property Index Futures

1.11 (new), Annex C


04 Feb 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Deletion of various Futures and Options

Annex A, B


02 Feb 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new Options Contracts, new SSF, Russian Derivatives and Gold Derivatives

1.10 (new), 2.7 (new), Annex A, B, C


26 Jan 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of SSF on Gerresheimer AG

Annex A


23 Jan 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of SSF on News Corp.

Annex A


15 Jan 2009

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Futures on Shares of Bertrandt AG

Annex A


22 Dec 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction Dutch Strikes

2.6.7, 2.6.8


03 Dec 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Adjustment of the trading hours for SMIM-Index Future contracts

Annex C


01 Dec 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Adjustment of the trading hours for Index Future contracts on russian stock options

1.3.4, 1.3.5, Annex C


19 Nov 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction various SSF

Annex A


17 Nov 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction Futures on Stocks of Banco Santander S.A.

Annex A


10 Nov 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Adjustment rules and introduction "Dividend Play"

2.1.5 (3),


29 Oct 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Minimal price change of Futures contracts of the Volkswagen Stocks (product ID: VOWF)

Annex A


28 Oct 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing and Delisting of SSF

Annex A, B


16 Oct 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Extension of Decimals for Price Data Feeds of Selected Underlyings and SSF

Annex A


06 Oct 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

New Expiration Cycle for Index Options



22 Sep 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Futures on Dow Jones Global Sector Titans Indices; Futures and Options on Dow Jones EURO STOXX®; Dow Jones STOXX® 600 Real Estate Indices; Dow Jones Global Titans 50 Future in USD; Extension of Maturity Ranges on Options of DAX and SMI components

1.3.1, 2.4.1, Annex B


18 Aug 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Futures on Dow Jones Global Sector Titans Indices; Futures & Options on Dow Jones EURO STOXX® and Dow Jones STOXX® 600 Real Estate Indices; DJ Global Titans 50 Future in USD



04 Aug 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new Single Stock Futures and change of name

Annex A


01 Aug 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Property Derivatives: Introduction of Futures on three IPD® UK Annual Sector Indices (All Retail, All Office, All Industrial); Introduction of a new SSF on Abertis Infraestructureas S. A. due to Corporate Actions; Change of Start of Pre-Trading Phase and Adjustment of Clearing Conditions for Futures on IPD Property Indices; Introduction of a new SSF and a nex Equity Option on Asian Bamboo AG

1.11.1, Annex C, Annex A, B


28 Jul 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new Single Stock Futures

Annex A


24 Jul 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new Single Stock Futures

Annex A


21 Jul 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new Single Stock Futures

Annex A


15 Jul 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new Single Stock Futures

Annex A


11 Jul 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

De-Listing of Futures on Shares

Annex A


07 Jul 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing of Single Stock Futures (AOMG)

Annex A


30 Jun 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Dow Jones EURO STOXX 50 Index Dividend Futures

1.9 (new)


27 Jun 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing of Futures on Shares (BASF, HBOS)

Annex A


23 Jun 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing of Futures on Shares (Axel Springer AG/various)

Annex A


16 Jun 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Amendment to Contract Specifications for Options Contracts on Money Market Futures Contracts on Eurex Deutschland and Eurex Zürich

2.2.5, 2.2.7, 2.2.8


06 Jun 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing of Futues on shares of Berlin-Hannoverschen Hypothekenbank AG (BHHF), Fielmann AG (FIEF) and Cadbury PLC (C3BF)

Annex A


30 May 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Change of tick size (LUKF); De-Listing of Futures on Shares of UESF

Annex A


26 May 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of 3 new S-DAX-Stocks

Annex A


19 May 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of additional options on Spanish, French, Dutch and Belgian shares

Annex B, C


08 May 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Futures Contracts on stocks of Hugo Boss AG

Annex A


07 May 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Amendment of the rule of the last trading day for Futures and Options contracts relating group ID "IT01" and "IT11" ("Italian Contracts")

