21 Jun 2024


Product Price
A2BN 0.89
A2CF 0.24
A2CR 1.18
A2DS 0.7
A2DE 2.5
A2DY 0
A2EN 0.16
A2GS 1.75
A2LV 13.8
A2NA 7.66
A2NZ 2.5
A2IT 0.44
A2SG 1.28
A2SM 3.2
A2SR 1.81
A2SI 2.75
A2XI 0
A2XA 1.98
A3BB 0.87
A3HO 0.61
A3KU 1.54
A3NN 0.9
A5OM 0
A8IR 2.9091
B2AE 2.6
B2AS 3.4
B2EI 1
B2MW 6
B2NP 4.6
B2OS 1.35
B2SN 2.1
B2RG 2.1
B2X7 0.7
B2YG 1.9
B3BV 0.39
B3AY 0.11
C2AJ 0
C2EC 0
C2GM 3.4
C2OV 0
C2RT 0.3919
C2SF 2.6
C3ON 2.2
C4RI 1.8029
C3AR 0.87
C5FR 0
D2AI 6.25
D2SM 2.5
D2TG 1.9
D2PW 1.85
D2SY 0.23
D2TE 0.77
D3AI 5.3
D3B1 3.8
D4BK 0.45
E2AI 2.75
E2AS 1.7889
E2BS 2.7
E2IA 1.13
E2DP 0.195
E2DS 0.5
E2KF 1.17
E2NG 0.696
E2NL 0.215
E2NR 0
E2NT 0.47
E2NU 0.1
E2SL 3.95
E3OA 0.53
F2DR 3.3
F2ME 1.19
F2NG 0
F2OT 0.58
F2RE 0
F3TE 0.42
F3IA 1.55
G2AL 0.27
G2EB 12.7
G2AN 0.4
G2IV 68
G2OB 2.1
G2LP 0
G3ZF 1.43
H2EN 1.85
H2EI 3
H2LA 9.25
H2MI 14.933
H2NK 1.04
H3OL 2.8
I2FX 0.35
I2BE 0.207
I2IL 0.46
I2TK 0.82
I3ES 0.152
I3NR 0
I4SP 0.2327
I4NN 0.756
I5XD 0.77
I6XD 0.77
J2DE 0.35
K3BC 3.1175
K6PN 0.098
K4C4 1.75
L2GG 0
L2IF 0.9
L2ON 4
L2OR 6.6
L2RC 2.09
L3HA 0.3
M2EG 0.51
M2RK 2.2
M2ON 1.15
M2TX 2
M3OH 7.5
M3CH 1.35
M2UV 15
N2DB 0.92
N2NG 2.08
N3EF 0.6
N3OV 3.39
N2ES 3
N4OA 0.07
O2CI 0.457
N6EF 0.6
N4OV 3.3
O2MV 2.8031
O2NG 0.81
P2AG 2.31
O2ZT 0
O3MV 2.8031
P2ER 0
P2HI 0.85
P2IF 0
P2MP 0.05
P2OR 2.56
P2U4 0
P2UM 0.82
P2ST 1.78
P3PX 14
P3RX 0
R2AC 2.443
R2BI 1.25
R2CF 3.85
R2EE 0.2727
R2NL 1.85
R2OG 9.6
R2PL 0.75
R3AN 2.28
R3EP 0.4
R4WE 1
S2DF 0.7
S2DZ 0.45
S2CM 22
S2EJ 2.2
S2GE 0.9
S2GS 3.2
S2HF 0.95
S2IK 3.3
S2LH 33
S2NF 0.1128
S2RA 0.9
S2OL 2.43
S2RT 0.74
S2YF 1.1
S3J7 3.1
S3ND 3.5
S3NW 3.76
S3QU 3.45
S3SD 0.095
S4IE 4.7
S4AP 2.2
S5RE 6.2155
S7MP 1.5916
T2EG 0
T2QI 0
T2KA 0.15
T3OT 2.27
T3NE 0.15
U2EI 0
U2BL 2.5
U2FG 0.3033
U2HR 6.5
U2MG 0.27
U2NC 1.36
U2NI 0.8536
U2QA 0.57
V2OE 0.045
U4BS 0.6375
V2SA 0.4
V2OS 0
V3AC 0
V3VD 1.25
V3W3 9.06
V6VU 0.25
W2OS 1.36
X2CA 1.05
Z2UR 26

Market Status


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Please find further information about incident handling in the Emergency Playbook published on the Eurex webpage under Support --> Emergencies and safeguards. Detailed information about incident communication, market re-opening procedures and best practices for order and trade reconciliation can be found in the chapters 4.2, 4.3 and 4.5, respectively. Concrete information for the respective incident will be published during the incident via newsboard message. 

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