At the end of the trading period, a product enters the post-trading period. The post-trading period is divided into different phases.
Post-trading full
Orders may be entered for the next trading day, and existing orders (meaning they have validity into the next trading day) can be changed or deleted. All data inquiry functions are also available. Position management transactions, such as option exercises, are possible until the start of the post-trading restricted phase.
Post-late 1
OTC trade entries are not possible.
Post-late 2
The post-late 2 phase applies for American-style equity options on every exchange day, for equity and equity index options with European-style as well as for interest rate options on the last trading day only. Members are able to reverse give-up transactions which is effective immediately, whereas take-up transactions cannot be accepted with start of the respective post-late 2 phase, so that in this phase, intra-day position changes within one member will no longer be possible. So members can base their exercise decision on a final long position.
Post-trading restricted
Only data inquiries are possible. Exercises are no longer accepted.
Once the batch process begins, data inquiries are no longer available. The Eurex® system is being prepared for the next trading day.