1.6.4, 2.6.5


05 May 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing of Futures on Flughafen Wien AG and Österreichische Post

Annex A


25 Apr 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing of Futures on Swisscom (SCMH)

Annex A


21 Apr 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing and Delisting, Futures and Options, Weekly Options

Annex A, B; 2.4.5


14 Apr 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction DivDAX®; Listing Sulzer AG - N

Annex A, B


04 Apr 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Enhancement of decimal places, part VIII

Annex A


03 Apr 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Enhancement of decimal places, part VII

Annex A


02 Apr 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Enhancement of decimal places, part VI

Annex A


01 Apr 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Enhancement of decimal places part V; Amendment contract size of six futures; Amendment of Product ID (Sonova and Oerlikon)

Annex A, Annex B


31 Mar 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Enhancement of decimal places, part IV

Annex A


28 Mar 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Enhancement of decimal places, part III

Annex A


27 Mar 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Enhancement of decimal places, part II

Annex A


26 Mar 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing of Single Stock Futures; Amendment of the Product ID of Daimler AG; Enhancement of decimal places, part I

Annex A


25 Mar 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction MidCap Stock Options

Annex B


10 Mar 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction SSF on components of MDAX and TecDAX

Annex A


03 Mar 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction SSF on components of MDAX and TecDAX

Annex A


01 Mar 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction SSF on shares of Arcandor, Daimler and freenet

Annex A


29 Feb 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing of Single Stock Futures on KONE and Umicore

Annex A


21 Feb 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing of Single Stock Futures as well as new contract size of Options on JSC MMC Norilsk Nickel (NNIA)

Annex A, B


11 Feb 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of US Single Stock Futures

1.6, 2.6, Annex A, B, C


04 Feb 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing of Single Stock Futures on Software AG

Annex A


28 Jan 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing of Single Stock Futures

Annex A


21 Jan 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Inflation Futures

1.8 (new)


07 Jan 2008

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing of Single Stock Futures and Options

Annex A


17 Dec 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing of Single Stock Futures and Options

Annex A, B


10 Dec 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing and Delisting of Single Stock Futures on Stocks

Annex A, B


30 Nov 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Amendment to trading hours for Futures on EUR EXTFs

Annex C


26 Nov 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Futures contracts on shares of MAN Group PLC

Annex A


08 Nov 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Futures contracts on shares of Nobel Biocare Holding AG

Annex A


06 Nov 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Futures contracts on shares of Cintra Concesiones de Infrastructuras de Transporte S.A.

Annex A


29 Oct 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new Single Stock Futures on Dow Jones STOXX 600 components

Annex A, C


22 Oct 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Delisting of ABM Amro, Capitalia, Deutsche Börse, Henkel, Banco Pololare Scarl, Endesa, Getronics; Introduction of Futures and Options on SLI Swiss Leader Index; Renaming of DAX EX Futures and Optionen in iShares DAX (DE) Futures and Optionen; Delisting EuroStoxx 50 EX Futures and Optionen

Annex A, Annex B; 1.3.1, 1.3.4, 2.4.1, 2.4.5, 2.4.6, 2.4.9, Annex C


15 Oct 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing of SSF on shares of Iberdrola (IBEG)

Annex A


08 Oct 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing of New Single Stock Futures on Shares

Annex A


02 Oct 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing of SSF on shares of ASML Holding N.V. (ASMG)

Annex A


01 Oct 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing of SSF on shares of Fortis (FO4G)

Annex A


21 Sep 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing of SSF on shares of Compagnie Financière Richemont (CFRH)

Annex A


10 Sep 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing of options contracts (LEPOs) on shares of Austrian companies

