24 Mar 2025


Product Price
FMAC 457.608
FMAE 397.470
FMAP 356.070
FMAS 635.750
FMAU 5442.242
FMAW 841.993
FMBE 162.209
FMBZ 521.717
FMCH 598.841
FMCL 335.482
FMCO 3141.722
FMCZ 1710.679
FMDK 9372.272
FMDM 50574.990
FMEA 714.889
FMED 10358.766
FMEE 334.208
FMEF 1131.379
FMEG 342.812
FMEL 543.806
FMEM 606.332
FMEN 526.649
FMEP 184.190
FMES 581.615
FMEU 365.725
FMEV 363.347
FMEY 570.807
FMFA 8910.949
FMFE 1549.160
FMFI 258.557
FMFJ 2501.190
FMFO 2597.560
FMFP 2484.978
FMFR 392.321
FMFU 4596.470
FMFW 3420.570
FMGA 27000.740
FMGC 12780.810
FMGD 2884.120
FMGE 6296.110
FMGM 4718.120
FMGO 5423.090
FMGQ 4888.500
FMGS 25901.620
FMGT 6733.784
FMGV 1829.534
FMGY 364.351
FMHK 60174.070
FMHU 775.698
FMIB 2221.302
FMID 1319.909
FMIN 1201.431
FMIS 209.813
FMIT 217.516
FMJP 9102.284
FMJY 3767.081
FMKN 13503.909
FMKW 1758.383
FMMC 296.036
FMMD 735.839
FMMF 639.930
FMMG 548.469
FMMH 496.408
FMMI 376.204
FMML 1149.537
FMMQ 456.908
FMMR 711.622
FMMS 627.586
FMMT 567.048
FMMU 328.714
FMMV 657.659
FMMX 637.252
FMMY 370.269
FMMZ 707.840
FMNA 17019.005
FMNL 449.857
FMNW 11815.568
FMNZ 532.582
FMOG 11261.750
FMOV 14415.400
FMPA 8767.693
FMPE 3501.430
FMPH 423.806
FMPL 268.820
FMPX 8017.698
FMQA 1676.520
FMRE 3648.020
FMRM 1953.370
FMRQ 6299.070
FMRW 4370.140
FMSA 1770.570
FMSB 3260.008
FMSC 695.653
FMSD 36438.690
FMSF 2638.990
FMSI 18224.440
FMSJ 2639.340
FMSM 1732.610
FMSO 3404.800
FMSP 343.209
FMSR 3169.680
FMSS 2188.609
FMST 4175.550
FMSU 5362.590
FMSW 4112.820
FMSZ 20427.570
FMTA 2232.040
FMTE 1649.450
FMTH 1022.393
FMTL 992.150
FMTM 1994.820
FMTW 778.389
FMUA 910.808
FMUE 8008.546
FMUK 17442.222
FMUM 5037.323
FMUQ 5802.205
FMUS 16205.720
FMUV 5225.495
FMVN 584.880
FMWB 21782.450
FMWC 246.657
FMWD 590.755
FMWF 361.010
FMWH 547.052
FMWI 645.507
FMWL 881.481
FMWM 2603.698
FMWN 554.439
FMWO 11704.420
FMWP 3689.854
FMWQ 374.034
FMWR 511.540
FMWS 489.715
FMWT 588.561
FMWZ 1295.700
FMXA 11849.030
FMXG 387.707
FMXH 7162.070
FMXJ 606.176
FMXT 1348.380
FMXU 331.474
FMXX 9002.159
FMZA 637.336
FTAW 5812.43

Market Status


29 March 2025

6:30:11 AM

Production newsboard

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