Annex B, C


06 Sep 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Admission Futures Contracts on Shares of Klépierre (LIFG)

Annex A


03 Sep 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Admission Futures Contracts on Shares of Ahold (AHOG)

Annex A


27 Aug 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Delisting of Futures und Optionen on Dow Jones Italy Titans

1.3, 2.4, Annex C


06 Aug 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Delisting of Futures on shares of Merck Serono

Annex A


01 Aug 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of New Index Futures

Annex A


23 Jul 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of New Index Futures

1.3.1, 1.3.5, 2.4.1, 2.4.5, 2.4.6, 2.4.9, Annex B, Annex C


16 Jul 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing of new Futures Contracts: Xstrata (XTAF), freenet (FNTF)

Annex A


02 Jul 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

New Futures

Annex A


18 Jun 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Determination Reference Markets for Underlyings

2.6.1, Annex A, B, C


08 Jun 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Euro-Bobl Futures and Options on Euro-Bobl Futures: Reduction of Tick Size

1.2.5, 2.3


07 Jun 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing of Futures on shares of Endesa

Annex A


06 Jun 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

New Contract Size of Options on Actelion

Annex B


29 May 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing of Futures Contracts: MAN (MANG), Banco de Sabadell (BDSG), Vinci (SQUG) / Delisting Futures Contracts: Inmobiliaria Colonial (COFF)

Annex A


21 May 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing of Futures on shares of Hanson (HNSF), Lonmin (LMIF), and MAN Group (EMGF)

Annex A


08 May 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

New Contract Size of Options on Geberit

Annex B


04 May 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Listing of Futures on shares of Altana

Annex A


23 Apr 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Russian Underlying Instrument: Introduction of Futures Contracts

1.3.1, 1.3.4, 1.3.5, 1.6.1, 2.6, 2.6.11, Annex A, Annex B, 1.6.7, 2.6.10


27 Mar 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Credit Futures

Part 1, 1.7 (new)


26 Mar 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications


Annex A


23 Mar 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Delisting of Futures on shares of Elisa (EIAF) Listing of Futures on shares of Elisa (EIAG)

Annex A, Annex B


19 Mar 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Delisting of Futures contracts on stocks of Endesa, Listing of 6 German Preference or Common Shares

Annex A, Annex B


09 Mar 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Delisting of Futures Kontrakten (Agfa, Banca Lombarda, Gecina, Metrovacesa, Serono, Euronext, HypoVereinsbank)

Annex A


27 Feb 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Delisting of Futures contracts on stocks of Rynair

Annex A


26 Feb 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A staggered closing in relation to options contracts

Annex C


23 Feb 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

A staggered closing in relation to options contracts

Annex C


31 Jan 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Delisting AGF (AGEF)

Annex A


22 Jan 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Delisting and Re-listing of Eurex Stock Futures due to Corporate Actions

Annex A, B


02 Jan 2007

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Delisting ProSieben Sat1 Media

Annex A


21 Dec 2006

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Amendment to Product ID's

Annex A


04 Dec 2006

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Amendment to Product ID's

Annex A


20 Nov 2006

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Trade Suspension of XL SSF / Finnish/Swedish shares

2.6.2, 2.6.4, 2.6.7, Annex A, B, C


15 Nov 2006

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Reduction of Post-Trading Full Period

Annex C


30 Oct 2006

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Corporacion MAPFRE - Stock Split

Annex A


23 Oct 2006

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Single Stock Futures on DJ STOXX 600 (neue Aktienoptionen Mittal Steel)

1.6.1, Annex A (new), A-->B, B--> C


18 Sep 2006

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Option contracts and LEPOs on Swiss Stocks

Annex A in relation to subsection 2.6


01 Sep 2006

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

New Trading hours for Post Trading Full Period on last Trading day

Annex B


02 Aug 2006

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new Single Stock Futures



24 Jul 2006

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new MDA / SMIM - Options

2.4.1 / 2.4.4 / 2.4.5 / 2.4.6 / 2.4.9 + Annex B


19 Jul 2006

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new Single Stock Futures



12 Jul 2006

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Change Trading Hours for Index Futures Contracts + Introduction of new SSF

Annex B


05 Jul 2006

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new Single Stock Futures



28 Jun 2006

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new Single Stock Futures



21 Jun 2006

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new Single Stock Futures



14 Jun 2006

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new Single Stock Futures



07 Jun 2006

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new Single Stock Futures



01 Jun 2006

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Change Trading Hours for Index Futures Contracts

Annex B


31 May 2006

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new Single Stock Futures



24 May 2006

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new Single Stock Futures



17 May 2006

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new Single Stock Futures



10 May 2006

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new Single Stock Futures



02 May 2006

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

German Options

Annex A (Chart)


26 Apr 2006

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new futures contracts on equities



24 Apr 2006

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Futures contracts on 16 Swiss equities

1.6.1, 1.6.3


03 Apr 2006

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Option contracts with short terms for indices and option contracts on shares of two French stock corporations

2.4.4, 2.4.5, Annex A (Chart)


20 Mar 2006

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Amendment of Dutch Stock Options

Annex A (Chart)


20 Feb 2006

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Admission of Futures Contracts on shares of Hypo Real Estate



23 Jan 2006

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Amendment Product List

Annex A (Chart)


13 Jan 2006

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Amendment trading period for Dow Jones Italy Titans 30

1.3.4, 2.4.5, Annex B


19 Dec 2005

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Amendment Product List

Annex A (Chart)


05 Dec 2005

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Amendment Product List

Annex A (Chart)


21 Nov 2005

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Exercise Prices; Extension of trading period/close of trading

2.3.6, Annex B


24 Oct 2005

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Single Stock Futures



03 Oct 2005

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Deletion of footnote Product List (see 22/08/05)

Annex A (Chart)


19 Sep 2005

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of Futures Contracts on the Swiss Midcap Index / Introduction of Derivatives on DJ STOXX 600/Mid 200 / Introduction of Volatility Futures

1.3.1, 1.3.4, 1.3.5, 1.5 (new), 2.4.1, 2.4.4, 2.4.5, 2.4.9, Annex B


13 Sep 2005

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Delisting Product List (P&O Nedlloyd)

Annex A (Chart)


09 Sep 2005

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction Euro Buxl

1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.5, 1.2.6


22 Aug 2005

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Amendment Product List

Annex A (Chart)


18 Jul 2005

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Amendments / Deletions in Product List

Annex A (Chart)


01 Jul 2005

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Harmonisation of Corporate Actions

2, - 3


23 May 2005

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Amendment to price interval and introduction of new product (Fortum Oyj)

2.5.7, 2.6.7, Annex A


06 May 2005

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Editorial Amendment (Change of Name)

Annex A (Chart)


02 May 2005

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of new options on Dutch shares, change of name

2.6, Annex A (Chart)


21 Mar 2005

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of the future on the MDAX

1.3, 1.3.1 (1), 1.4, 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 1.4.3, 1.4.4 (all deleted and new), 2.2., 2.2.1 (1), 2.8 (deleted) 2.8.1, 2.8.2, 2.8.3, 2.8.4, 2.8.5, 2.8.6, 2.8.7, 2.8.8, 2.8.9, 2.8.10 (all deleted)


01 Feb 2005

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Increase of Minimum Issuance Volume

1.12.1, 1.13.1, 1.14.1


22 Nov 2004

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Amendment due to Sector Initiative

1.5.1 (1), 2.29.1 (1)


01 Nov 2004

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Amendment Lepo Contracts due to Introduction of Strategy Wizard

2.6.4 (1), 2.6.5, 2.7.4 (1), 2.7.5, 2.16.4 (1), 2.16.5, 2.20 (4), 2.20.5, 2.22.4 (1), 2.22.5, 2.24.4 (1), 2.24.5, 2.26.4 (1), 2.26.5, 2.27.4 (1), 2.27.5, 2.7.4 (1), 2.7.5


20 Sep 2004

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Re-Classification of Sectors (1), (1)


06 Sep 2004

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of an Option on Dow Jones Italy Titans

2.32 Subpart completely new (2.32.1 through 2.32.10)


19 Jul 2004

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of a Future on Dow Jones Italy Titans at the Eurex Exchanges

2.1.21 completely new ( (1), (2), (3), (1), (2), (3), (4), (1), (2), (1), (2),


21 Jun 2004

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Introduction of additional Sector Futures and Options on DJ STOXX 600 Sector Index Futures

1.5.1, 2.29.1


09 Jun 2004

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Reduction of the smallest price change regarding Euro Schatz Futures and regarding Options on a Euro Schatz Futures

1.14.3, 2.13.6, 2.13.7


24 May 2004

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Extension of the Term of Swiss Stock Options / Conversion of Expiration Cycle Code for Option Contracts on Dutch Equity Options

2.15.5, 1 -> 1 a and b (new) / 2.19.5, 1 inkl. Footnote, 2.20.4 1 inkl. Footnote


01 Apr 2004

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Cancellation of the possibility to exercise German stock options on the day of the shareholders meeting as well as to exercise German EXTF options on the day before the profits are distributed

2.1.5 (2), 2.1.9 (1), 2.7.4. (2), 2.7.8 (1), 2.25.5 (2), 2.25.9 (2 new, 2 -> 3, 3 -> 4, 4 -> 5, 5 -> 6), 2.26.4 (2), 2.26.8 (1), 2.26.8. (2 new, 2 -> 3, 3 -> 4, 4 -> 5, 5 -> 6), 2.30.5 (2), 2.30.8 (1), 2.30.8 (2 new, 2 -> 3, 3 -> 4, 4 -> 5, 5 -> 6)


16 Mar 2004

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications


1.15 (deleted)


25 Feb 2004

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Italian Stock Options - last trading day

2.21.5 (2), 2.22.4 (2)


23 Feb 2004

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

New Opportunities in European Equity Options - Introduction of 12 italian Options incl. LEPOs Implementation of "fee incentives"

2.21.1, 2.21.5 (1) + (2), 2.21.6 (1), 2.21.8, 2.22.1, 2.22.4 (2), 2.22.7


19 Jan 2004

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

French Initiative 2004; Market Update and Potential New Measures / Introduction of French Equity Options

2.23.5 (1), 2.23.6 (1)


24 Nov 2003

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Maturity period extension from 8 to 10 years on Options Contracts on the Dow Jones Euro STOXX 50 Index

2.10.5 (1)


01 Nov 2003

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Shortening of Trading Hours on XETRA

2.1.6 (3), 2.1.7 (2) (3), 2.23.7 (2) (3)


18 Aug 2003

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Adjustment of the trading hours for Options and Futures on the SMI® to the trading hours on the cash market; maturity period extension on Options on the SMI®; reduction of maximum spreads and modification of the mistrade range for Options on the SMI® Index (OSMI) with maturity periods of up to 24 months

1.22.2 (2), 1.22.4 (1), 2.17.5 (1)-(2), 2.17.8 (1)-(2)


21 Jul 2003

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

Maturity period extension on German and Swiss Stock Options

2.1.5, 2.15.5


19 May 2003

Rules and Regulations | Contract Specifications

1. Introduction of additional Dow Jones EURO STOXX Sector Index Futures and Sector Index Options on the sectors Basic Resources, Chemicals, Construction, Cyclical Goods and Services, Food and Beverage, Industrial Goods and Services, Non-Cyclical Goods and Services, Retail; 2. Introduction of Dow Jones STOXX 600 Sector Index Futures and Sector Index Options on the sectors Insurance and Utilities

1.5.1 (1), 1.6.1 (1), 2.28.1 (1), 2.29.1 (1)


Market Status


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Please find further information about incident handling in the Emergency Playbook published on the Eurex webpage under Support --> Emergencies and safeguards. Detailed information about incident communication, market re-opening procedures and best practices for order and trade reconciliation can be found in the chapters 4.2, 4.3 and 4.5, respectively. Concrete information for the respective incident will be published during the incident via newsboard message. 

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